
Research Programs: Scholarly Editions and Translations

Period of Performance

7/1/2004 - 6/30/2007

Funding Totals (outright + matching)

$400,000.00 (approved)
$400,000.00 (awarded)

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson

FAIN: RQ-50076-04

Princeton University (Princeton, NJ 08540-5228)
Barbara Bowen Oberg (Project Director: November 2003 to April 2008)

Scholarly work on volumes 32-35 of the multi-volume edition of the Thomas Jefferson Papers.

This project is preparing the authoritative book edition of the papers of Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826). No more than 20 percent of the documentary legacy had been published previous to the inception of the Princeton edition. Thirty-five volumes have appeared under the imprint of Princeton University Press, thirty in the chronological series and five in the topical. During the proposed grant period we will work on the final volume of Jefferson's vice presidency (32) and the first three of his presidency (33-35). Together they cover the period 1 June 1800- 31 March 1802.