
Research Programs: Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions

Period of Performance

9/1/2008 - 8/31/2012

Funding Totals (outright + matching)

$136,650.00 (approved)
$136,650.00 (awarded)

Fellowships at TLL Institute in Munich

FAIN: RA-50064-08

American Philological Association (New York, NY 10003-7112)
Kathleen M. Coleman (Project Director: September 2007 to January 2010)
Anthony P. Corbeill (Project Director: January 2010 to July 2013)

One twelve-month fellowship a year for three years.

The American Philological Association (APA) seeks to continue a project in operation since 1984: a fellowship program that enables American scholars to participate in a unique international collaborative research project at the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (TLL) Institute in Munich. The TLL has been described by the Encyclopedia Britannica as "probably the most scholarly dictionary in the world." Each fellow has the opportunity to conduct research and write articles for the TLL, to broaden his or her vision of the ancient world, and to work with senior scholars in the field of Latin lexicography. The TLL has been and remains an indispensable reference work for humanities scholars of the ancient and medieval worlds.

Associated Products

TLL Entries: nebulosus, nedum, neo; rasura, recgnosco, refugium, refugus, regredior, rosio, rosus (Book Section)
Title: TLL Entries: nebulosus, nedum, neo; rasura, recgnosco, refugium, refugus, regredior, rosio, rosus
Author: David M. Goldstein
Abstract: The primary aim of the research carried out by Fellows is preparing articles for the TLL. A short article might cover one or two 84-line columns in the lexicon, while longer articles extend over 40 or more columns.
Year: 2011
Book Title: Thesaurus Linguae Latinae

TLL Entries: natiuncula, nativus, natus (-us); reclinatio, reclinator, reclinatorius, relclinis (-us), reclino, recondo (reconditus), redarguo, redargu(i)tio, redargutor (Book Section)
Title: TLL Entries: natiuncula, nativus, natus (-us); reclinatio, reclinator, reclinatorius, relclinis (-us), reclino, recondo (reconditus), redarguo, redargu(i)tio, redargutor
Author: John K. Schafer
Abstract: The primary aim of the research carried out by Fellows is preparing articles for the TLL. A short article might cover one or two 84-line columns in the lexicon, while longer articles extend over 40 or more columns.
Year: 2010
Book Title: Thesaurus Linguae Latinae

The Synchrony and Diachrony of a Scalar Coordinator: Latin nedum ‘let alone’ (Article)
Title: The Synchrony and Diachrony of a Scalar Coordinator: Latin nedum ‘let alone’
Author: David M. Goldstein
Abstract: abstract not available
Year: 2010
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Journal of Indo-European Linguistics

Encylopedic entries: Consonants; Diphthongs; Diphthongization; Dissimilation; Greek Phonotactics; Intonational Phrase; Length; Movable Consonants; Pitch; Phonological Phrase; Split; Syllabic Consonants; Syntax-Phonology Interface; Truncation (Book Section)
Title: Encylopedic entries: Consonants; Diphthongs; Diphthongization; Dissimilation; Greek Phonotactics; Intonational Phrase; Length; Movable Consonants; Pitch; Phonological Phrase; Split; Syllabic Consonants; Syntax-Phonology Interface; Truncation
Author: David M. Goldstein
Editor: et al
Editor: G. Giannakis
Abstract: abstract not available
Year: 2014
Publisher: Leiden
Book Title: Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics

'Ars Didactica:' Seneca's 94th and 95th letters (Book)
Title: 'Ars Didactica:' Seneca's 94th and 95th letters
Author: John K. Schafer
Abstract: abstract not available
Year: 2009
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: WorldCat entry
Publisher: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Type: Single author monograph
ISBN: 978352525291

Language Change and Linguistic Theory: The case of archaic Indo-European conjunction (Article)
Title: Language Change and Linguistic Theory: The case of archaic Indo-European conjunction
Author: David M. Goldstein
Abstract: N/A
Year: 2019
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Transactions of the Philological Society 111
Publisher: The Philological Society