
Research Programs: Scholarly Editions and Translations

Period of Performance

7/1/2009 - 6/30/2011

Funding Totals (outright + matching)

$275,000.00 (approved)
$275,000.00 (awarded)

The Papers of James Madison

FAIN: RQ-50390-09

University of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA 22903-4833)
John C. A. Stagg (Project Director: November 2008 to May 2012)

Preparation of volumes 1 and 2 in the Retirement Series; preparation of volumes 9 and 10 in the Secretary of State Series; and preparation of volume 7 in the Presidential Series. (24 months)

The purpose of the project is to assemble and edit for publication the complete papers and recorded actions of James Madison. This project proposes work on The Secretary of State Series and The Presidential Series. In order to understand the significance of Madison's still largely undocumented contribution to the development of the nation and its government in the early nineteenth century, it is essential that the modern edition of Madison's papers, especially those that relate to his career as Thomas Jefferson's secretary of state, 1801-9, and to his own presidential administrations, 1809-17, be completed.

Associated Products

The Papers of James Madison: Secretary of State Series, volume 3, 1 March- 6 October 1802 (Book)
Title: The Papers of James Madison: Secretary of State Series, volume 3, 1 March- 6 October 1802
Editor: David Mattern
Editor: Susan H. Perdue
Editor: J.C.A. Stagg
Editor: Jenne K. Cross
Abstract: Not Available
Year: 1995
Primary URL:
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 0-8139-1541-4

The Papers of James Madison: Secretary of State Series, volume 4, 8 October 1802 - 15 May 1803 (Book)
Title: The Papers of James Madison: Secretary of State Series, volume 4, 8 October 1802 - 15 May 1803
Editor: David Mattern
Editor: J.C.A. Stagg
Editor: Jeanne K. Cross
Editor: Susan H. Perdue
Abstract: Not Available
Year: 1998
Primary URL:
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 0813917476

The Papers of James Madison: Secretary of State Series, volume 5, 16 May - 31 October 1803 (Book)
Title: The Papers of James Madison: Secretary of State Series, volume 5, 16 May - 31 October 1803
Editor: David Mattern
Editor: J.C.A. Stagg
Editor: Ellen J. Barber
Editor: Anne M. Colony
Abstract: Not Available
Year: 2000
Primary URL:
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 081391941X

The Papers of James Madison: Secretary of State Series, volume 6, 1 November 1803 - 31 March 1804 (Book)
Title: The Papers of James Madison: Secretary of State Series, volume 6, 1 November 1803 - 31 March 1804
Editor: Mary Hackett
Editor: J.C.A. Stagg
Editor: Ellen J. Barber
Editor: Anne M. Colony
Editor: Angela Kreider
Abstract: In the five-month period covered by this volume of the Secretary of State Series, Madison and Jefferson work jointly to acquire final possession of, and establish a preliminary government for, the territory acquired in the Louisiana Purchase of May 1803 while simultaneously dealing with merchants' complaints arising from the associated claims convention. The loss and destruction of the frigate Philadelphia at Tripoli and the enslavement of the crew, an incident which Madison considered of far less import than did U.S. consuls in Europe and Africa and later historians, shocked Americans. From France, Robert R. Livingston reported the discovery of a royalist assassination plot against Napoleon and the retaliatory kidnapping and execution of the duc d'Enghien, scion of the Condés. At Madrid, Charles Pinckney continued his attempts to persuade the Spanish court to accept both responsibility for French depredations against U.S. commerce in Spanish ports and the American interpretation of the boundary between Louisiana and Florida. vessels throughout Europe from fear of yellow fever imported from the Americas; the customs, terrain, and agriculture of Algiers as described by Consul General Tobias Lear; and the sad tale of the U.S. consul at Rotterdam whose mind was so deranged as to require him to be "subjected to the Straight Waistcoat." Access to people, places, and events discussed is facilitated by detailed annotation and a comprehensive index
Year: 2002
Primary URL:
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 0813921201

