
Preservation and Access: Humanities Collections and Reference Resources

Period of Performance

6/1/2013 - 12/31/2014

Funding Totals

$28,500.00 (approved)
$28,500.00 (awarded)

The Language of Towns and Cities: A Visual Dictionary

FAIN: PW-51514-13

Dhiru Ambrit Thadani
Congress for the New Urbanism (Chicago, IL 60603-5230)

The development of the second edition of The Language of Towns and Cities. The original book coined the term "encyclo-dictionary," an apt name for this volume that defines over 700 words and phrases related to the built environment with beautifully illustrated explanations. The second edition will add an additional 600 pages that complement the first edition, which include: best practices for active-living environments, renovation strategies for aging-in-place, suburban retrofit strategies, and alternate transit and transport systems.

Associated Products

Urbanism: The Prescriptive Remedy to Global Crises (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Urbanism: The Prescriptive Remedy to Global Crises
Author: Dhiru A. Thadani
Abstract: In this tsunami of global crises, which includes exploding global population, climate change, peak oil, public health, and adequate housing for burgeoning single households, planning is more important then ever to ensure a sustainable livelihood for future generations. These seemingly independent crises have all reached their tipping point in the beginning of the 21st century and many countries are looking at high-capital technological solutions to resolve these crises. These technocratic responses will be unable to solve the problems in their entirety. Physical planning merged with geographic, political, social and economic strategies are necessary to combat the challenges that lie ahead. Energy required to move from building to building is far greater than the energy requirements to cool and heat individual buildings. The solution lies in the creations of walkable neighborhoods and the densification of existing settlements. To this end the development of objective criteria to evaluate which settlements should be retrofitted is essential. The planning profession needs to be at the forefront of cost-effective solutions that yield value, provide safety, create community, and offer the populace an alternate lifestyle that is more desirable than the current market place dream of privacy, exclusivity, and segregation.
Date: 06/06/2014
Primary URL:
Conference Name: Congress for the New Urbanism Annual Conference

Urbanism: The Prescriptive Remedy for Global Crisis (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Urbanism: The Prescriptive Remedy for Global Crisis
Author: Dhiru A. Thadani
Abstract: 3. More energy is utilized moving between buildings, than used for heating and cooling buildings. The architecture profession has concentrated on improving the building envelope and reducing energy consumption within individual buildings. This approach will only solve half the problem. The principles and techniques of urban design embody solutions to partially solve crises such as the exploding global population, climate change, peak oil, public health, and adequate housing for burgeoning single households. This session will explore urban design solutions that are needed to supplement high-capital technological solutions.
Date: 10/08/2015
Primary URL:
Conference Name: Third Annnual Gulak Lecture at VCU