
Research Programs: Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions

Period of Performance

9/1/2005 - 5/31/2008

Funding Totals

$172,000.00 (approved)
$172,000.00 (awarded)

NEH Fellowship Program at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens

FAIN: RA-50033-05

Trustees of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (Princeton, NJ 08540-5232)
Catherine deG. Vanderpool (Project Director: September 2004 to August 2006)
Irene Bald Romano (Project Director: August 2006 to January 2009)

The equivalent of two full-year humanities fellowships a year, for each of two years.

The ASCSA seeks a total of $257,100 for a three-year program to continue support of two to four fellowships per year of five to ten months in duration, in a wide range of disciplines of the Greek world from prehistory to the present. The NEH Fellowship program aims to make the unique resources of the School accessible to a wider scholarly constituency: Blegen Library, devoted to Greek antiquity; Gennadius Library, a collection of post-ancient Greek culture; and the primary materials accessible at the School’s archaeological research centers in Ancient Corinth and at the Athenian Agora. NEH Fellows add immensely to the intellectual life of the School, broadening and enriching the experience of students and scholars in residence.

Associated Products

Architecture of Minoan Crete: Construction Identity in the Aegean Bronze Age (Book)
Title: Architecture of Minoan Crete: Construction Identity in the Aegean Bronze Age
Author: John C. McEnroe
Abstract: Architecture of Minoan Crete is the first comprehensive study of the entire range of Minoan architecture--including houses, palaces, tombs, and cities--from 7000 BC to 1100 BC. John C. McEnroe synthesizes the vast literature on Minoan Crete, with particular emphasis on the important discoveries of the past twenty years, to provide an up-to-date account of Minoan architecture. His accessible writing style, skillful architectural drawings of houses and palaces, site maps, and color photographs make this book inviting for general readers and visitors to Crete, as well as scholars.
Year: 2010
Primary URL:
Publisher: University of Texas Press
Type: Single author monograph

John C. McEnroe (Staff/Faculty/Fellow Position)
Name: John C. McEnroe
Abstract: John & Anne Fischer Professorship in Fine Arts, Hamilton College
Year: 2005

Nancy Klein (Staff/Faculty/Fellow Position)
Name: Nancy Klein
Abstract: Stipendiary Faculty Fellow, The Melbern G. Glasscock Center for Humanities Research, Texas A&M University. Awarded in Architecture for “Architectural Development of the Athenian Acropolis in the Archaic and Early Classical Period.”
Year: 2006

New Discoveries in Old Dig Notebooks (Conference/Institute/Seminar)
Title: New Discoveries in Old Dig Notebooks
Author: Nancy Klein
Abstract: Radcliffe Advanced Seminar
Date Range: 23-24 March 2007
Location: Radcliffe Center for Advanced Study, Cambridge

The Architecture of the Acropolis before Perikles: The Life and Death of the Small Limestone Buildings (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: The Architecture of the Acropolis before Perikles: The Life and Death of the Small Limestone Buildings
Author: Nancy Klein
Abstract: Lecture presented at symposium at Texas A&M University
Date: 10/19/09
Conference Name: 2009 College of Architecture Research Symposium

Building B and the Mnesiklean Propylaia on the Athenian Acropolis (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Building B and the Mnesiklean Propylaia on the Athenian Acropolis
Author: Nancy Klein
Abstract: Published in Archaeological Institute of America 109th Annual Meeting, Abstracts, Boston 2009. ISBN-13: 978-1931909211
Date: 1/3/10
Conference Name: Archaeological Institute of America 109th Annual Meeting

Histories of Peirene: A Corinthian Fountain in Three Millenia (Book)
Title: Histories of Peirene: A Corinthian Fountain in Three Millenia
Author: Betsey A. Robinson
Abstract: Histories of Peirene is organized into two parts: “The Spring and Its Legacy” (four chapters) and “Biography of the Fountain” (seven chapters). Part I introduces readers to the Peirene Fountain both as it was and as it is now, incorporating architecture and hydrology. The mythological origins of the fountain are examined next along with its depictions in art and mentions in poetry. The third and fourth chapters are dedicated to exploration of the initial excavation of Peirene and Bert Hodge Hill’s efforts to excavate and to publish it. Part II details how Peirene changed over time both architecturally and in its usage ranging from its early construction to its romanization to its Byzantine and Ottoman decline.
Year: 2011
Primary URL:
Publisher: American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Type: Single author monograph
ISBN: 978-0-87661-9

The View from the Mountain (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: The View from the Mountain
Author: Betsey A. Robinson
Abstract: Invited presentation at Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA
Date: 4/1/09
Conference Name: Barnard-Wellesley Workgroup in Ancient Landscape,

Rome is in the Details: Roman Remnants in Rehellenized Corinth (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Rome is in the Details: Roman Remnants in Rehellenized Corinth
Author: Betsey A. Robinson
Abstract: Invited presentation at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Date: 4/2/09
Conference Name: Roman Archaeology Conference

Hydraulic Euergetism: American Archaeology and Waterworks in Early 20th-century Greece,” for “Philhellenism, Philanthropy, or Political Convenience? American Archaeology in Greece (Conference/Institute/Seminar)
Title: Hydraulic Euergetism: American Archaeology and Waterworks in Early 20th-century Greece,” for “Philhellenism, Philanthropy, or Political Convenience? American Archaeology in Greece
Author: Betsey A. Robinson
Abstract: A workshop organized by Jack Davis and Natalia Vogeikoff-Brogan
Date Range: 5/28/10
Location: ASCSA, Athens, Greece

Nature and the City: The Fountains of Ancient Corinth (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Nature and the City: The Fountains of Ancient Corinth
Abstract: The Virginia N. Brinkley Lecture
Author: Betsey A. Robinson
Date: 10/14/10
Location: College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA

Fountains and Nymphaea (Book Section)
Title: Fountains and Nymphaea
Author: Betsey A. Robinson
Editor: Michael Gagarin
Abstract: The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome is the clearest and most accessible guide to the world of classical antiquity ever produced. This multivolume reference work is a comprehensive overview of the major cultures of the classical Mediterranean world--Greek, Hellenistic, and Roman--from the Bronze Age to the fifth century CE. It also covers the legacy of the classical world and its interpretation and influence in subsequent centuries. The Encyclopedia brings the work of the best classical scholars, archaeologists, and historians together in an easy-to-use format. The articles, written by leading scholars in the field, seek to convey the significance of the people, places, and historical events of classical antiquity, together with its intellectual and material culture.
Abstract: Contracted for Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome
Year: 2009
Year: 2010
Primary URL:
Publisher: New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press
Book Title: Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome
ISBN: 9780195170726

New Discoveries from Old Excavations (Book)
Title: New Discoveries from Old Excavations
Editor: Betsey A. Robinson
Abstract: Collected papers from Radcliffe Advanced Seminar, March 2007
Year: 2008
Publisher: American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Type: Edited Volume

New Discoveries from Old Excavations (Conference/Institute/Seminar)
Title: New Discoveries from Old Excavations
Author: Betsey A. Robinson
Abstract: Organizer and Speaker. Participants: Michael Boyd, Nancy Klein, Kostis Kourelis, Astrid Lindenlauf, Jutta Stroszeck, Ioulia Tzonou-Herbst.
Date Range: 23-24 March, 2007
Location: Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study

Space, Place, and Lived Experience in Antiquity (Conference/Institute/Seminar)
Title: Space, Place, and Lived Experience in Antiquity
Author: Betsey A. Robinson
Abstract: Invited response to Jorunn Økland, Women in Their Place: Paul and the Corinthian Discourse of Gender and Sanctuary Space (T & T Clark, 2004), panel on Space, Place, and Lived Experience in Antiquity, Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting
Date Range: 11/18/06-11/21/06
Location: Washington, D.C.
Primary URL:

