
Research Programs: Scholarly Editions and Translations

Period of Performance

10/1/2020 - 5/31/2024

Funding Totals

$299,763.00 (approved)
$299,763.00 (awarded)

Middle English Text Series (METS)

FAIN: RQ-271213-20

University of Rochester (Rochester, NY 14627-0001)
Thomas G. Hahn (Project Director: December 2019 to present)

Preparation for print and digital publication of six volumes of medieval literary texts (13th to 15th centuries) and implementation of an updated digital interface to enhance and expand user access. (36 months)

The Middle English Text Series (METS) is now in its 29th year of providing affordable and open-access critical editions of medieval texts for researchers and students. Ninety-five volumes have been published as of fall 2019. This proposal requests funding to support the print and digital publication of 6 volumes, and implementation of a re-designed digital edition to enhance and expand user access, support, and interaction. The primary purpose of METS is to make available for scholarly use critical editions of the textual tradition of medieval Britain. The focus of this project is upon vernacular texts from the 13th to the early-16th centuries that move beyond the ‘canonical’ authors, expanding our understanding of and access to the multilingual and multicultural culture of a vibrant and global British Isles. With its digital and print editions, the series has a global reach and influence, with users from the U.K., France, Italy, and Germany to China, Korea, India, and Australia.

Associated Products

• William Caxton, Paris and Vienne and Blanchardyn and Eglantine (Book)
Title: • William Caxton, Paris and Vienne and Blanchardyn and Eglantine
Author: Harriet Hudson
Abstract: An edition of two prose romances by England's first printer.
Year: 2023
Publisher: Medieval Institute Press

• Two Middle English Prayer Cycles: Holkham “Prayers and Meditations” and Simon Appulby’s “The Fruyte of Redempcyon,” (Book)
Title: • Two Middle English Prayer Cycles: Holkham “Prayers and Meditations” and Simon Appulby’s “The Fruyte of Redempcyon,”
Author: Ben Parsons
Abstract: See description under Accomplishments.
Year: 2023
Access Model: Completely open access on website of River Campus Libraries, University of Rochester
Publisher: Medieval Institute Press
Type: Scholarly Edition
Copy sent to NEH?: Yes