The Papers of James Madison: Secretary of State Series, volume 7, 2 April- 31 August 1804 (Book)
Title: The Papers of James Madison: Secretary of State Series, volume 7, 2 April- 31 August 1804
Editor: David Mattern
Editor: J.C.A. Stagg
Editor: Ellen J. Barber
Editor: Anne M. Colony
Editor: Jeanne K. Cross
Abstract: The seventh volume of the Secretary of State Series covers Madison's tenure in that office from 2 April to 31 August 1804, a period in which the bulk of his correspondence dealt with U.S. relations with Great Britain, France, and Spain and the constant struggle to maintain U.S. neutrality in a world at war.
Year: 2005
Primary URL:
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 0813923530

The Papers of James Madison; Secretary of State Series, volume 8, 1 September 1804 - 31 January 1805 (Book)
Title: The Papers of James Madison; Secretary of State Series, volume 8, 1 September 1804 - 31 January 1805
Editor: Mary Hackett
Editor: Angela Kreider
Editor: J.C.A. Stagg
Editor: Mary-Parke Johnson
Editor: Anne Colony
Editor: Jeanne K. Cross
Editor: Wendy E. Perry
Abstract: The five months covered by this volume encompass the end of Jefferson’s first administration and point toward his second. At home, the government was still digesting the Louisiana Purchase, establishing territorial governments for the Orleans and Louisiana Territories, and trying to ascertain the boundaries of the acquisition. Abroad, the shifting alliances resulting from the ongoing war in Europe affected American relations with European nations and obstructed Madison’s and Jefferson’s goals in international affairs. Changes in the diplomatic corps led to confusion, as Robert R. Livingston was replaced as minister to France by his brother-in-law, John Armstrong Jr., and as Charles Pinckney, America’s minister to Spain, given permission to return, opted instead to remain in Madrid and assist James Monroe in negotiations there. Monroe, who had been unable to accomplish his mission of negotiating a convention with Great Britain that would prevent impressment, went to Madrid hoping to persuade Spain to ratify the Convention of 1802, accept the American interpretation of the Louisiana boundaries, and sell East Florida to the United States. Monroe’s task was made more difficult by the refusal of France to support the U.S. position, something he learned at Paris while en route to Madrid. James Bowdoin, named to succeed Pinckney, was prevented by ill health from departing until spring. In the United States, British minister Anthony Merry’s health kept him at Philadelphia for months and Spanish minister Carlos Yrujo’s outrageous behavior and arrogant letters finally forced Madison to seek his recall.
Year: 2007
Primary URL:
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 0813923530

The Papers of James Madison: Secretary of State Series, volume 9, 1 February - 30 June 1805 (Book)
Title: The Papers of James Madison: Secretary of State Series, volume 9, 1 February - 30 June 1805
Editor: Mary A. Hackett
Editor: J.C.A. Stagg
Editor: Mary-Parke Johnson
Editor: Anne M. Colony
Editor: Katharine E. Harbury
Abstract: During the five months covered in this volume, James Madison attended Jefferson’s second inauguration, continued staffing territorial governments for the Orleans and Louisiana Territories, and observed growing factionalism among Republicans as Federalism waned. Abroad, the shifting of alliances that resulted from the expansion of the Napoleonic wars following the declaration of war between Spain and Great Britain hampered Madison in his goal of achieving agreement over long-standing differences with both countries. James Monroe and Charles Pinckney in Madrid were trying to negotiate settlement of the boundaries between American and Spanish territory, to acquire East Florida for the United States in exchange for absorbing claims of American citizens against Spain, and to obtain Spanish ratification of the Convention of 1802. Despite the efforts of John Armstrong at Paris, the French government withheld the support that Madison, Jefferson, and Monroe had expected for the American position on the Louisiana boundaries.
Year: 2011
Primary URL:
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 0813930987

