
Preservation and Access: Reference Materials

Period of Performance

5/1/2007 - 6/30/2010

Funding Totals

$228,436.00 (approved)
$228,436.00 (awarded)

Gothic Sculpture in America III: The Museums of New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania

FAIN: PM-50030-07

International Center of Medieval Art Inc. (New York, NY 10040-1189)
Susan Leibacher Ward (Project Director: July 2006 to September 2010)

Preparation of "Gothic Sculpture in America," volume three of a four-volume descriptive catalog of medieval sculpture in public collections in the United States.

With the completion of the 2-volume catalogue of Romanesque sculpture in American public collections (1979, 1999) and the publication of the first 2 of the projected 4 volumes of the census of Gothic sculpture in 1989 and 2001, the International Center of Medieval Art is well on its way toward one of the major goals articulated at the time of its founding 50 years ago: published catalogues of the entire inventory of European medieval sculpture in public collections in the US. This proposal seeks funding to prepare a 3rd volume of the Gothic census, which will provide detailed catalogue entries on some 400 works dating from about 1140 to ca. 1500 and now housed in museums in NJ, NY, and PA. The recruitment of new co-editors and a team of contributing authors that includes both seasoned and younger scholars promises a work that will bring up-to-date technical and art historical analyses of these works to a public both art historical and lay.