
Preservation and Access: Humanities Collections and Reference Resources

Period of Performance

5/1/2010 - 7/31/2014

Funding Totals

$259,725.00 (approved)
$259,725.00 (awarded)

War and Peace in the Nuclear Age Digital Library Project

FAIN: PW-50539-10

WGBH Educational Foundation (Boston, MA 02135-2016)
Karen Cariani (Project Director: July 2009 to August 2014)

The digitization and online delivery of 254 original interviews (video and transcripts) gathered for the broadcast "War and Peace in the Nuclear Age."

The WGBH War and Peace in the Nuclear Age documentary television series examined the causes and conflicts of the Cold War period. This project will make accessible on-line 254 full video interviews and transcripts with leading diplomats, politicians, journalists and others who were interviewed for the series. The project will build upon past success of the Open Vault web site, and continue to add valuable primary source materials for on-line access.