Cultivating Ourselves: Digitization and Access to Crow Historical and Cultural Resources
FAIN: PW-264289-19
Little Big Horn College (Crow Agency, MT 59022-7000)
Tim Bernardis (Project Director: July 2018 to present)
The preservation, transcription, translation,
and digitization of audiovisual materials that document Crow history, language,
and culture.
Little Big Horn College is proposing a project funded through the NEH to continue to digitize historical and cultural materials related to the Crow Indians. The college holds a great deal of antiquated audiovisual materials and will create digital copies saved on a server, tape drive, and off site. Once digitized, the audio and video will be placed online via the Content Management System, Mukurtu allowing for culturally appropriate use. Along with digitization, the project proposes to create translations and transcripts to aid those who lack fluency in the Crow language. Professionals in the field will produce the transcriptions. Weaving all of this together, virtual displays will utilize audiovisual content, transcripts, and other archival materials held at the college. The project team will receive feedback and assistance from outside professionals from the Sustainable Heritage Project at Washington State University and the Montana Historical Society.
Associated Products
Little Big Horn College Archives -- Crow Recordings Website (Web Resource)Title: Little Big Horn College Archives -- Crow Recordings Website
Author: Little Big Horn College Archives
Abstract: This is a website of Apsaalooke/Crow Indian cultural and historical resources wherein thousands of audiovisual recordings dating back to the 1950s have been digitized and published on the Mukurtu Content Management System, which provides for culturally appropriate content and access. It includes oral histories, cultural events, music, dance, ceremony and chronicles of contemporary issues that have occurred on (and off) the Crow reservation in Montana.
Year: 2016
Primary URL:
http:// Big Horn College Library & Archives Crow Recordings Virtual Exhibit Site (Web Resource)Title: Little Big Horn College Library & Archives Crow Recordings Virtual Exhibit Site
Author: Jane Holds, Jon Ille
Abstract: This resource is designed to give an overview of the topics and collections held in the LBHC Library & Archives Crow Recordings website It serves to give the researcher a brief sketch of topics of which the full content can be found in said website. Included are explanatory text and excerpts of audio and video recordings on various topics in Crow history and culture.
Year: 2022
Primary URL: