The Digital Montpelier Project
FAIN: RF-50006-09
University of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA 22903-4833)
Bernard D. Frischer (Project Director: September 2008 to July 2009)
Worthy N. Martin (Project Director: July 2009 to May 2017)
The Digital Montpelier Project will create the first online scholarly resource for the study of Montpelier, James Madison's family estate. Through a collaboration of Gardiner Hallock, a leading architectural historian of Montpelier, and the University of Virginia IATH, one of the world's leading digital humanities centers, the Digital Montpelier Project will use the Internet to make freely available a rich database of materials collected and created from 2003 to 2008 during an effort to completely restore the Montpelier mansion to the condition that James and Dolley Madison knew in the 1820s. The records in the Digital Montpelier Project database will be linked to features of highly realistic and accurate 3D digital models of the site created by IATH for use at the new Visitor Center at Montpelier. The resulting digital information system will offer users the chance to take "virtual fieldtrips" to Montpelier where they can visualize the evolution of the site in a new way.