Associated Products
Coming Alive: Archiving the Huntington Broadside Ballads (Article)Title: Coming Alive: Archiving the Huntington Broadside Ballads
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Abstract: Introduction for a special issue of the Huntington Library Quarterly, "Living English Broadside Ballads, 1550-1750: Song, Art, Dance, Culture."
Year: 2016
Primary URL: URL Description: Huntington Library Quarterly homepage.
Secondary URL: URL Description: Huntington Library Quarterly website at the Huntington Library
Access Model: Subscription
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Huntington Library Quarterly 79.2
Publisher: University of Pennsylvania Press
Poverty (Book Section)Title: Poverty
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Editor: Patricia Parker
Abstract: Encyclopedia entry on poverty.
Year: 2016
Primary URL: URL Description: Stanford University Press's forthcoming Stanford Global Shakespeare Encyclopedia
Access Model: Digital edition; open access
Publisher: Stanford University Press
Book Title: The Stanford Global Shakespeare Encyclopedia
Vagrancy (Book Section)Title: Vagrancy
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Editor: Patricia Parker
Abstract: Encyclopedia entry on vagrancy.
Year: 2016
Primary URL: URL Description: Stanford University Press's forthcoming Stanford Global Shakespeare Encyclopedia.
Access Model: Digital edition; open access
Publisher: Stanford University Press
Book Title: The Stanford Global Shakespeare Encyclopedia
Introduction: Experiential Scholarship/Learning (Article)Title: Introduction: Experiential Scholarship/Learning
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Abstract: Published in a special edition of the Huntington Library Quarterly, "Living English Broadside Ballads, 1550-1750: Song, Art, Dance, Culture."
Year: 2016
Primary URL: Model: Subscription
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Huntington Library Quarterly 79.2
Publisher: University of Pennsylvania Press
Samuel Pepys and the Making of Ballad Publics (Book Section)Title: Samuel Pepys and the Making of Ballad Publics
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Editor: Wim van Anrooij
Editor: Dieuwke van der Poel
Editor: Louis Peter Grijp
Abstract: Singing together is a tried and true method of establishing and maintaining a group’s identity. Identity, Intertextuality, and Performance in Early Modern Song Culture for the first time explores comparatively the dynamic process of group formation through the production and appropriation of songs in various European countries and regions. Drawing on oral, handwritten and printed sources, with examples ranging from 1450 to 1850, the authors investigate intertextual patterns, borrowing of melodies, and performance practices as these manifested themselves in a broad spectrum of genres including ballads, popular songs, hymns and political songs. The volume intends to be a point of departure for further comparative studies in European song culture.
Contributors are: Ingrid Åkesson, Mary-Ann Constantine, Patricia Fumerton, Louis Peter Grijp, Éva Guillorel, Franz-Josef Holznagel, Tine de Koninck, Christopher Marsh, Hubert Meeus, Nelleke Moser, Dieuwke van der Poel, Sophie Reinders, David Robb, Clara Strijbosch, and Anne Marieke van der Wal.
Year: 2016
Primary URL: URL: Model: Digital edition; print edition
Publisher: Brill
Book Title: Identity, Intertextuality, and Performance in Early Modern Song Culture
ISBN: 9789004314979
Out of Place: Vagrancy and Settlement (Public Lecture or Presentation)Title: Out of Place: Vagrancy and Settlement
Abstract: Invited plenary speaker
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Date: 12/7/16
Location: Institute of History Research, School of Advanced Study, University of London
The Limits of the Shakespearean Stage: Rejigging The Winter's Tale" (Public Lecture or Presentation)Title: The Limits of the Shakespearean Stage: Rejigging The Winter's Tale"
Abstract: Invited keynote speaker
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Date: 4/25/17
Location: Hemingway Literary Center, Boise State University, Idaho
Politics, Prophecy, and Propaganda (Public Lecture or Presentation)Title: Politics, Prophecy, and Propaganda
Abstract: Paper presentation
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Date: 5/25/17
Location: Boise State University, Idaho
Dis- and Re- and Dis-assembled; Or, Recycling Broadside Ballads and Shakespearean Drama (Public Lecture or Presentation)Title: Dis- and Re- and Dis-assembled; Or, Recycling Broadside Ballads and Shakespearean Drama
Abstract: Invited keynote speaker
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Date: 5/20/17
Location: Vanderbilt University, Tennessee
Notating Tune with Text: Greensleeves and St. George and the Dragon (Conference/Institute/Seminar)Title: Notating Tune with Text: Greensleeves and St. George and the Dragon
Author: Erik Bell
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Abstract: Part II: Notating Tune with Text: Greensleeves and St George and the Dragon
Led by Patricia Fumerton and Erik Bell
Professor Fumerton explored questions of tune and text notations, with EBBA music specialist Erik Bell.
Patricia Fumerton is Professor of English at the University of California, Santa Barbara, director of UCSB’s English Broadside Ballad Archive,, and author of Unsettled: The Culture of Mobility and the Working Poor in Early Modern England (2006) and of Cultural Aesthetics: Renaissance Literature and the Practice of Social Ornament (1991). She has just completed another monograph, Moving Media, Tactical Publics: The English Broadside Ballad in Early Modern England.
Erik Bell completed his BA in Music (Piano Emphasis) in 2006 at the University of Oregon is currently a PhD candidate in Music Theory at UCSB, researching chord-transformational theory within 19th and early 20th-century music. The other hat he wears is Music Specialist for the English Broadside Ballad Archive, where he leads the newly funded Minstrel project of recording transcriptions and himself recording to date over 500 ballads. He has also worked as a Teaching Assistant for both the Musicianship series and Music Fundamentals at UCSB, lecturing for Music Fundamentals during Summer 2013.
Date Range: 3/31/17
Location: University of Sussex Humanities Digital Lab, Brighton, UK
Primary URL: Computer Collaboration: Arch-V Image Matching and the Human-curated Woodcut Catalog (Conference/Institute/Seminar)Title: Human Computer Collaboration: Arch-V Image Matching and the Human-curated Woodcut Catalog
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Author: Carl Stahmer
Author: Megan Palmer
Abstract: Part I: Human Computer Collaboration: Arch-V Image Matching and the Human-curated Woodcut Catalog
Led by Patricia Fumerton, Carl Stahmer, Megan Palmer
Professor Fumerton addressed questions of digital archiving and collaboration, with EBBA associates Dr Megan E.Palmer, specialist in historical woodcut impressions, and Dr Carl Stahmer, Digital Humanities historical archive specialist.
Date Range: 3/31/17
Location: University of Sussex Humanities Digital Lab, Brighton, UK
Primary URL: the Lady and the Blackamoor: Ballad Song, Image, and Publics, 1570-1789 (Public Lecture or Presentation)Title: Tracking the Lady and the Blackamoor: Ballad Song, Image, and Publics, 1570-1789
Abstract: Invited speaker for the British History in the Long Eighteenth Century Seminar Programme
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Date: 3/22/17
Location: London, UK
Digging Veritable Dunghills: Broadside Ballads and Rock and Roll (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: Digging Veritable Dunghills: Broadside Ballads and Rock and Roll
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Abstract: Invited speaker for session "Ballads Then" at the National Humanities Center, Durham, NC.
Date: 3/3/17
Conference Name: Novel Sounds II: American Fiction in the Age of Rock & Roll
Moving Media, Tactical Publics: English Broadside Ballads in England, 1550-1800 (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: Moving Media, Tactical Publics: English Broadside Ballads in England, 1550-1800
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Abstract: Plenary speaker for conference organized by the London Renaissance Seminar and the Centre for Early Modern Studies of the University of Aberdeen, Birkbeck College, London
Date: 1/21/17
Conference Name: Writing Place & Writing Motion in Early England
Collaborative Competition: UCSB's English Broadside Ballad Archive and Shakespeare's First Folio (Public Lecture or Presentation)Title: Collaborative Competition: UCSB's English Broadside Ballad Archive and Shakespeare's First Folio
Abstract: Invited speaker for panel of selected representatives of UC campuses, "How the University of California Makes Shakespeare New," for the celebration of the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's First Folio, "First Folio! The Book that Gave us Shakespeare."
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Date: 6/6/16
Location: San Diego Central Library
Digital Analytical Bibliography: Ballad Sheet Forensics, Preservation, and the Digital Archive (Article)Title: Digital Analytical Bibliography: Ballad Sheet Forensics, Preservation, and the Digital Archive
Author: Carl Stahmer
Abstract: This essay describes the application of automated image recognition techniques to the study of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century English broadside ballads. An explanation of how computer vision works is presented, followed by a discussion of the English Broadside Ballad Archive’s implementation of an image recognition system developed by the author. Topics covered include content-based search and discovery, using computer vision techniques to date publications, and automated tracking of individual pieces (sorts) of moveable type in order to map the early print industry. The essay also discusses how digital bibliography will continue to enhance scholarship of early printed materials.
