National Folklore Archives Initiative
FAIN: PW-50910-11
American Folklore Society (Bloomington, IN 47406-7512)
Steve Green (Project Director: July 2010 to August 2013)
Documenting and providing access to information on American folklore collections held by more than 240 repositories in the United States.
The American Folklore Society, the 2,200-member learned society for the field of folklore studies, is requesting $342,865 to support the first stage of the National Folklore Archives Initiative (NFAI), which will document and provide access to information about folklore archival collections held by folklore programs at academic institutions, community-based cultural and ethnic organizations, non-profit organizations, and state government-based arts and cultural agencies in the United States.
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National Folklore Archives Initiative (Article)Title: National Folklore Archives Initiative
Author: Timothy Lloyd
Abstract: The American Folklore Society website describes and introduces the National Folklore Archives Initiative (NFAI).
Year: 2011
Primary URL: Model: open access
Format: Other