
Research Programs: Cooperative Agreements and Special Projects (Research)

Period of Performance

6/15/2020 - 3/31/2021

Funding Totals

$114,219.00 (approved)
$114,218.00 (awarded)

Indigenous Petroglyphs as Social Networks

FAIN: RJ-274018-20

Center for Desert Archaeology (Tucson, AZ 85701-1107)
Aaron Wright (Project Director: May 2020 to October 2021)

Retention of one part-time staff position and creation of four full-time positions for a six-month research project to collect and analyze petroglyphs through a social network framework.

The Indigenous Petroglyphs as Social Networks (IPSN) project will enlist Native American tribal members to develop and facilitate the ingestion of a large volume of petroglyph data into cyberSW 2.0, a centralized online archaeological data synthesis and knowledge discovery system for use by the general public, tribal communities, and scholars. As a data compilation, synthesis, compatibility, and conversion project, IPSN will enable the network analysis of petroglyphs across the American Southwest via cyberSW’s Neo4J graph database to address questions about social identity, territoriality, and religious expression at scales never before possible and with a resolution never before attempted. In light of the current public health crisis, four Data Specialists from the Fort Yuma Quechan Indian Tribe and a project director will work exclusively from their homes to carry out the project’s activities.

Associated Products

Rock Imagery of Southwestern Arizona (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Rock Imagery of Southwestern Arizona
Abstract: Indigenous petroglyphs of southern Arizona have been the subject of Euro-American confusion and curiosity for more than 300 years. While subjected to professional study and scrutiny for nearly a century, anthropologists still know little about them. This presentation reviews the history and current status of rock imagery research across southern Arizona, with particular attention to the delineation of regional and cultural styles, behavioral significance, and avenues of future investigation.
Author: Aaron M Wright
Date: 10/29/2022
Location: Elks Lodge, Sedona, Arizona
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Schedule for Annual State Meeting of the Arizona Archaeological Society

Rock Imagery of Southern Arizona (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Rock Imagery of Southern Arizona
Abstract: Indigenous petroglyphs of southern Arizona have been the subject of Euro-American confusion and curiosity for more than 300 years. While subjected to professional study and scrutiny for nearly a century, anthropologists still know little about them. This presentation reviews the history and current status of rock imagery research across southern Arizona, with particular attention to the delineation of regional and cultural styles, behavioral significance, and avenues of future investigation.
Author: Aaron M. Wright
Date: 12/13/2022
Location: Pueblo Grande Museum, Phoenix
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Petroglyph Newsletter of the Arizona Archaeological Society, announcing the monthly lecture for the Phoenix Chapter.

Rock Imagery of Southern Arizona: A Status Report (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Rock Imagery of Southern Arizona: A Status Report
Abstract: Aaron Wright will speak about Rock Imagery Research across Southern Arizona: A Status Report. Aaron, who is with Archaeology Southwest, is a leading scholar on rock art in the southern deserts and he recently spoke at the annual AAS meeting in Sedona. There will be a dinner with the speaker at Augies at 4:30.
Author: Aaron M. Wright
Date: 01/18/2023
Location: Mseum of Indigenous People, Prescott, Arizona
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Petroglyph newsletter announcing monthly lecture for the Yavapai Chapter of the Arizona Archaeological Society

Test article 1/31/2023 (Article)
Title: Test article 1/31/2023
Author: Peter Losin
Abstract: This is an abstract. This is an abstract. This is an abstract. This is an abstract. This is an abstract. This is an abstract. This is an abstract. This is an abstract. This is an abstract. This is an abstract. This is an abstract. This is an abstract. This is an abstract. This is an abstract. This is an abstract. This is an abstract. This is an abstract. This is an abstract.
Year: 2023
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Primary URL
Periodical Title: Metastudies
Publisher: Government Printing Office