
Preservation and Access: Humanities Collections and Reference Resources

Period of Performance

5/1/2010 - 4/30/2013

Funding Totals

$315,000.00 (approved)
$314,257.34 (awarded)

Music in Gotham: The New York Scene, 1862-1875, from Selected Printed Sources

FAIN: PW-50513-10

CUNY Research Foundation, Graduate School and University Center (New York, NY 10016-4309)
John Michael Graziano (Project Director: July 2009 to August 2013)

The development of a freely accessible, online reference database documenting New York City musical culture from 1862 to 1869 using an assemblage of period advertisements, articles, and reviews.

Music in Gotham: The New York Scene, 1862-1875, from Selected Printed Sources, will offer researchers comprehensive information on musical life in New York City, the country's leading musical center during the Civil War and its aftermath. Little such information is available at present. During the 2010-2012 proposed grant, data collected and synthesized by the Music in Gotham staff for the years 1862-1869 will be entered into an open access web-based resource to document the performance and reception of music in the city. The design of the Data Input Module is complete and is fully functional. This proposal requests funding for (1) the inputting of data into the Input Module, (2) the design and development of the Basic Search Interface, and (3) the launching of the website at the Graduate Center/CUNY for access by the scholarly community and other interested researchers.