
Research Programs: Scholarly Editions and Translations

Period of Performance

10/1/2017 - 9/30/2019

Funding Totals (outright + matching)

$420,000.00 (approved)
$420,000.00 (awarded)

Papers of George Washington

FAIN: RQ-255714-17

University of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA 22903-4833)
William M. Ferraro (Project Director: December 2016 to October 2018)
Jennifer Steenshorne (Project Director: October 2018 to July 2019)
Jennifer Stertzer (Project Director: July 2019 to September 2024)

Preparation for publication of volumes 20 and 21 of the Presidential series and volumes 26-32 of the Revolutionary War series of the papers of George Washington (1732-1799). (24 months)

The Papers of George Washington is a historical documentary editing project that is engaged in publishing a modern comprehensive edition of George Washington's public and private papers. The significance of The Papers of George Washington project rests initially on the profound importance of Washington's correspondence. This edition provides unique insight into Washington's activities as commander in chief of the Continental army, president of the Constitutional Convention, and first president of the republic.

Associated Products

The Papers of George Washington (Web Resource)
Title: The Papers of George Washington
Author: William Ferraro
Abstract: The Papers of George Washington documentary editing project was founded at the University of Virginia in 1968, under then–editor in chief Donald Jackson. While conducting a worldwide document search that eventually netted copies of some 140,000 documents (and is still underway), the project published Washington’s diaries in six volumes (1976–1979), and began publishing Washington’s general correspondence in multiple series in 1983
Year: 2017
Primary URL:

George Washington's Barbados Diary (Book)
Title: George Washington's Barbados Diary
Author: George Washington
Editor: Wiliam M. Ferraro, Editior in Chief
Editor: Lynn A. Price, Editor
Editor: Alicia K. Anderson, Editor
Abstract: In the autumn of 1751, at the age of nineteen, George Washington sailed with his older half-brother Lawrence from Virginia to the Caribbean island of Barbados—the one and only time that the future Revolutionary War hero and president would leave the shores of continental North America. Lawrence had long been in poor health and hoped, in vain, that the island climate would prove restorative. The Washingtons landed in early November, and George spent seven weeks on Barbados, recording his impressions of everything from the exotic landscapes and local culture, to the cultivation of sugarcane and the particulars of plantation slavery, before bidding his brother adieu and embarking on the return sail to Virginia. The two sea voyages provided plenty of adventure, at times harrowing, and framed an island interlude that exposed young George to new cultures and new experiences—and also to smallpox. His exposure to the dread disease, and his resulting immunity, would prove fateful a quarter century later when the commander in chief of the ragtag American revolutionary forces blunted a threat more grave than British cannon by directing the immunization of his troops. Technological advances and fresh scholarship make this the most comprehensive and authoritative edition that has ever been--or likely will ever be--published.
Year: 2018
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: WorldCat listing
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Publisher's listing
Access Model: Book
Publisher: Charlottesville and London: University of Virginia Press
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 9780813941370
Copy sent to NEH?: Yes

The Papers of George Washington, Revolutionary War Series 26: 13 May - 4 July 1780 (Book)
Title: The Papers of George Washington, Revolutionary War Series 26: 13 May - 4 July 1780
Author: George Washington
Editor: Jennifer E. Steenshorne, Director and Editor in Chief
Editor: Wiliam M. Ferraro, Managing Editor
Editor: Jennifer E. Stertzer, Senior Editor
Editor: Thomas E. Dulan, Associate Editor
Editor: Benjamin L. Huggins, Associate Editor and Volume Editor
Editor: Adrina Garbooshian-Huggins, Assistant Editor and Volume Editor
Editor: Dana J. Stefanelli, Assistant Editor
Editor: Jeffrey L. Zvengrowski, Assistant Editor
Editor: Erica Cavanaugh, Research Editor
Editor: Jane Haxby, Research Editor
Abstract: The Revolutionary War Series (1775–83) presents in documents and annotations the myriad military and political matters with which Washington dealt during the long war. In this book, Volume 26 of the Revolutionary War Series, Gen. George Washington and his troops transition from the more static affairs of winter encampment to active operations that would include two battles against the British. Throughout the volume, logistics and recruiting dominate Washington’s correspondence, but in June, active combat operations added another layer to his already heavy workload as commander in chief of the army.
Year: 2018
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: WorldCat listing
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Publisher's listing
Access Model: Book
Publisher: Charlottesville and London: University of Virginia Press
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 9780813941677
Copy sent to NEH?: Yes

The Papers of George Washington, Presidential Series 20: 1 April - 21 September 1796 (Book)
Title: The Papers of George Washington, Presidential Series 20: 1 April - 21 September 1796
Author: George Washington
Editor: Jennifer E. Steenshorne, Director and Editor in Chief
Editor: Thomas E. Dulan, Associate Editor
Editor: Benjamin L. Huggins, Associate Editor
Editor: Adrina Garbooshian-Huggins, Assistant Editor
Editor: Dana J. Stefanelli, Assistant Editor
Editor: Jeffrey L. Zvengrowski, Assistant Editor
Editor: Jennifer E. Stertzer, Center for Digital editing (CDE)
Editor: Erica Cavanaugh, Research Editor, CDE
Editor: David R. Hoth, Senior Editor and Volume Editor
Editor: William M. Ferraro, Senior Associate Editor and Volume Editor
Abstract: Throughout volume 20 of the Presidential Series, George Washington looked forward to retirement from public life, preparing a farewell address to announce his intention and leave behind guiding principles for the nation. Relations with Great Britain and France dominated foreign policy, as the House of Representatives agreed to implement the provisions of the Jay Treaty and as the president responded to a looming diplomatic crisis by recalling James Monroe, U.S. minister to France. Washington also remained involved with his private affairs, taking pains to retrieve Martha Washington's runaway slave Ona (Oney) Judge, actions that did not square easily with aspirations expressed in his farewell address regarding "the happiness of the people of these States, under the auspices of liberty."
Year: 2019
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: WorldCat listing
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Publisher's listing
Access Model: Book
Publisher: Charlottesville and London: University of Virginia Press
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 9780813943046
Copy sent to NEH?: Yes

The George Washington Financial Papers Project (Web Resource)
Title: The George Washington Financial Papers Project
Author: Stertzer, Jennifer
Abstract: The GWFPP exists at the intersection of two challenges editors currently face: managing complicated editorial work and navigating the world of digital publication. The project focuses on a particularly difficult and dynamic dataset—financial documents. Work has advanced on three interconnected fronts: 1) developing document templates for both traditional financial documents, such as account books and ledgers, and for more esoteric texts, including receipts, journals, and memoranda; 2) developing taxonomies and data visualizations; and 3) constructing an open-source platform for content management, editing, and publication. In the course of tackling these challenges, the project has not only developed an open-access digital edition of GW's, but also laid the groundwork for a Drupal for Editors prototype. This Drupal-based, open-source, editorial/publication platform will provide editors with a stable, flexible, and powerful platform to build engaging digital editions of financial documents.
Year: 2016
Primary URL: