
Preservation and Access: Humanities Collections and Reference Resources

Period of Performance

8/1/2011 - 7/31/2013

Funding Totals

$250,000.00 (approved)
$250,000.00 (awarded)

Colorado Fuel and Iron Archive Minnequa Steel Works and Steelworkers Project

FAIN: PW-50943-11

Bessemer Historical Society, Inc. (Pueblo, CO 81004-3409)
Timothy Howard Hawkins (Project Director: July 2010 to November 2013)

The preservation, arrangement, and description of 400 linear feet of records and the digitization of selected photographs pertaining to the Minnequa Steel Works, a subsidiary of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, located in Pueblo, Colorado.

The Bessemer Historical Society (BHS) requests $271,080 in funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) for a two year project to expand and improve the arrangement, description, preservation and accessibility of the CF&I Archive. BHS proposes funding to process records of the CF&I Minnequa Steel Works, the steel mill in Pueblo, Colorado. The final product of this grant will be: 400 boxes of papers from selected record groups arranged and described at a folder level; 1000 photographs scanned, cataloged at an item level, and accessible online; 1000 architectural drawings re-housed and cataloged at an item level; 300 leather bound financial ledgers cleaned, re-housed, and catalogued at an item level; 150-16mm films rewound on plastic cores, re-housed in archival film cans and cataloged at an item level. All EAD catalog records and digital objects will be accessible online.

Associated Products

Camp and Plant (Web Resource)
Title: Camp and Plant
Author: Colorado Fuel and Iron Company
Abstract: Camp and Plant was published weekly, from 1901-1904, by the CF&I Sociological Department. It's purpose was to inform employees about the various activities and happenings at the company’s steel mill, coal mines, iron mines and quarries. It contains reports contributed by correspondents from the mining towns and the steel mill in Pueblo. It also contains numerous photographs, maps, and advertisements. Indicative of the multinational composition of the company workforce, some articles in Camp and Plant were written in German, Spanish, Italian and Slovenian.
Year: 2012
Primary URL: http://
Primary URL Description: Camp and Plant introductory page on the Bessemer Historical Society / CF&I Archives web site..