History of Cartography [HOC]
FAIN: PW-50309-09
University of Wisconsin, Madison (Madison, WI 53715-1218)
Matthew H. Edney (Project Director: August 2008 to October 2011)
Continued development of the multi-volume reference work, the "History of Cartography," with especial attention to Volume 4, "Cartography in the European Enlightenment."
We seek funding to support the continued preparation of the award-winning series, The History of Cartography, under the direction of Matthew Edney. The history of cartography is a rapidly expanding interdisciplinary field that spans the humanities and social sciences; it is driven by an appreciation that maps are complex, culturally rich texts through which people organize and make sense of their world. This project accordingly studies the people who have produced and used maps in the context of their cultures and societies. This proposal primarily focuses on preparing manuscripts for Volume Four (European Enlightenment, 1650-1800), edited by Edney and Mary Pedley, and designing Volume Five (Nineteenth Century),edited by Roger Kain. Some costs will also be incurred for Volume Six (Twentieth Century),edited by Mark Monmonier. Quality control will be directed by Edney and accomplished by the Project staff in Madison and the publisher, the University of Chicago Press.