Greek Springs and Roman Fountains: Reflections from provincia Achaea (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Greek Springs and Roman Fountains: Reflections from provincia Achaea
Author: Betsey A. Robinson
Abstract: Invited lecture at Columbia University. William V. Harris, organizer.
Date: 9/22/06
Conference Name: The Romans and Water, Center for the Ancient Mediterranean

Betsey A. Robinson (Staff/Faculty/Fellow Position)
Name: Betsey A. Robinson
Abstract: Associate Professor, Harvard University, Spring 2008
Year: 2008

Betsey A. Robinson (Staff/Faculty/Fellow Position)
Name: Betsey A. Robinson
Abstract: Associate Professor, Department of History of Art, Vanderbilt University, August 2008
Year: 2008

Contesting Supremacy: Landscapes, Arts, and Experiences of Sacred Games in Hellenistic and Imperial Greece (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Contesting Supremacy: Landscapes, Arts, and Experiences of Sacred Games in Hellenistic and Imperial Greece
Abstract: Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, February 2008.
Author: Betsey A. Robinson
Date: 2/1/08
Location: Vanderbilt University

The View from the Mountain (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: The View from the Mountain
Author: Betsey A. Robinson
Abstract: Invited presentation at Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA
Date: 4/1/09
Conference Name: Barnard-Wellesley Workgroup in Ancient Landscape

Rome is in the Details: Roman Remnants in Rehellenized Corinth (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Rome is in the Details: Roman Remnants in Rehellenized Corinth
Author: Betsey A. Robinson
Abstract: Invited presentation at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Date: 4/2/09
Conference Name: Roman Archaeology Conference

Histories of Peirene (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Histories of Peirene
Abstract: Tea Talk at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Athens, Greece
Author: Betsey A. Robinson
Date: 2/2/06
Location: American School of Classical Studies at Athens

Greek Springs and Roman Fountains: Reflections from provincia Achaea (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Greek Springs and Roman Fountains: Reflections from provincia Achaea
Author: Betsey A. Robinson
Abstract: Presented at the Center for the Ancient Mediterranean at Columbia University
Date: 9/22/06
Conference Name: The Romans and Water: Management, Technology, Culture

New Discoveries in Old Dig Notebooks (Conference/Institute/Seminar)
Title: New Discoveries in Old Dig Notebooks
Author: Betsey A. Robinson
Abstract: Organizer and speaker, Radcliffe Advanced Seminar. Participants will include I. Tzonou-Herbst, N. Klein, K. Kourelis, and B.Millis from the ASCSA, as well as representatives of the German Archaeological Institute and British School of Archaeology
Date Range: 23-24 March 2007
Location: Radcliffe Center for Advanced Study, Cambridge

Zeus in Olympia (Book Section)
Title: Zeus in Olympia
Author: Judith Barringer
Editor: A. Erskine and J. Bremmer
Abstract: This book presents a synchronic and diachronic view of the gods as they functioned in Greek culture until the triumph of Christianity.
Year: 2010
Primary URL:
Publisher: Edinburgh University Press
Book Title: The Gods of Ancient Greece: Identities and Transformations
ISBN: 9780748637980

The Olympic Altis Before the Temple of Zeus (Article)
Title: The Olympic Altis Before the Temple of Zeus
Author: Dr. Judith Barringer
Abstract: The two pediments and twelve metopes adorning the Temple of Zeus at Olympia of ca. 470-456 B.C. have been the subject of scholarly inquiry since their discovery in the 19th century. These inquiries tend to treat the sculptural elements separately from each other, or largely detached from their Olympic context, and to interpret the sculptures as negative admonitions about hubris and consequent justice, or about dike and arete, or as political allegories. The present study examines the sculptures as a programmatic unity intimately connected with Olympia and the activities that occurred there and argues that, contrary to previous interpretations, the sculptures were created to serve as positive models to inspire and exhort Olympic athletes to deeds of honor and glory.
Year: 2009
Primary URL:
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts 124, 223-250