Year: 2016
Primary URL: URL: Model: Subscription
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Huntington Library Quarterly 79.2
Publisher: University of Pennsylvania Press
Growing a Digital English Short Title Library: Digital Surrogacy and the ESTC21 (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: Growing a Digital English Short Title Library: Digital Surrogacy and the ESTC21
Author: Carl Stahmer
Abstract: Paper presented to the Annual Conference of the Shakespeare Association of America.
Date: 4/1/2017
Primary URL: Name: Annual Conference of the Shakespeare Association of America
Image Recognition, Machine Learning, and the Quest for a Comprehensive Catalogue of Early Printed Images (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: Image Recognition, Machine Learning, and the Quest for a Comprehensive Catalogue of Early Printed Images
Author: Carl Stahmer
Abstract: Paper presented at the Renaissance Society of America in Chicago.
Date: 3/31/17
Primary URL:
Conference Name: Renaissance Society of America
New Technologies and Renaissance Studies VI: Roundtable: Digital Research Infrastructures for Early Modern Studies (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: New Technologies and Renaissance Studies VI: Roundtable: Digital Research Infrastructures for Early Modern Studies
Author: Carl Stahmer
Abstract: Paper presented at a roundtable at the Renaissance Society of America meeting in Chicago.
Date: 4/1/17
Primary URL:
Conference Name: Renaissance Society of America
The Making of the Broadside Ballads: Lessons Learned from the Printing Press (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: The Making of the Broadside Ballads: Lessons Learned from the Printing Press
Author: Carl Stahmer
Abstract: Paper presented to the annual conference of the Shakespeare Association of America.
Date: 4/1/16
Primary URL: Name: Shakespeare Association of America
Picturing Song across Species: Broadside Ballads in Image and Word (Article)Title: Picturing Song across Species: Broadside Ballads in Image and Word
Author: Megan E. Palmer
Abstract: The woodcut impressions printed on broadside ballads have long been regarded as haphazardly chosen and ill suited to illustrate the songs they accompanied. This essay shows, instead, how sixteen broadside ballads used woodcuts to create sophisticated image–text relationships. The broadsides print three versions of a single song—a lament on the loss of love performed by birds—but their varied illustration programs guide readers to understand the avian speakers, and thus the meaning of the song’s lyrics, in very different ways.
Year: 2016
Primary URL: URL: Model: Subscription
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Huntington Library Quarterly 79.2
Publisher: University of Pennsylvania Press
Lasting Impressions of the Common Woodcut (Book Section)Title: Lasting Impressions of the Common Woodcut
Author: Megan E. Palmer
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Editor: David Gaimster
Editor: Catherine Richardson
Editor: Tara Hamling
Abstract: There are 27 chapters by leading experts as well as 13 feature object studies to highlight specific items that have survived from this period (defined broadly as c.1500–c.1800). These contributions explore the things people acquired, owned, treasured, displayed and discarded, the spaces in which people used and thought about things, the social relationships which cluster around goods – between producers, vendors and consumers of various kinds – and the way knowledge travels around those circuits of connection. The content also engages with wider issues such as the relationship between public and private life, the changing connections between the sacred and the profane, or the effects of gender and social status upon lived experience.
Constructed as an accessible, wide-ranging guide to research practice, the book describes and represents the methods which have been developed within various disciplines for analysing pre-modern material culture. It comprises four sections which open up the approaches of various disciplines to non-specialists: ‘Definitions, disciplines, new directions’, ‘Contexts and categories’, ‘Object studies’ and ‘Material culture in action’.
