
Preservation and Access: Humanities Collections and Reference Resources

Period of Performance

5/1/2019 - 7/31/2021

Funding Totals

$349,864.00 (approved)
$346,267.88 (awarded)

The American Soldier in World War II

FAIN: PW-264049-19

Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, VA 24061-2000)
Edward Joseph Khair Gitre (Project Director: July 2018 to February 2022)

The creation of an online collection of over 65,000 handwritten survey responses containing the personal comments of American soldiers in WWII. The narrative responses would be transcribed and reunited with quantitative data from the respondents; contextual information would be added to facilitate access by multiple user groups.

Our project will make available to scholars and to the public a remarkable collection of written reflections on war and military service by American soldiers who fought in the Second World War. During the conflict, an in-house Army Research Branch surveyed approximately half a million service personnel. Survey respondents were asked about myriad topics, from the effectiveness of training to the preference of fabrics used in uniforms. Service personnel were also provided space to write frankly about any of their concerns. Until now, only by visiting Washington, D.C., could one read these 65,000-plus anonymous "free-text" commentaries. Taken together, these wartime records provide us the most comprehensive portrait of the largest citizen-soldier Army in US history. Our interdisciplinary team will reunite these one-of-a-kind free-text commentaries to their source surveys and make the entire reconstituted collection available to the public through an open-access website.

Media Coverage

The American Soldier in World War II project receives National Endowment for Humanities grant (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Leslie King
Publication: Virginia Tech Daily News
Date: 9/23/2019
Abstract: The American Soldier in World War II project receives National Endowment for Humanities grant.

Virginia Tech hosts its second World War II transcribathon to commemorate Veterans Day (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Jessica Brabble
Publication: Virginia Tech Daily
Date: 1/17/2020
Abstract: Announcement of 72-hour Veterans Week "transcribathon."

The American Soldier Celebrates Project Completion for VE Day 2020 (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Samantha Blickhan
Publication: Daily Zooniverse
Date: 5/5/2020
Abstract: Announcement of The American Soldier’s Virtual VE Day Celebration.

Virtual VE Day celebrates volunteers and more than 200,000 World War II document transcriptions (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Elise Monsour Puckett
Publication: Virginia Tech Daily News
Date: 6/23/2020
Abstract: Report on The American Soldier’s Virtual VE Day Celebration.

The American Soldier in World War II Project Celebration (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Sarah Mease
Publication: Virginia Tech Publishing
Date: 5/7/2020
Abstract: Announcement of The American Soldier’s Virtual VE Day Celebration.

V-E Day project from Zooniverse (Media Coverage)
Publication: National Archives Catalog Newsletter
Date: 5/14/2020
Abstract: Report on The American Soldier’s Virtual VE Day Celebration.

What They Were Thinking: WWII Soldiers’ Insights to Become Public Data Base (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Robbie Harris
Publication: Radio IQ WVTF
Date: 5/8/2018
Abstract: Radio interview with grantee about the project and the public launch of the project's transcription drive.

WWII in a New Light: Anonymous Soldier Surveys Tell Stories of Morale, Race Relations (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Will Morris
Publication: Stars and Stripes
Date: 5/7/2018

Historians Launch Website Offering Uncensored Views from American Soldiers in World War II (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Andrew G. Adkins
Publication: VTx: News & Stories from Virginia Tech
Date: 12/6/2021

World War II Institute Partners with Florida Historic Capitol Museum for Exhibit on Florida’s Role in War (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Bill Wellock
Publication: Florida State University News
Date: 12/7/2021

Researchers Are Pulling Movements out of Microfilm with Digital History (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Suzanne Irby
Publication: VTx: News & Stories from Virginia Tech
Date: 7/19/2021

Bringing History to Life (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Susan Bland
Publication: VTx: News & Stories from Virginia Tech
Date: 2/5/2021

Student Digs Into WWII Archives to Learn About Soldiers’ Social Attitudes (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Audra Book
Publication: UVA Today](, October 16, 2020.
Date: 10/16/2020

Understanding the American Soldier: The SSRC and Social Science in World War II (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Rodrigo Ugarte
Publication: Items
Date: 5/8/2018

Virginia Tech to host 72-hour Transcribathon (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Kait Lemoine
Publication: WFXR Fox News
Date: 10/29/2019
Abstract: "Living Local" broadcast segment announcing The American Soldier’s Veterans Day Transcribathon.

Band of Brothers (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Leslie King
Publication: illumiNation
Date: 3/2/2020
Abstract: Promotion of project and project’s use in the classroom.

'Citizen archivists' projects to work on during the coronavirus pandemic (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Dawn Mitchell
Publication: Indianapolis Star
Date: 4/17/2020
Abstract: Recommendation that readers work on project during pandemic.

Cool Tech (Media Coverage)
Publication: Dave Nemo Weekends
Date: 7/25/2020
Abstract: Radio interview with Edward J.K. Gitre and Joe Forte.

