
Research Programs: Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions

Period of Performance

9/1/2008 - 8/31/2012

Funding Totals

$86,400.00 (approved)
$86,400.00 (awarded)

Fellowships in the Humanities

FAIN: RA-50065-08

American Center of Research (Alexandria, VA 22314-2909)
Barbara A. Porter (Project Director: September 2007 to July 2013)

One six-month fellowship a year for three years.

The project will award three six-month fellowships to scholars who have completed their professional training. The project will take place at the institute in Amman and will support scholars with new projects or those with ongoing research and/or publication projects in the humanities relating to Jordan and the Middle East. Each award will be $27,800.

Associated Products

Gendered Paradoxes: Educating Jordanian Women in Nation, Faith and Progress (Book)
Title: Gendered Paradoxes: Educating Jordanian Women in Nation, Faith and Progress
Author: Fida Adely
Abstract: Adely explores the critical issues young people in Jordan grapple with today: nationalism and national identity, faith and the requisites of pious living, appropriate and respectable gender roles, and progress. In the process she shows the important place of education in Jordan, one less tied to the economic ends of labor and employment that are so emphasized by the rest of the developed world. In showcasing alternative values and the highly capable young women who hold them, Adely raises fundamental questions about what constitutes development, progress, and empowerment--not just for Jordanians, but for the whole world.
Year: 2012
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Type: Single author monograph
ISBN: 978022600690
Copy sent to NEH?: Yes

Performing Patriotism: Rituals and Moral Authority in a Jordanian High School.” In Education and the Arab “World”: Political Projects, Struggles, and Geometries of Power, in World Yearbook of Education. 132-144. Routledge. (Book)
Title: Performing Patriotism: Rituals and Moral Authority in a Jordanian High School.” In Education and the Arab “World”: Political Projects, Struggles, and Geometries of Power, in World Yearbook of Education. 132-144. Routledge.
Author: Fida Adely
Editor: André E. Mazawi and Ronald G. Sultana
Abstract: 2010 “Performing Patriotism: Rituals and Moral Authority in a Jordanian High School.” In Education and the Arab “World”: Political Projects, Struggles, and Geometries of Power, edited by, 132-144. World Yearbook of Education. Routledge.
Year: 2010
Publisher: Routledge
Type: Edited Volume
Copy sent to NEH?: Yes

The Emergence of a New Labor Movement in Jordan. (Article)
Title: The Emergence of a New Labor Movement in Jordan.
Author: Adely, Fida
Abstract: 2012 The Emergence of a New Labor Movement in Jordan. Middle East Report 264: 34-37.
Year: 2012
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Middle East Report

These Stones Still Speak: the Progress of Research on Late Roman and Early Byzantine Mosaic Pavements in the Eastern Mediterranean (Article)
Title: These Stones Still Speak: the Progress of Research on Late Roman and Early Byzantine Mosaic Pavements in the Eastern Mediterranean
Author: Britt, Karen
Abstract: 2011 These Stones Still Speak: the Progress of Research on Late Roman and Early Byzantine Mosaic Pavements in the Eastern Mediterranean. Journal of Art Historiography 5: 1-42.
Year: 2011
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Journal of Art Historiography

Review of G. Bowersock, Mosaics as History (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006) (Article)
Title: Review of G. Bowersock, Mosaics as History (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006)
Author: Britt, Karen
Abstract: 2011 Review of G. Bowersock, Mosaics as History (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006). Journal of Near Eastern Studies 70(1): 177-178.
Year: 2011
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Journal of Near Eastern Studies

Identity Crisis? Armenian Monasticism in early Byzantine Jerusalem. (Article)
Title: Identity Crisis? Armenian Monasticism in early Byzantine Jerusalem.
Author: Britt, Karen
Abstract: 2011 Identity Crisis? Armenian Monasticism in early Byzantine Jerusalem. ARAMAZD (Armenian Journal of Near Eastern Studies) 4(1): 128-153.
Year: 2011
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: ARAMAZD (Armenian Journal of Near Eastern Studies)