Year: 2016
Primary URL: Model: Print book
Publisher: Routledge
Book Title: The Routledge Handbook of Material Culture in Early Modern Europe
ISBN: 9781409462699
Ballads and Performance: The Multimodal Stage in Early Modern England (Book)Title: Ballads and Performance: The Multimodal Stage in Early Modern England
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Author: Lori Humphrey Newcomb
Author: Michelle M. Chan
Author: Hilary Gross
Author: Kyle R. Johnston
Author: Sabrina Y. Lee
Author: Kathryn E. O’Toole
Author: Michael J. Ruiz
Author: Stacy Wykle
Author: Claire M. Busse
Author: Kris McAbee
Author: David Baker
Author: Travis Alexander
Author: Adam Engel
Author: Katharine Landers
Author: Mary Learner
Author: Ashley Werlinich
Author: Pamela Reinagel
Author: Rochelle Smith
Author: Jessica C. Murphy
Author: Matthew J. Smith
Author: Julia Reinhard Lupton
Author: Bruce R. Smith
Editor: Patricia Fumerton
Abstract: Ballads and Performance: The Multimodal Stage in Early Modern England takes up Bruce R. Smith's call, in "Shakespeare's Residuals," for much-needed new inroads into thinking about broadside ballads within theater history/performance studies. The collection at the same time answers the call made by the two early modern genres themselves, or at least by their authors/producers and--to the extent they were also participatory makers of meaning--their audiences. Public broadside ballads and the public theater were not only the most popular, indeed affordably mass-marketed, of early modern performative multimedia. They also evince an intense consciousness of the many ways of capitalizing on their own and on each other's media through a variety of performative modes. The essays in this collection explore what we shall describe as the "intertheatricality" and "remediation" of such interaction by themelves capitalizing on the multimedia synergy of the world-wide web channeled through the EMC Imprint to afford us as moderns to actively engage with early modern ballads and performance.
Year: 2018
Primary URL: URL Description: Home page of the digital edition.
Access Model: Open access
Publisher: EMC Imprint
Type: Edited Volume
ISBN: None; digital
Copy sent to NEH?: No
Introduction: Multimedia and Multimodal Theatrical (Book Section)Title: Introduction: Multimedia and Multimodal Theatrical
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Editor: Patricia Fumerton
Abstract: The Introduction by Patricia Fumerton describes the critical stakes of the volume.
Year: 2018
Primary URL: URL Description: Link to the introduction to the volume.
Access Model: Open access
Publisher: EMC Imprint
Book Title: Ballads and Performance: The Multimodal Stage in Early Modern England
ISBN: None; digital
Digging ‘Veritable Dunghills’: The Re-Appreciation of English Broadside Ballads (Book Section)Title: Digging ‘Veritable Dunghills’: The Re-Appreciation of English Broadside Ballads
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Editor: Catherine Bates
Abstract: Covering the period 1520–1680, A Companion to Renaissance Poetry offers 46 essays which present an in-depth account of the context, production, and interpretation of early modern British poetry. It provides students with a deep appreciation for, and sensitivity toward, the ways in which poets of the period understood and fashioned a distinctly vernacular voice, while engaging them with some of the debates and departures that are currently animating the discipline.
A Companion to Renaissance Poetry analyzes the historical, cultural, political, and religious background of the time, addressing issues such as education, translation, the Reformation, theorizations of poetry, and more. The book immerses readers in non-dramatic poetry from Wyatt to Milton, focusing on the key poetic genres—epic, lyric, complaint, elegy, epistle, pastoral, satire, and religious poetry. It also offers an inclusive account of the poetic production of the period by canonical and less canonical writers, female and male. Finally, it offers examples of current developments in the interpretation of Renaissance poetry, including economic, ecological, scientific, materialist, and formalist approaches.
• Covers a wide selection of authors and texts
• Features contributions from notable authors, scholars, and critics across the globe
• Offers a substantial section on recent and developing approaches to reading Renaissance poetry
A Companion to Renaissance Poetry is an ideal resource for all students and scholars of the literature and culture of the Renaissance period.
Year: 2017
Primary URL: URL Description: Link to publisher page
Access Model: Print book
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Book Title: A Companion to Renaissance Poetry
ISBN: 978-1-118-5851
UCSB Music Projects Awarded Grants (Article)Title: UCSB Music Projects Awarded Grants
Author: Brett Leigh Dicks
Abstract: Interview with Patricia Fumerton.
Year: 2018
Primary URL: URL Description: Link to article (behind paywall)
Access Model: Subscription only
Format: Newspaper
Periodical Title: Santa Barbara News Press
Publisher: Ampersand Publishing, LLC
EBBA and the Digital Humanities (Radio/Audio Broadcast or Recording)Title: EBBA and the Digital Humanities
Writer: Devori Kimbro
Writer: Michael Noscka
Writer: Geoffrey Way
Writer: Patricia Fumerton
Writer: Carl Stahmer
Director: Geoffrey Way
Director: Devori Kimbro
Director: Michael Noscka
Producer: SoL-Mates Productions
Abstract: Three career academics discuss the current and future role of humanities in higher education. An interview with Patricia Fumerton and Carl Stahmer.
