
Research Programs: Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions

Period of Performance

7/1/2004 - 6/30/2008

Funding Totals (outright + matching)

$254,000.00 (approved)
$254,000.00 (awarded)

ACLS/ARHC/American Research in Humanities in China

FAIN: RA-50015-04

American Council of Learned Societies Devoted to Humanistic Studies (New York, NY 10017-6706)
Steven C. Wheatley (Project Director: September 2003 to June 2009)

Three humanities fellowships each year for three years.

This proposal seeks $378,000 from the NEH over four years--$198,000 in outright funds and $180,000 to be matched by ACLS for a project total, including ACLS cost sharing, of $748,620, to support the program of American Research in Humanities in China (ARHC). The study of Chinese civilization is one of the most promising of humanistic inquiry, but its scholarly demands are heavy, and its practical difficulties are enormous. ARHC Fellowships provide 4-12 months funding for the research in China, as well as the support of ACLS's subsidiary--the Committee on Scholarly Research with China (CSCC)--in attaining placement at appropriate research institutions and gaining access to materials.

Associated Products

The Libertine's Friend: Homosexuality & Masculinity in Late Imperial China (Book)
Title: The Libertine's Friend: Homosexuality & Masculinity in Late Imperial China
Author: Giovanni Vitiello
Abstract: Delving into three hundred years of Chinese literature, from the mid-sixteenth century to the mid-nineteenth, The Libertine’s Friend uncovers the complex history of male homosexual and homosocial relations in the late imperial era. Drawing particularly on overlooked works of pornographic fiction, the author offers a frank exploration of the importance of same-sex love and eroticism to the evolution of masculinity in China.
Year: 2011
Primary URL:
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Type: Single author monograph
ISBN: 9780226857923
Copy sent to NEH?: Yes

Art, Politics, and Commerce in Chinese Cinema (Book)
Title: Art, Politics, and Commerce in Chinese Cinema
Editor: Ying Zhu
Editor: Stanley Rosen
Abstract: A comprehensive reappraisal of Chinese cinema, surveying the evolution of film production and consumption in mainland China as a product of shifting relations between art, politics, and commerce.
Year: 2010
Primary URL:
Publisher: Hong Kong University Press
Type: Single author monograph
ISBN: 9789622091764
Copy sent to NEH?: Yes

Two Billion Eyes: The Story of China Central Television (Book)
Title: Two Billion Eyes: The Story of China Central Television
Author: Ying Zhu
Abstract: Examining the broader story of CCTV in a changing China over the past quarter century, Two Billion Eyes looks at how commercial priorities and journalistic ethics have competed with the demands of state censorship and how Chinese audiences themselves have grown more critical.
Year: 2012
Primary URL:
Publisher: The New Press
Type: Single author monograph
ISBN: 9781595584649
Copy sent to NEH?: Yes