Travel and Greek Identity in the Time of Hadrian (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Travel and Greek Identity in the Time of Hadrian
Abstract: Tea Talk at the ASCSA examines Pausanias’ arrangement and expression of his material and evaluates his authorial choices in light of the contemporary literary currents of the day and the cultural milieu of the Roman Empire in the time of Hadrian and the Antonines. The descriptions offered in the Periegesis Hellados are also examined in the context of the archaeo- logical evidence available for the places Pausanias visited. This study reveals Pausanias to be a surprisingly sophisticated literary craftsman and a unique witness to Greek identity at a time when that identity was never more conflicted.
Author: Professor William Hutton
Date: 3/20/07
Location: American School of Classical Studies, Athens, Greece

Mochlos IA: Period III. Neopalatial Settlement on the Coast: The Artisans’ Quarter and the Farmhouse at Chalinomouri. The Sites. (Book)
Title: Mochlos IA: Period III. Neopalatial Settlement on the Coast: The Artisans’ Quarter and the Farmhouse at Chalinomouri. The Sites.
Author: Thomas M. Brogan
Author: Professor Jeffrey S. Soles
Abstract: Part of the series Prehistory Monographs 7
Year: 2003
Primary URL: http:///
Publisher: INSTAP Academic Press, Philadelphia, PA
Type: Multi-author monograph
ISBN: 1931534063 9

The Goddess and the Ancestors at Mochlos, Crete (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: The Goddess and the Ancestors at Mochlos, Crete
Abstract: Lecture at Open Meeting
Author: Professor Jeffrey S. Soles
Date: 3/11/11
Location: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Athens, Greece

The Settlement on the Kastro at Kavousi in the Late Geometric Period (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: The Settlement on the Kastro at Kavousi in the Late Geometric Period
Author: Professor Margaret Mook
Abstract: In A. Mazarakis Ainian, ed., Acts of “The Dark Ages” Revisited: An International Symposium in Memory of William D.E. Coulson, Volos, 14-17 University of Thessaly, (Volos 2010) 427-438.
Date: 6/1/07
Conference Name: “The Dark Ages” Revisited: An International Symposium in Memory of William D.E. Coulson

The Early Iron Age-Archaic Transition in Crete: The Evidence from Recent Excavations at Azoria, Eastern Crete (Book Section)
Title: The Early Iron Age-Archaic Transition in Crete: The Evidence from Recent Excavations at Azoria, Eastern Crete
Author: Haggis, Donald, C.
Author: Margaret S. Mook
Editor: A. Mazarakis Ainian
Abstract: In Acts of “The Dark Ages” Revisited: An International Symposium in Memory of William D.E. Coulson, Volos, 14-17 June 2007, University of Thessaly (Volos 2010) 465-477.
Year: 2007
Publisher: University of Thessaly
Book Title: Acts of “The Dark Ages” Revisited: An International Symposium in Memory of William D.E. Coulson

Gods, Heroes, Athletes & Warriors: The Quest for Immortality at Olympia (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Gods, Heroes, Athletes & Warriors: The Quest for Immortality at Olympia
Abstract: The large scale sculpture at Olympia, its themes, placement and relationship to each other, as well as to the events - political, athletic, and above all, religious - that occurred at the site.
Author: Dr. Judith Barringer
Date: 6/29/10
Location: Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand

Gods, Heroes, Athletes & Warriors: The Quest for Immortality at Olympia (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Gods, Heroes, Athletes & Warriors: The Quest for Immortality at Olympia
Abstract: The large scale sculpture at Olympia, its themes, placement and relationship to each other, as well as to the events - political, athletic, and above all, religious - that occurred at the site.
Author: Dr. Judith Barringer
Date: 6/22/10
Location: Nicholson Museum, Sydney, Australia

The Olympic Altis in 476 (Conference/Institute/Seminar)
Title: The Olympic Altis in 476
Author: Dr. Judith Barringer
Abstract: Research seminar
Date Range: 3/1/09-3/5/09
Location: University of Manchester

