
Research Programs: Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions

Period of Performance

1/1/2016 - 9/30/2019

Funding Totals

$141,000.00 (approved)
$113,874.77 (awarded)

Long-Term Research Fellowships in Egypt at the American Research Center in Egypt

FAIN: RA-228502-15

ARCE (Alexandria, VA 22314-1555)
Gerry Dee Scott (Project Director: August 2014 to February 2018)
Louise Bertini (Project Director: February 2018 to April 2020)
Yasmin El Shazly (Project Director: April 2020 to August 2022)

10 months of stipend support (1 to 2 fellowships) per year for three years and a contribution to defray costs associated with the selection of fellows.

ARCE administers research fellowships for postdoctoral scholars and professionals affiliated with North American universities and research institutions with funding from the NEH. These fellowships are awarded for periods ranging from 4-10 months. Pre-doctoral scholars are funded through a grant from the U.S. State Department. The ARCE Fellowship Program enables fellows to reside in Egypt in order to conduct research, and build and expand professional networks with Egyptian scholars. Upon return to their home institutions, NEH-funded Fellows integrate their research experience into their academic courses. Further dissemination of results occur through active engagement in local, national, and international symposia and scholarly publications thus contributing to academia and a deeper understanding between cultures.

Associated Products

Social Sciences in the Arab World Forms of Presence 2015 (Report)
Title: Social Sciences in the Arab World Forms of Presence 2015
Author: Mohammed Bamyeh
Abstract: The first report’s objective is to monitor the presence of social sciences in the different academic and public spheres in the Arab world. This includes universities, research centers, scholarly and cultural periodicals, civil society, and public media. Therefore, the report presents a general survey of the presence of social sciences and evaluates the abilities and characteristics of their disciplines in the region, with an eye to the significant transformations Arab societies have lately witnessed. The report aims to serve as both a practical and theoretical tool for parties interested in the support of social sciences and their development in the Arab world, including social science scholars, officials from research centers, universities, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), sponsors of social research and development, and all intellectual and cultural actors interested in the role of the social sciences in the public domain.
Date: 01/01/2015
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: The Arab Social Science Monitor
Access Model: Open access

the Osirian Chapels at Karnak: An Historical and Art Historical Overview Based on Recent Fieldwork and Studies (Book Section)
Title: the Osirian Chapels at Karnak: An Historical and Art Historical Overview Based on Recent Fieldwork and Studies
Author: Frederic Payraudeau
Author: Aleksandra Hallman
Author: Laurent Coulon
Editor: K. Griffin
Editor: E. Pischikova
Editor: J. Budka
Abstract: not available
Year: 2018
Publisher: GHP Egyptology
Book Title: In Thebes in the First Millennium B.C.: Art and Archaeology of the Kushite Period and Beyond

Exhibiting Modern Egypt: From Expos to the Museum (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Exhibiting Modern Egypt: From Expos to the Museum
Abstract: The catalogue entry for Egypt’s participation in the Great Exhibition of 1851 lists the displayed objects. They include pipes, textiles, stone samples from the country’s quarries, craft goods, samples of fauna, tools as well as some industrial goods. The curated list of objects was meant to present Egypt on the international stage as an ancient, traditional yet modernizing country full of resources. Since that first exhibition Egypt put on numerous displays at international expositions as well as domestically, all staged to focus on the country’s modernization, production and industrialization. In international expos ancient artifacts were key aspects of the display, often positioned near the entrance or in a dedicated room with museum-like displays. In the twentieth century Egypt’s staged displays underwent a sort of rebranding aiming to forcibly position the country as modern and progressive both to international and Egyptian audiences. The displays carefully integrated architecture, display design and the selection of objects and industries represented. In this paper, exhibitions held in Cairo in 1926, 1936, 1949 and 1958 are discussed in terms of their architectures and the construction of images that put into sharp relief the state’s positioning of the materiality of modernity in the Egyptian context. Egypt’s participation in the 1939 and 1964 New York World’s Fairs as well as the 1958 Brussels World’s Fair are also discussed. This history of displaying Egypt by the Egyptian state forms an important historical precedent to the Modern Egypt Project at the British Museum. What lessons can be learned from this history, what are the strategies of exhibition employed and how can this history inform museum displays in Egypt and internationally focused on the country’s modernity and its material culture?
Author: Mohamed Elshahed
Date: 07/20/2018
Location: The British Museum London England
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: The British Museum has displayed Egyptian objects since it opened in 1759, from a variety of typological, thematic and chronological perspectives. The current galleries reflect approaches from 1979 (the Egyptian Sculpture Gallery, Room 4) to 2014 (Early Egypt, Room 64). Temporary exhibitions, starting with the first UK blockbuster, The Treasures of Tutankhamun (1972), have allowed more experimental, nuanced and/or focused presentations, but also displays that diverge from the typically separate treatment of pharaonic, 'Coptic' and 'Islamic' Egypt, such as the exhibition Egypt: faith after the pharaohs (2014/15). We are now considering how Egypt will be displayed in the next generation of British Museum galleries, prompting this colloquium that aims to gather those researching how Egypt – of all periods – has been represented and interpreted for audiences through displays across the world, both in museums and beyond.

Cairo Since 1900: An Architectural Guide (Book)
Title: Cairo Since 1900: An Architectural Guide
Author: Mohamed Elshahed
Abstract: The city of a thousand minarets is also the city of eclectic modern constructions, turn-of-the-century revivalism and romanticism, concrete expressionism, and modernist design. Yet while much has been published on Cairo’s ancient, medieval, and early-modern architectural heritage, the city’s modern architecture has to date not received the attention it deserves. Cairo since 1900: An Architectural Guide is the first comprehensive architectural guide to the constructions that have shaped and continue to shape the Egyptian capital since the early twentieth century. From the sleek apartment tower for Inji Zada in Ghamra designed by Antoine Selim Nahas in 1937, to the city’s many examples of experimental church architecture, and visible landmarks such as the Mugamma and Arab League buildings, Cairo is home to a rich store of modernist building styles. Arranged by geographical area, the guide includes entries for more than 220 buildings and sites of note, each entry consisting of concise, explanatory text describing the building and its significance accompanied by photographs, drawings, and maps.
Year: 2019
Primary URL:
Publisher: American University Press, Cairo
Type: Single author monograph
Copy sent to NEH?: No

Unwrapping Ancient Egyptian Fashion (Article)
Title: Unwrapping Ancient Egyptian Fashion
Author: Aleksandra Hallman
Abstract: N/A
Year: 2018
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: The Oriental Institute News and Notes 239