ONE Archives Cataloging Project: Founders and Pioneers
FAIN: PW-50526-10
ONE Institute/International Gay and Lesbian Archives (West Hollywood, CA 90069)
Joseph R. Hawkins (Project Director: July 2009 to August 2012)
The arrangement and description of 647 linear feet of the institutional and organizational records, personal papers, and research files of the founders and pioneers of the modern lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender movement in the United States.
ONE National Gay and Lesbian Archives is seeking NEH funding for two years to arrange, describe, preserve, and make available to researchers the institutional and organizational records, personal papers and research files of the founders and pioneers of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) movement from the last half of the 20th century in the United States. ONE Archives houses the world's largest research library dedicated to LGBT history. ONE is the oldest LGBT organization in the United States. The archives holds over 2 million items including 250 archival collections. This project will fund the salaries of three archivists to arrange and describe early LGBT research materials in ONE's collections. The ONE magazine files are filled with letters from subscribers and article submissions from (usually pseudonymously) contributors describing in poignant detail gay life in America in the 1950s.