Date: 03/29/2018
Primary URL: URL Description: Link to podcast listing
Access Model: Open access
Format: Digital File
Format: Web
Back to the Future: A Replica 19th-Century Printing Press from England Takes Center Stage in UCSB’s New Maker Lab (Article)Title: Back to the Future: A Replica 19th-Century Printing Press from England Takes Center Stage in UCSB’s New Maker Lab
Author: Jim Logan
Abstract: For someone who spent weeks tightly sealed in a wooden packing crate for her journey from London to UC Santa Barbara, Mad Madge looked pretty good. Sure, she needed a little TLC and a few parts fitted in place, but there she sat, 1,200 pounds of iron and steel beauty.
“People thought it was insane that we were buying an iron press from the 19th century, a traditional pull press, in England and shipping it by freighter all the way to the United States,” said Patricia Fumerton, the professor of English at UCSB who conceived of and spearheaded the purchase of the press.
But Madge, who was named for 17th-century writer Margaret Cavendish, is no curious relic. She’s a brand-new, faithful replica of an early 19th-century Albion press, a durable workhorse in the days of moveable type and Charles Dickens.
She comes to UCSB as the centerpiece of the campus’s new Maker Lab, an innovative experiment in the history and future of printing. In addition to Madge, the lab includes a 3D printer that will, among other things, make type for its iron ancestor.
Year: 2017
Primary URL: URL Description: Link to article
Access Model: Open access
Format: Newspaper
Periodical Title: The UCSB Current
Publisher: The Regents of the University of California
Closing Reflections (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: Closing Reflections
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Abstract: Digital Bridges Symposium, University of Iowa and Grinnell College
Date: 8/15/2018
Conference Name: Digital Bridges Symposium, University of Iowa and Grinnell College
Say that Again: EBBA and Textual Analysis (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: Say that Again: EBBA and Textual Analysis
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Abstract: Digital Bridges Symposium, University of Iowa and Grinnell College
Date: 8/9/2018
Conference Name: Digital Bridges Symposium, University of Iowa and Grinnell College
Ballading the Winter’s Tale (Public Lecture or Presentation)Title: Ballading the Winter’s Tale
Abstract: A Lecture-Performance, with Singer and Instrumentalist, at UC Irvine
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Date: 8/15/2018
Location: University of California, Irvine
Futures of Digital Humanities (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: Futures of Digital Humanities
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Abstract: At the Digital Bridges Symposium, University of Iowa and Grinnell College
Date: 8/8/2018
Conference Name: Digital Bridges Symposium, University of Iowa and Grinnell College
Pepys, Broadside Ballads, and the Making of Political Publics (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: Pepys, Broadside Ballads, and the Making of Political Publics
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Abstract: Paper presented in the seminar “Intermedia Approaches to Early Modern Song,” at the Shakespeare Association of America, Los Angeles
Date: 3/28/2018
Conference Name: Shakespeare Association of America
Invited Plenary Speaker to a conference on “Out of Place: Vagrancy and Settlement (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: Invited Plenary Speaker to a conference on “Out of Place: Vagrancy and Settlement
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Abstract: Invited Plenary Speaker, conference on “Out of Place: Vagrancy and Settlement,” Institute of History Research, School of Advanced Study, University of London
Date: 12/7/2017
Conference Name: “Out of Place: Vagrancy and Settlement,” Institute of History Research, School of Advanced Study, University of London
Machine Learning Image Association Tool (Arch-V): English Broadside Ballad Archive (Exhibition)Title: Machine Learning Image Association Tool (Arch-V): English Broadside Ballad Archive
Curator: Shakespeare Association of America
Curator: Carl Stahmer
Curator: Patricia Fumerton
Curator: Kristen McCants
Curator: Katie Adkison
Curator: Nicole Stark
Abstract: Digital exhibit at the Shakespeare Association of America, demonstrating EBBA's new image-matching tool, Arch-V.
Year: 2018
Exploring the Tune’s Metric and Accentual Effects upon Text in Seventeenth-Century English Broadside Ballads (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: Exploring the Tune’s Metric and Accentual Effects upon Text in Seventeenth-Century English Broadside Ballads
Author: Erik Bell
Abstract: Presentation for Traditional Tunes and Popular Airs: History and Transmission, English Folk Dance and Song Society, Cecil Sharp House, London, October 6, 2017.