The Papers of James Madison: Presidential Series, volume 3, 3 November181 - 4 November 1811 (Book)
Title: The Papers of James Madison: Presidential Series, volume 3, 3 November181 - 4 November 1811
Editor: J.C.A. Stagg
Editor: Jeanne K. Cross
Editor: Susan H. Perdue
Abstract: This carefully annotated and indexed volume sheds new light on many of the domestic and foreign tensions that were soon to culminate in the War of 1812. The twelve-month period covered in this volume was dominated by foreign policy concerns, as Madison sought ways to compel Great Britain to respect America's neutral rights. The documents chronicle the consequences of Madison's decision to impose non-intercourse against Great Britain to force a repeal of the orders in council following Napoleon's claim that he had repealed French trade restrictions. British doubts that the French appeal was valid--shared by many Americans and possibly even Madison himself--are amply documented. The apparent failure of the diplomacy of commercial restrictions increasingly brought Madison under pressure at home to change his policies, and by November 1811 he was ready to request Congress to prepare for war.
Year: 1996
Primary URL:
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 0813916321

The Papers of James Madison: Presidental Series, volume 4, 5 November 1811 - 9 July 1812 (Book)
Title: The Papers of James Madison: Presidental Series, volume 4, 5 November 1811 - 9 July 1812
Editor: J.C,A, Stagg
Editor: Jeanne K. Cross
Editor: Jewel L. Spangler
Editor: Ellen J. Barber
Editor: Martha J. King
Editor: Anne M. Colony
Editor: Susan H. Perdue
Abstract: This fourth volume covers events in James Madison's first administration between 5 November 1811 and 9 July 1812, corresponding almost exactly with the duration of the first session of the Twelfth Congress. Madison's two most important presidential decisions buttress this volume: his advocacy of preparedness in November 1811 and his request in June 1812 that Congress consider his case for war against Great Britain.
Year: 1996
Primary URL:
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 0813918596

The Papers of James Madison: Presidential Series, volume 5 10 July 1812 - 7 February 1813 (Book)
Title: The Papers of James Madison: Presidential Series, volume 5 10 July 1812 - 7 February 1813
Editor: J.C.A. Stagg
Editor: Martha J. King
Editor: Ellen J. Baber
Editor: Anne M. Conoly
Editor: Angela Kreider
Editor: Jewel l. Spangler
Abstract: Volume 5 of the Presidential Series covers the first seven months of the War of 1812, documenting the problems Madison faced as he led the United States in its first military conflict under the Federal Constitution.
Year: 2004
Primary URL:
ISBN: 0813922585

The Papers of James Madison: Presidential Series, volume 6, 8 February - 24 October 1813 (Book)
Title: The Papers of James Madison: Presidential Series, volume 6, 8 February - 24 October 1813
Editor: Angela Kreider
Editor: J.C.A. Stagg
Editor: Anne M. Colony
Editor: Jean K. Cross
Editor: Mary-Parke Johnson
Editor: Martha J. King
Editor: Wendy E. Perry
Abstract: Volume 6 of the Presidential Series covers the eight-month period between 8 February and 24 October 1813, during which the United States continued its military struggle against Great Britain. The volume opens with newly appointed Secretary of War John Armstrong’s memorandum on the spring campaign against Canada, recommending attacks on Kingston and York (Toronto). United States forces took York in late April, but humiliating defeats followed in June, leading Armstrong to replace Maj. Gen. Henry Dearborn as commander of the Northern army with Maj. Gen. James Wilkinson. In the fall, Wilkinson opted to bypass Kingston and march directly to Montreal, but illness, bad weather, and personnel problems dogged the campaign, which later ended in failure.
Year: 2008
Primary URL:
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 978-0-8139-27

The Papers of James Madison: Retirement Series, volume 1, 4 March 1817 - 31 January 1820 (Book)
Title: The Papers of James Madison: Retirement Series, volume 1, 4 March 1817 - 31 January 1820
Editor: David Mattern
Editor: J.C.A. Stagg
Editor: Mary-Parke Johnson
Editor: Anne M. Colony
Abstract: The first volume of the Retirement Series covers the period between 4 March 1817, when Madison left the presidency, and 31 January 1820, years when he and Dolley Payne Madison settled once again into the rhythms of rural life at their beloved home, Montpelier. Madison's retirement was a busy and productive one. The management of his large plantation occupied a great deal of his time. The correspondence in this volume reveals aspects of life at Montpelier, whether it be land sales and boundary surveys, sales of tobacco and wheat, court suits, medical bills, or purchases of household goods.
Year: 2009
Primary URL:
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 9780813928494