The Mosaic Pavement in the Sanctuary of the Byzantine Church at Khirbet el-Latatin (Book Section)
Title: The Mosaic Pavement in the Sanctuary of the Byzantine Church at Khirbet el-Latatin
Author: Britt, Karen
Editor: N. Carmin
Abstract: 2012 The Mosaic Pavement in the Sanctuary of the Byzantine Church at Khirbet el-Latatin. In Christians and Christianity, 2 vols., edited by N. Carmin. Judea and Samaria Papers. Jerusalem.
Year: 2012
Publisher: Judea and Samaria Papers. Jerusalem.
Book Title: Christians and Christianity, 2 vols

The Huqoq Synagogue Mosaics (Article)
Title: The Huqoq Synagogue Mosaics
Author: Magness, J.
Author: Britt, Karen
Abstract: 2013 The Huqoq Synagogue Mosaics (, with J. Magness. Biblical Archaeology Review 39.1: 32-39, 66-67.
Year: 2013
Primary URL:
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Biblical Archaeology Review

Through a Glass Brightly: Christian Communities in Palestine and Arabia during the early Islamic period viewed from a different mirror (Book Section)
Title: Through a Glass Brightly: Christian Communities in Palestine and Arabia during the early Islamic period viewed from a different mirror
Author: Britt, Karen
Editor: M. Gharipour and S. Caffey.
Abstract: 2013 Through a Glass Brightly: Christian Communities in Palestine and Arabia during the early Islamic period viewed from a different mirror. In Sacred Precincts: Non-Muslim Architecture in Islamic Lands, edited by M. Gharipour and S. Caffey. Leiden: Brill.
Year: 2013
Publisher: Leiden: Brill
Book Title: Sacred Precincts: Non-Muslim Architecture in Islamic Lands

Preliminary Report on the Wadi Hafir Petroglyph Survey, 2005–2006, with Special Comment on the Distribution of Selected Thamudic E/Hismaic Inscriptions and Rock Drawings (Article)
Title: Preliminary Report on the Wadi Hafir Petroglyph Survey, 2005–2006, with Special Comment on the Distribution of Selected Thamudic E/Hismaic Inscriptions and Rock Drawings
Author: Corbett, Glenn J.
Abstract: Glenn J. Corbett 2011 Preliminary Report on the Wadi Hafir Petroglyph Survey, 2005–2006, with Special Comment on the Distribution of Selected Thamudic E/Hismaic Inscriptions and Rock Drawings. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 55: 233–248.
Year: 2011
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan

New Eyeballs on Ancient Texts (Article)
Title: New Eyeballs on Ancient Texts
Author: Corbett, Glenn J.
Abstract: 2011 New Eyeballs on Ancient Texts. Bible History Daily (October).
Year: 2011
Primary URL:
Format: Other

Desert Traces: Tracking the Nabataeans in Jordan’s Wadi Ramm (Article)
Title: Desert Traces: Tracking the Nabataeans in Jordan’s Wadi Ramm
Author: Corbett, Glenn J.
Abstract: 2012 Desert Traces: Tracking the Nabataeans in Jordan’s Wadi Ramm. Near Eastern Archaeology 75(4): 208–219.
Year: 2012
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Near Eastern Archaeology

The Edomite Stronghold of Sela (Article)
Title: The Edomite Stronghold of Sela
Author: Corbett, Glenn J.
Abstract: 2012 The Edomite Stronghold of Sela. Bible History Daily (December).
Year: 2012
Format: Other
Periodical Title: Bible History Daily

Multiple Posting (Blog Post)
Title: Multiple Posting
Author: Corbett, Glenn J.
Abstract: 2011 New Eyeballs on Ancient Texts. Bible History Daily (October). 2012 The Edomite Stronghold of Sela. Bible History Daily (December). 2012 The Autographed Rock Art of Southern Jordan. Bible History Daily (October). 2012 Solving the Enigma of Petra and the Nabataeans Bible History Daily (August). 2012 Word Play: The Written Word in Ancient Israel. Bible History Daily (July). 2012 GIS in Archaeology. Bible History Daily (July).
Date: 12/12/2012
Primary URL:
Blog Title: Bible History Daily

