
Research Programs: Humanities, Science, and Technology

Period of Performance

10/1/1988 - 3/31/1990

Funding Totals

$20,666.00 (approved)
$20,666.00 (awarded)

Guided Studies of Great Texts: Kepler on Planetary Motion

FAIN: RH-20886-88

William Donahue
Unaffiliated independent scholar

To support the preparation of a guided study of the astronomical writings of Johannes Kepler, 157l-1630, in order to make his accomplishments in planetary theory accessible to the general reader.

Associated Products

Kepler, Johannes. Optics. Trans. William H. Donahue (Book)
Title: Kepler, Johannes. Optics. Trans. William H. Donahue
Author: Donahue, William
Year: 2000
Publisher: Santa Fe: Green Lion Press
Type: Single author monograph