Date: 10/6/2017
Conference Name: Traditional Tunes and Popular Airs: History and Transmission
She’s Crafty, She Gets Around: Women’s Craft and Commodification in Ballads (Book Section)Title: She’s Crafty, She Gets Around: Women’s Craft and Commodification in Ballads
Author: Kris McAbee
Editor: Patricia Fumerton
Abstract: The “Crafty MISS” broadside ballad must have been popular enough that its title could be used as short-hand for an existing tune, which was titled originally either “Moggies Jealousie,” or—if “Moggies Jealousie” also referred back to an even earlier popular broadside ballad, such as “You London Lads Be Merry”—an earlier title associated with the tune. In either case, by the 1680s, ballads relied upon the popularity of “The Crafty MISS” for both their performance in song and their marketing by that earlier ballad’s name for the song. This essay takes these connections even further; it argues that “The Crafty MISS” ballad referenced by these other ballads is merely part of a late seventeenth-century trend for ballads about crafty women, a trend which highlights the performativity of gendered expectations alongside the commodification of gendered texts and bodies.
Year: 2018
Primary URL: URL Description: Link to book chapter
Access Model: Open access
Publisher: EMC Imprint
Book Title: Ballads and Performance: The Multimodal Stage in Early Modern England
ISBN: None; digital
"Greensickness carrion": Re-reading Capulet through Broadside Ballads (Book Section)Title: "Greensickness carrion": Re-reading Capulet through Broadside Ballads
Author: Jessica C. Murphy
Editor: Patricia Fumerton
Abstract: Greensickness, when used as a medical term in the early modern period, demonstrated the status of the female body as a cultural cipher. The disease allowed physicians and parents to read a daughter’s unmarried state as physically harmful, thereby justifying the cultural injunction to marry. According to early modern physicians, greensickness was a “disease of virgins” for which the best cure was sexual intercourse within marriage. By pathologizing virginity, diagnoses of greensickness reflect the shift from valuing virginity to valuing Protestant marriage for women in early modern England.
Year: 2018
Primary URL: URL Description: Link to book chapter
Access Model: Open access
Publisher: EMC Imprint
Book Title: Ballads and Performance: The Multimodal Stage in Early Modern England
ISBN: None; digital
Asexuality, Adolescence, and ‘Age Drag’ in Early Modern Literature (Book Section)Title: Asexuality, Adolescence, and ‘Age Drag’ in Early Modern Literature
Author: Simone Chess
Editor: Mark Albert Johnston
Editor: Jennifer Higginbotham
Abstract: This volume analyzes early modern cultural representations of children and childhood through the literature and drama of Shakespeare and his contemporaries. Contributors include leading international scholars of the English Renaissance whose essays consider asexuals and sodomites, roaring girls and schoolboys, precocious princes and raucous tomboys, boy actors and female apprentices, while discussing a broad array of topics, from animal studies to performance theory, from queer time to queer fat, from teaching strategies to casting choices, and from metamorphic sex changes to rape and cannibalism. The collection interrogates the cultural and historical contingencies of childhood in an effort to expose, theorize, historicize, and explicate the spectacular queerness of early modern dramatic depictions of children.
Year: 2018
Primary URL: URL Description: Link to publisher page
Access Model: Print book
Publisher: Palgrave
Book Title: Queering Childhood in Early Modern English Drama and Culture
ISBN: 978-3-319-7276
Male Femininity and Male-to-Female Crossdressing in Shakespeare’s Plays and Poems (Book Section)Title: Male Femininity and Male-to-Female Crossdressing in Shakespeare’s Plays and Poems
Author: Simone Chess
Editor: Goran Stanivukovic
Abstract: Queer Shakespeare: Desire and Sexuality draws together 13 essays, which offer a major reassessment of the criticism of desire, body and sexuality in Shakespeare's drama and poetry. Bringing together some of the most prominent critics working at the intersection of Shakespeare criticism and queer theory, this collection demonstrates the vibrancy of queer Shakespeare studies. Taken together, these essays explore embodiment, desire, sexuality and gender as key objects of analyses, producing concepts and ideas that draw critical energy from focused studies of time, language and nature. The Afterword extends these inquiries by linking the Anthropocene and queer ecology with Shakespeare criticism. Works from Shakespeare's entire canon feature in essays which explore topics like glass, love, antitheatrical homophobia, size, narrative, sound, female same-sex desire and Petrarchism, weather, usury and sodomy, male femininity and male-to-female crossdressing, contagion, and antisocial procreation.