From Bursa to Jerusalem: from Yesil Turbe to the Dome of the Rock (Book Section)
Title: From Bursa to Jerusalem: from Yesil Turbe to the Dome of the Rock
Author: St. Laurent, Beatrice
Editor: Selim Karahasanoglu
Editor: Deniz Cenk Demir
Abstract: From Bursa to Jerusalem: from Yesil Turbe to the Dome of the Rock
Year: 2014
Publisher: Istanbul Bilgi University Press
Book Title: History from Below: A Tribute in Memory of Donald Quataert

The Jerusalem Museum of Antiquities: Cultural Institutions in a Changing Political Environment (Article)
Title: The Jerusalem Museum of Antiquities: Cultural Institutions in a Changing Political Environment
Author: St. Laurent, Beatrice
Author: Taskomur, Himmet
Abstract: The Jerusalem Museum of Antiquities: Cultural Institutions in a Changing Political Environment
Year: 2013
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Jerusalem Quarterly
Publisher: Institute for Palestine Studies

The Seventh Century Mosque of Jerusalem & the Eastern Entrance to Bayt al-Maqdis (Article)
Title: The Seventh Century Mosque of Jerusalem & the Eastern Entrance to Bayt al-Maqdis
Author: St. Laurent, Beatrice
Author: Awwad, Isam
Abstract: The Seventh Century Mosque of Jerusalem & the Eastern Entrance to Bayt al-Maqdis
Year: 2013
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Jerusalem Quarterly
Publisher: Institute for Palestine Studies

Review of A. Kaplony, The Haram of Jerusalem 324-1099. Temple, Friday mosque, area of spiritual power (Article)
Title: Review of A. Kaplony, The Haram of Jerusalem 324-1099. Temple, Friday mosque, area of spiritual power
Author: St. Laurent, Beatrice
Abstract: Review of A. Kaplony, The Haram of Jerusalem 324-1099. Temple, Friday mosque, area of spiritual power
Year: 2009
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Bibliotheca Orientalis
Publisher: The Netherlands Institute for the Near East

The Town of 'Ain Ghazal (Book Section)
Title: The Town of 'Ain Ghazal
Author: Rollefson, Gary
Author: Kafafi, Z.
Editor: Gary Rollefson
Editor: H.G.K. Gebel
Editor: D. Schmandt-Besserat
Abstract: The Town of 'Ain Ghazal
Year: 2013
Publisher: ex oriente
Book Title: 'Ain Ghazal Excavation Reports, Vol. 3. bibliotheca neolithica Asiae meridionalis et occidentalis

Evolution of Lithic Economies in the Levantine Neolithic: Development and Demise of Naviform Core Technology, as seen at 'Ain Ghazal (Book Section)
Title: Evolution of Lithic Economies in the Levantine Neolithic: Development and Demise of Naviform Core Technology, as seen at 'Ain Ghazal
Author: Rollefson, Gary
Abstract: Evolution of Lithic Economies in the Levantine Neolithic: Development and Demise of Naviform Core Technology, as seen at 'Ain Ghazal
Year: 2010
Publisher: ex oriente
Book Title: 'Ain Ghazal Final Reports, Vol. 2. bibliotheca neolithica Asiae meridonalis et occidentalis

A Different Kind of Love: Compatibility (Insijam) and Marriage in Jordan (Article)
Title: A Different Kind of Love: Compatibility (Insijam) and Marriage in Jordan
Author: Fida Adely
Abstract: Article written by Frida Adely published by Arab Studies Journal.
Year: 2016
Format: Journal
Publisher: Arab Studies Journal

The Elephant Mosaic Panel in the Synagogue at Huqoq: Official Publication and Initial Interpretations (Article)
Title: The Elephant Mosaic Panel in the Synagogue at Huqoq: Official Publication and Initial Interpretations
Author: Karen Britt
Abstract: n/a
Year: 2017
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series 106