The Settlement on the Kastro at Kavousi in the Late Geometric Period (Book Section)
Title: The Settlement on the Kastro at Kavousi in the Late Geometric Period
Author: Professor Margaret Mook
Editor: A. Mazarakis Ainian
Abstract: The excavations on the Kastro, in the northeastern Isthmus of Ierapetra near Kavousi, have revealed remains from a substantial phase of settlement belonging to the Late Geometric period. This settlement is composed primarily of multi-room houses built on naturally and artificially terraced slopes. House sizes and plans vary widely across the site: some structures were new foundations in Late Geometric, while others were established in the Protogeometric period and continued to be used, usually with some modification. This paper 1) identifies the Late Geometric houses and exterior spaces; 2) examines other structures whose function may not have been primarily domestic; 3) assesses the factors that may have impacted the plans, sizes and locations of buildings in the settlement; and 4) suggests access routes through the settlement. Explication of the Late Geometric settlement on the Kastro will reveal aspects of social organization and enhance our understanding of conditions that contributed to the process of urbanization on Crete.
Year: 2010
Publisher: University of Thessaly
Book Title: Acts of “The Dark Ages” Revisited: An International Symposium in Memory of William D.E. Coulson

The Early Iron Age-Archaic Transition in Crete: The Evidence from Recent Excavations at Azoria, Eastern Crete (Book Section)
Title: The Early Iron Age-Archaic Transition in Crete: The Evidence from Recent Excavations at Azoria, Eastern Crete
Author: Donald C. Haggis
Author: Professor Margaret Mook
Editor: A. Mazarakis Ainian
Abstract: The paper presents the goals and results of excavations at the Early Iron Age and Archaic site of Azoria in northeastern Crete. Recent excavations at the site (2002-2006) demonstrate that the seventh century B.C. was an important period of culture change in which the Early Iron Age landscape was substantially transformed. The formalization of civic architecture and the reorganization of civic and domestic space are linked to the changing economics of food provisioning in the civic sphere and differentiation of processing and consumption patterns in various domestic and civic contexts. Public places such as an andreion, temple, and an early civic banquet hall were communal, but each was also to some degree exclusionary, serving to order the status of households and clans, and modes of social interaction. New civic buildings seem to form new contexts for elite consumption, negotiating political power, and asserting or claiming social identity in the early city. The paper focuses on the diachronic changes in the formal structure of the site, economic systems, and social organization from the Early Iron Age until the establishment of the city in the seventh and sixth centuries B.C.
Year: 2010
Publisher: University of Thessaly
Book Title: Acts of “The Dark Ages” Revisited: An International Symposium in Memory of William D.E. Coulson

Dining at Olympia (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Dining at Olympia
Author: Dr. Judith Barringer
Abstract: Commensality marked a range of public and private occasions in the ancient Mediterranean world. This colloquium will explore the evidence for banquets and feasts held in conjunction with or as a form of religious observance. Department of Classics, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Date: 7/7/10
Conference Name: Dining Divinely: Banqueting in Honour of the Gods

Zeus and Olympia (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Zeus and Olympia
Author: Dr. Judith Barringer
Abstract: To what extent do cult, myth, place in the (local) pantheon, and genre determine the nature of a divinity? And how do the Greek gods function in their polytheistic system? But also: how did the Greek views change? What was the influence of philosophy? In what way do the gods in later antiquity differ from those in classical Greece ? In short, the aim of the conference is to acquire a synchronic and diachronic view of the gods as they functioned in Greek culture before the triumph of Christianity.
Date: 11/1/07
Conference Name: The Gods of Ancient Greece: Identities and Transformations, the 5th Leventis Conference at the University of Edinburgh

Ancient Athletics and Civic Identity at Olympia (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Ancient Athletics and Civic Identity at Olympia
Author: Dr. Judith Barringer
Abstract: Lecture at the XIth International Congress of the European Committee for Sport History, Vienna
Date: 9/17/06
Conference Name: XIth International Congress of the European Committee for Sport History