
Preservation and Access: National Digital Newspaper Program

Period of Performance

9/1/2023 - 8/31/2025

Funding Totals

$322,526.00 (approved)
$322,526.00 (awarded)

Kentucky Digital Newspaper Program

FAIN: PJ-293387-23

University of Kentucky Research Foundation (Lexington, KY 40506-0004)
Kopana Terry (Project Director: January 2023 to present)
Catherine Seago (Co Project Director: August 2023 to present)
Deirdre A. Scaggs (Co Project Director: August 2023 to present)
Sarah Dorpinghaus (Co Project Director: August 2023 to present)

This project also received funding with the previous award listed below.

Previous award PJ-50007-05

The digitization of 100,000 pages of historical Kentucky newspapers with a focus on African American, emancipationist, Civil War–era, and German-language papers, which would resume the University of Kentucky Libraries’ participation in the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP).

The University of Kentucky Libraries (UKL) requests funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities to digitize 100,000 newspaper pages of historic Kentucky newspapers for inclusion in Chronicling America and the Kentucky Digital Newspaper Program (KDNP). During this 2023-2025 NDNP grant cycle, UKL will identify and digitize-from-microfilm historic Kentucky newspapers from underrepresented populations and/or counties and out-of-copyright German-language volumes from across Kentucky. The KDNP will convey 100,000 digitized newspaper pages, microfilm assets, title essays, page, issue, and title metadata, and all batch deliverables to the Library of Congress.