Preservation Assessment of Beloit College's Archival Collections in the Humanities
FAIN: PG-51415-11
Beloit College (Beloit, WI 53511-5595)
Lisa Viezbicke (Project Director: May 2010 to November 2012)
The first preservation assessment of the college's archive and special collections of manuscripts, books and publications, memorabilia, photographs, and audiovisual material relating to the history of the college and the surrounding region.
Beloit College seeks to engage an archival materials professional to perform a preservation assessment of the College’s Archives. Consisting of particularly important archival collections, the College Archives represent an important resource to faculty, students, and external scholars. Collections of particular interest include early 19th century Emerson family correspondence, the Horace White Collection, letters and photographs of early graduates who became missionaries to central and East Asia, a great variety of films and audio recordings, and items of Midwest regional significance and interest, including Herbert Gaytes photographs. Incorporation of the preservation recommendations will ensure the long-term usability of the collections as we strive to attain our goal of developing new and expanded opportunities for students and scholars to interact with and explore these unique collections.