Year: 2017
Primary URL: URL Description: Link to publisher page
Access Model: Print book
Publisher: Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare
Book Title: Queer Shakespeare: Desire and Sexuality
ISBN: 9781474295260
Fumerton's Force: A Peek through Professors' Office Doors (Article)Title: Fumerton's Force: A Peek through Professors' Office Doors
Author: Rebekah Akiyoshi
Abstract: Interview with a student-run newspaper at UCSB.
Year: 2017
Access Model: Open access
Format: Newspaper
Periodical Title: Daily Nexus
Publisher: UCSB
William S. Vaughan Visiting Scholar (Staff/Faculty/Fellow Position)Name: William S. Vaughan Visiting Scholar
Abstract: 9) Project Director Patricia Fumerton was a William S. Vaughan Visiting Scholar at the Robert Penn Warren Center at Vanderbilt University for the year 2018-2019, focusing on broadside ballad printing.
Year: 2018
The World(s) of Print (Conference/Institute/Seminar)Title: The World(s) of Print
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Abstract: Project Director Patricia Fumerton organized the colloquium and workshop "The World(s) of Print," bringing together professors and graduate students from UC Santa Barbara and Vanderbilt University, May 3-4, 2019.
Date Range: May 3-4, 2019
Location: Santa Barbara, California
Invited Presentation on EBBA (Public Lecture or Presentation)Title: Invited Presentation on EBBA
Abstract: Project Director Patricia Fumerton gave an invited presentation on EBBA at the University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, May 29, 2019.
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Date: 5/29/2019
Location: University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
Invited Presentation on EBBA (Public Lecture or Presentation)Title: Invited Presentation on EBBA
Abstract: Project Director Patricia Fumerton gave an invited presentation on EBBA at the Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, May 30, 2019.
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Date: 5/30/2019
Location: Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas
Invited Presentation on EBBA (Public Lecture or Presentation)Title: Invited Presentation on EBBA
Abstract: Project Director Patricia Fumerton gave an invited presentation on EBBA at the Newberry Library, Chicago, IL, May 24, 2019.
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Date: 5/24/2019
Location: Newberry Library, Chicago, IL
Invited Presentation on EBBA (Public Lecture or Presentation)Title: Invited Presentation on EBBA
Abstract: Project Director Patricia Fumerton gave an invited presentation on EBBA at the University of Pennsylvania Rare Book Library, Philadelphia, PA, May 22, 2019.
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Date: 5/22/2019
Location: University of Pennsylvania Rare Book Library, Philadelphia, PA
Invited Presentation on EBBA (Public Lecture or Presentation)Title: Invited Presentation on EBBA
Abstract: Project Director Patricia Fumerton gave an invited presentation on EBBA at the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, NY, May 20, 2019.
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Date: 5/20/2019
Location: Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, NY
Invited Presentation on EBBA (Public Lecture or Presentation)Title: Invited Presentation on EBBA
Abstract: Project Director Patricia Fumerton gave an invited presentation on EBBA at the Rare Book Room at the New York Public Library, New York, NY, May 13, 2019.
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Date: 5/13/2019
Location: New York Public Library, New York, NY
Invited Presentation, "New Directions in Sound Studies" (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: Invited Presentation, "New Directions in Sound Studies"
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Abstract: Project Director Patricia Fumerton gave an invited presentation, "New Directions in Sound Studies," a panel at the Shakespeare Association of America, Washington, DC, April 17-20, 2019.
Date: 4/17/2019
Conference Name: Shakespeare Association of America
Keynote Address, "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Visualizing New Directions in English Broadside Ballads" (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: Keynote Address, "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Visualizing New Directions in English Broadside Ballads"
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Abstract: Project Director Patricia Fumerton gave a keynote address, "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Visualizing New Directions in English Broadside Ballads," at the Timely Transformations: Looking Backward, Moving Forward Conference at the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, April 5-6, 2019
Date: 4/5/2019
Conference Name: Timely Transformations: Looking Backward, Moving Forward Conference
Invited Presentation, "Visualizing English Broadside Ballads: From Arch-V Image Matching to Text Analysis Illustrated" (Public Lecture or Presentation)Title: Invited Presentation, "Visualizing English Broadside Ballads: From Arch-V Image Matching to Text Analysis Illustrated"
Abstract: Project Director Patricia Fumerton gave an invited presentation, "Visualizing English Broadside Ballads: From Arch-V Image Matching to Text Analysis Illustrated," Digital Humanities Center, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, March 27, 2019.
