
Research Programs: Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions

Period of Performance

9/1/2002 - 8/31/2005

Funding Totals

$149,565.00 (approved)
$149,565.00 (awarded)

Humanities Fellowships

FAIN: RA-20237-02

American Councils for International Education (Washington, DC 20036-1911)
Dan E. Davidson (Project Director: September 2001 to September 2006)

The equivalent of 1.75 full-year fellowships each year for two years.

Associated Products

Russian Peasant Letters: Life and Times of a 19th-century Family (Book)
Title: Russian Peasant Letters: Life and Times of a 19th-century Family
Author: The Zhernakov Family
Editor: Olga T. Yokoyama
Abstract: Around 1880, two teenagers left their village on the Kama river, 1000 km east of Moscow. Their father wanted them to earn cash in Siberia and send it home. The result: scores of letters over a period of 16 years (1881-1896). The parents, two brothers and a sister reported on harvests and family finances, on marriages, births, and deaths, asked for money, offered religious instruction and moral advice, described their daily lives, and shared their worries about their alcoholic father and their desire to see the world and succeed in it. Meanwhile, the family’s activity steadily expanded, as their side business grew from a single leaky rowboat to a fleet of steamships. These unique letters, preserved in a Siberian archive, appear here in English translation for the first time. The accompanying detailed commentaries, based on meticulous archival research, recreate these peasants’ social, cultural, and economic milieu. The family’s letters thus document the complex changes that led to upward mobility in an era that saw the rapid growth of capitalism and urbanization during late imperial Russia. Facsimiles and photographs are included.
Year: 2010
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: WorldCat listing
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Publisher's website
Access Model: Book
Publisher: Wiesbaden, Germany: Harrasowitz Verlag
Type: Translation
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 9783447061483
Translator: Olga T. Yokoyama
Copy sent to NEH?: Yes

Russian Peasant Letters: texts and Contexts, Volumes 1 and 2 (Book)
Title: Russian Peasant Letters: texts and Contexts, Volumes 1 and 2
Author: The Zhernakov Family
Editor: Olga T. Yokoyama
Abstract: This editio princeps of letters by three Russian peasant men and two peasant women from a single family in southern Vyatka (now Udmurtia) covers the reign of Alexander III and two years of Nicholas II. The letters represent a precious primary source for Russian dialectologists and other linguists, such as those interested in the acquisition of literacy. They also provide direct, unadorned, and often vivid testimony concerning all aspects of everyday life - a unique source for scholars of history, sociology, culturology, and Peasant Studies. Written entirely in the peasants' own voices, addressing other family members, the letters track the development of events and of the authors themselves. The content includes economic and personal news, village and town gossip, parental admonition and prayers, requests for help, intrafamily troubles, and simply the authors' pouring out their hearts. The texts (with commentaries) are reproduced in three versions (the original Russian, a normalized Russian version, and an English translation); essays on linguistic and content-related features are followed by indices, appendices, bibliographical references, and facsimiles and illustrations.
Year: 2008
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: WorldCat listing
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Google books listing (book out of print from publisher)
Access Model: Book
Publisher: Wiesbaden, germany: Harrasowitz Verlag
Type: Translation
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 9783447056533
Translator: Olga T. Yokoyama
Copy sent to NEH?: Yes