Charles Darwin’s Library and Charles Darwin’s Evolution Papers: Complementary Digital Collections
FAIN: PW-234718-16
American Museum of Natural History (New York, NY 10024-5193)
David Kohn (Project Director: July 2015 to October 2021)
The digitization of 16,200 pages of publications containing annotations and marginalia of Charles Darwin, along with over 3,800 pages of original Darwin manuscripts, all relating to the scientist’s theoretical and experimental observations pertaining to evolution.
Digitization of 20,609 pages of books and manuscripts from the Darwin archive at Cambridge University will complete the production of digital collections of Charles Darwin's Library and Darwin's Evolution Papers, which will be disseminated online by the Darwin Manuscripts Project of the American Museum of Natural History. Through the proposed work, all the books in Darwin's personal scientific library and all Darwin's extant manuscripts devoted to the theory of evolution will become globally available.
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Darwin Manuscripts Project (Web Resource)Title: Darwin Manuscripts Project
Author: David Kohn, Editor
Abstract: The Darwin Manuscripts Project is a historical and textual edition of Charles Darwin's scientific manuscripts. Digital access to Charles Darwin's work includes over 96,000 pages of Darwin's scientific manuscripts as high-resolution digital images, nearly 10,000 of which have been transcribed and are publicly accessible. The aim of the Darwin Manuscript Project is to produce professional quality scholarly editions of Darwin's manuscripts. The project provides high-quality scanned images of Darwin's manuscripts and transcriptions indicating physical qualities of the text and instruments Darwin used to create them. The transcriptions also show the layering effect created by Darwin's revisions of his manuscripts (e.g. what he crossed out, wrote between lines, marginal notes, lettering and numbering intended to organize his manuscripts). Through these revisions the reader can reconstruct the history of a manuscript's creation by Darwin.
Year: 2005
Primary URL:
http:// URL Description: Charles Darwin's surviving scientific manuscripts—his original notes, notebooks, and drafts—contain the crucial documentary evidence for the birth and maturation of his theory of evolution by means of natural selection. The Darwin Manuscripts Project (DMP) site offers digital access to the folios that deal directly with the theory of evolution, and contains Darwin’s botany and zoology manuscripts and embraces all those on human evolution. The site focuses on the surviving record of Darwin's life work as a practicing scientist. It is intended to be accessible to all who want to trace Darwin’s intellectual development as a theorist, observer, and experimenter. The key to understanding this science-focused collection is to realize that Darwin organized his rough manuscripts into large thematic portfolios. It was from these amassed materials that he shaped his published work, which include On the Origin of Species and fifteen other books.