Building a Life Cycle Assessment Tool & Library of Preventive Conservation Methods
FAIN: PR-268771-20
FAIC (Washington, DC 20005-1704)
Eric Pourchot (Project Director: May 2019 to September 2022)
Lissa Rosenthal-Yoffe (Project Director: September 2022 to November 2023)
Sarah Sutton (Co Project Director: February 2020 to November 2023)
Matthew Eckelman (Co Project Director: February 2020 to November 2023)
Sarah Nunberg (Co Project Director: February 2020 to November 2023)
Development of an online Life Cycle Assessment
(LCA) tool and library for conservation and preservation professionals. When
completed, this tool and library would help cultural heritage institutions
evaluate the environmental and human health impacts of collection management
activities, including conservation treatment, storage, loans, and exhibitions.
The Foundation for Advancement
in Conservation (FAIC) will conducted Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) that will
help collection care professionals to make informed choices that protect health
and the environment while continuing to preserve and exhibit humanities
collections. 3,500 materials, products, and processes will be researched and
made available through an online Tool. Complex processes will captured in an
LCA Library to guide collections care decision-making. Research results will be
disseminated through articles, blog posts, presentations, workshops, and a
traveling exhibit . Key research support will be provided by Northeastern
University and the Pratt Institute. Principal Investigators are Matt Eckelman
(NEU), Sarah Nunberg (Pratt), Eric Pourchot (FAIC), and Sarah Sutton
(Sustainable Museums).
Associated Products
STICH (Sustainability Tools in Cultural Heritage) (Web Resource)Title: STICH (Sustainability Tools in Cultural Heritage)
Author: Sarah Nunberg
Author: Sarah Sutton
Author: Sarah Sanchez
Author: Matthew Eckelman
Author: Varnika Kundu
Abstract: One of the greatest challenges of the 21st Century is climate change. Sustainability Tools in Cultural Heritage (STiCH) is a life cycle assessment (LCA) Carbon Calculator and Library of Case Studies and Information Sheets developed to help cultural heritage professionals make educated, sustainable choices to lower the environmental impact of their work.
Year: 2021
Primary URL: STICH: Life Cycle Assessment Project Update and Sneak Peek (Public Lecture or Presentation)Title: Introducing STICH: Life Cycle Assessment Project Update and Sneak Peek
Abstract: In this recorded webinar, we share an update on the progress of the Sustainability Tools in Cultural Heritage (STiCH). The three co-directors - Sarah Nunberg, Matthew Eckelman and Sarah Sutton - along with Northeastern University PhD candidate Sarah Sanchez, present their work to date on this two-year project funded by National Endowment for the Humanities.
Topics covered during the webinar include: background of the project, placing the goals of the project within overall cultural heritage sustainable practice goals, a brief introduction of life cycle assessment, a display of a preliminary, demonstration version of the LCA Tool, and a description of case studies that will populate the Library. The presentation is followed by a question and answer/discussion session.
Author: Sarah Sutton
Author: Sarah Sanchez
Author: Sarah Nunberg
Author: Matthew Eckelman
Date: 02/11/2021
Location: Virtually via Zoom
Primary URL: URL Description: Hosted by FAIC's online learning platform. A free account is required for registration.
Sustainability Tools in Cultural Heritage: Lessons Learned for Forward Thinking (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: Sustainability Tools in Cultural Heritage: Lessons Learned for Forward Thinking
Author: Sarah Nunberg
Author: Matthew Eckelman
Abstract: Through establishing and developing Sustainability Tools in Cultural Heritage (STiCH) we have learned valuable lessons that we will share in this presentation. The 30,000 hits on the STiCH website demonstrate the appetite for guidance in effective sustainable choices. Overall, we have learned the benefit in providing specific direction towards sustainable practices that professionals can grasp and initiate. The STiCH Carbon Calculator look-up tool and Library of Case Studies provide data that guides and empowers professionals as they continue to explore and implement new, lower impact methods. In this talk we will reference the findings of the Case Studies and the guidance provided by the Carbon Calculator to illustrate our overall lessons learned.
Through our project we have learned the importance in collaboration between fields to support sustainable practices. We will discuss lessons learned in creating effective tools for sustainable practices specific to cultural heritage preservation, and how the valuable, clear link between LCA methods and preservation practices provides a route for effective collaboration. Collaboration between these two specialties has opened the central question: “at what cost are we preserving our cultural heritage?” As conservators, we know that preserving our cultural heritage for future generations is sustainable at its core, and as we explore sustainable goals we emphasize that “green” practices are not about stopping work. Instead, informed choices and sustainable thinking improves professional methods, requires creative approaches, and reduces environmental impacts. Creative thinking is the core of conservation practices and integral to our work.
As useful as LCA is, it by no means provides an easy one-stop answer. Sustainability is a multi-pronged goal and conservators will achieve this goal and use their discoveries as they work to not only preserve our heritage but our planet.
Date: 5/19/2023
Primary URL: Name: American Institute for Conservation's 51st Annual Meeting