The Myth of the Greatest Generation (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Samuel Goldman
Publication: The Week
Date: 12/23/2021
Abstract: Review and coverage of project website

‘Greatest Generation’ Survey on Race, Sex and Combat during World War II Runs Counter to Its Wholesome Image (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Michael E. Ruane
Publication: Washington Post
Date: 12/20/2021

Associated Products

Virginia Tech hosts its second World War II transcribathon to commemorate Veterans Day (Article)
Title: Virginia Tech hosts its second World War II transcribathon to commemorate Veterans Day
Author: Jessica Brabble
Abstract: Article in Virginia Tech Daily written by grant-hired graduate research assistant.
Year: 2020
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Virginia Tech Daily site
Access Model: open access
Format: Other
Publisher: VT Daily

During WWII, the US Army did a massive survey to get soldiers' uncensored opinions — here's what they said (Article)
Title: During WWII, the US Army did a massive survey to get soldiers' uncensored opinions — here's what they said
Author: Edward J.K. Gitre
Author: Christopher Woody
Abstract: Project-focused Interview-article.
Year: 2019
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: News website
Format: Magazine
Format: Other
Periodical Title: Business Insider
Publisher: Axel Springer SE

Uncensored: A Crowdsourced History of the American GI in World War II (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Uncensored: A Crowdsourced History of the American GI in World War II
Author: Edward J.K. Gitre
Abstract: Poster presentation of project that offered a brief, illustrated overview of its history, highlighting crowdsourcing, integration into undergraduate courses, and interdisciplinary mentoring.
Date: 1/5/2020

A Crowdsourced History of the American Soldier in World War II (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: A Crowdsourced History of the American Soldier in World War II
Abstract: Veterans Week webinar, part of the University of Missouri - St. Louis Center for the Humanities Digital Humanities lecture series, funded by the Missouri Arts Council Prof. Gitre will talk about a Virginia Tech-based NEH-funded interdisciplinary digital initiative that is harnessing the power of “the crowd” and artificial intelligence to provide public access to a unique historical collection—65,000 pages of uncensored reflections on war and military service from American soldiers, in their own words. The project began as a digital humanities classroom experiment in 2015. Hosted on the planet’s largest crowdsourcing platform,, The American Soldier in World War II has since now attracted thousands of other “citizen archivist” volunteers from around the globe, breaking down the wall between the classroom and public square.
Author: Edward J.K. Gitre
Date: 11/10/2020
Location: St. Louis, MO
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Event calendar
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Center for the Humanities website

The American Soldier in World War II (Database/Archive/Digital Edition)
Title: The American Soldier in World War II
Author: Edward J.K. Gitre
Author: Kathleen Frydl
Author: Thomas A. Guglielmo
Author: Aaron Hiltner
Author: Beth Bailey
Author: Erica Fugger
Author: Jessica L. Adler
Author: John McManus
Author: Garrett Gatzemeyer
Author: G. Kurt Piehler
Author: Christopher M. Rein
Author: M. Houston Johnson V
Author: Peter R. Mansoor
Author: Kara Dixon Vuic
Author: Jefferson Pooley
Abstract: A digital publication and archive centered on the military service and wartime experiences of US World War II personnel. The site contains approximately 65,000 pages of uncensored, open-ended responses handwritten by servicemembers, along with 138 quantitative army survey datasets. Also available are wartime army reports and digests of surveys results, and a series of postwar academic volumes; as well as topical essays by leading historians and additional learning resources.
Year: 2021
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Project Website
Access Model: Open Access

Uncensored WWII-era surveys show US troops' surprising thoughts about Japan after the attack on Pearl Harbor (Article)
Title: Uncensored WWII-era surveys show US troops' surprising thoughts about Japan after the attack on Pearl Harbor
Author: Edward J.K. Gitre
Abstract: Article describing attitudes of US service personnel toward Japanese following the attack against Pearl Harbor and as World War II progressed, using transcriptions of soldiers' commentaries.
Year: 2021
Primary URL: http://
Access Model: Open access (with ads)
Format: Magazine
Publisher: Business Insider

The US military is under fire over how it handles race. Uncensored WWII-era surveys show US troops struggling with the same issue 80 years ago (Article)
Title: The US military is under fire over how it handles race. Uncensored WWII-era surveys show US troops struggling with the same issue 80 years ago
Author: Edward J.K. Gitre
Abstract: Article on racial attitudes and experiences of US service personnel during World War II, drawing on transcriptions of soldiers from digital project, to address contemporary debates about the state of race relations within the armed forces.
Year: 2021
Primary URL:
Access Model: Open-access (with ads)
Format: Magazine
Publisher: Business Insider

The American GI in WWII, Uncensored (Article)
Title: The American GI in WWII, Uncensored
Author: Edward J.K. Gitre
Abstract: Article highlighting US soldiers' experiences and attitudes during World War II drawn from digital archive, as well as a description of the grantee's project.
Year: 2019
Primary URL:
Format: Magazine
Publisher: The Conversation

An Uncensored Digital History of the Black GI in World War II (Blog Post)
Title: An Uncensored Digital History of the Black GI in World War II
Author: Edward J.K. Gitre
Abstract: Blog post exploring World War II segregation and race relations from the perspective of Black US Army enlistees, drawing upon transcriptions of soldiers' commentaries from the grantee's digital archive.
Date: 2/26/2019
Primary URL:
Website: Recovering Black History