Washington Women's History
FAIN: PW-50631-10
Washington State Historical Society (Tacoma, WA 98402-3109)
Shanna Stevenson (Project Director: July 2009 to September 2013)
The preservation, processing, and digitization of materials on women's history in Washington State, along with the production of archival finding aids, for free online access through the Washington Women's History Consortium.
This project will continue the efforts of the WHC to provide accessibility to women's history materials through WashingtonWomensHistory.org, the central location for women's history in Washington State. NEH funds will be allocated to WHC partners to preserve, process, and digitize priority collections. NEH funding will support a portion of WHC staff time to manage the arrangement, enhancement and delivery of project products to the WHC website, development of additional content, and promotion of the WHC program. Experienced WHC partner staff will manage the projects and use contracted or in-house archival and digital professionals to arrange, preserve, and digitize collections, which include a range of paper, photographs, audio, film, and video. This project will provide vital preservation for fragile resources as well as making many currently inaccessible collections available online through finding aids and digital materials.