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Date: 3/27/2019
Location: Digital Humanities Center, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Invited Participant, "Teaching and Research the Early Modern with Digital Tools" (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: Invited Participant, "Teaching and Research the Early Modern with Digital Tools"
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Abstract: Project Director Patricia Fumerton was an invited participant in "Teaching and Researching the Early Modern with Digital Tools," at the Renaissance Society of America Conference, Toronto, Canada, March 17-19.
Date: 3/17/2019
Conference Name: Renaissance Society of America Conference
"Ballading and Minstreling The Winter's Tale" (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: "Ballading and Minstreling The Winter's Tale"
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Abstract: Project Director Patricia Fumerton gave a keynote talk, "Ballading and Minstreling The Winter's Tale," Early Modern Songscapes Conference, Toronto, Canada, February 8-9, 2019
Date: 2/8/2019
Conference Name: Early Modern Songscapes Conference
Invited Presentation, "Menelean EBBA and the Protean English Broadside Ballad, 1550-1700" (Public Lecture or Presentation)Title: Invited Presentation, "Menelean EBBA and the Protean English Broadside Ballad, 1550-1700"
Abstract: Project Director Patricia Fumerton gave an invited presentation, "Menelean EBBA and the Protean English Broadside Ballad, 1550-1700," Robert Penn Warren Center, Vanderbilt University, TN, January 16, 2019.
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Date: 1/16/2019
Location: Robert Penn Warren Center, Vanderbilt University, TN
Invited Presentation, "The Passing Present of Black Letter and Calligraphy" (Public Lecture or Presentation)Title: Invited Presentation, "The Passing Present of Black Letter and Calligraphy"
Abstract: Project Director Patricia Fumerton gave an invited presentation, "The Passing Present of Black Letter and Calligraphy," in "World(s) of Print" seminar, Vanderbilt University, October 10, 2018.
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Date: 10/10/2018
Location: Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Invited Presentation on EBBA (Public Lecture or Presentation)Title: Invited Presentation on EBBA
Abstract: Project Director Patricia Fumerton made a presentation on English Broadside Ballad Archive, British Library, London, UK, March 25, 2017.
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Date: 3/25/2017
Location: British Library, London, UK
Invited Speaker, NEH Funding Panel (Public Lecture or Presentation)Title: Invited Speaker, NEH Funding Panel
Abstract: Project Director Patricia Fumerton was the Invited Speaker, NEH Funding Panel (organized by Brandon Fastman, Research Development, HFA), UCSB, February 15, 2017.
Author: Patricia Fumerton
Date: 2/15/2017
Location: UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA
"The Range of Discourse: Mapping the Semantic Space of Early Modern Print" (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: "The Range of Discourse: Mapping the Semantic Space of Early Modern Print"
Author: Carl Stahmer
Abstract: Project Associate Director Carl Stahmer gave an invited presentation, "The Range of Discourse: Mapping the Semantic Space of Early Modern Print," at The World(s) of Print Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, May 3, 2019.
Date: 5/3/2019
Conference Name: The World(s) of Print Conference
"More than Scores: Musicology and Metadata" (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: "More than Scores: Musicology and Metadata"
Author: Carl Stahmer
Abstract: Project Associate Director Carl Stahmer gave an invited presentation, "More than Scores: Musicology and Metadata," at the American Musicological Society, San Antonio, TX, November 2018.
Date: 11/1/2018
Conference Name: American Musicological Society
"The Pedagogy of Space in Early Modern Print" (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: "The Pedagogy of Space in Early Modern Print"
Author: Katie Adkison
Abstract: Project Manager Katie Adkison gave an invited presentation, "The Pedagogy of Space in Early Modern Print," at The Worlds of Print Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, May 3, 2019.
Date: 5/3/2019
Conference Name: The Worlds of Print Conference
“Queer, Crip, Early Modern: Premodern Intersections of Queer and Disability Studies" (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: “Queer, Crip, Early Modern: Premodern Intersections of Queer and Disability Studies"
Author: Simone Chess
Abstract: Former Project Manager Simone Chess presented “Queer, Crip, Early Modern: Premodern Intersections of Queer and Disability Studies,” for Premodern Disability Roundtable, Modern Language Association (MLA), Philadelphia, Winter 2017
Date: 1/5/2017
Conference Name: Modern Language Association