
Research Programs: Scholarly Editions and Translations

Period of Performance

9/1/2012 - 8/31/2017

Funding Totals

$289,697.00 (approved)
$289,697.00 (awarded)

The Hamburg Dramaturgy by G.E. Lessing: A New and Complete Annotated English Translation

FAIN: RQ-50646-12

Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3815)
Wendy Arons (Project Director: December 2011 to May 2018)

The preparation of an edition the Hamburg Dramaturgy consisting of 101 short essays of critical commentary on stage productions at the Hamburg National Theater, written by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729-1781), a seminal figure of the German Enlightenment. (36 months)

The purpose of this project is to publish the first complete and fully annotated English translation of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing's "Hamburg Dramaturgy" (1767-1769). This text, a collection of 101 short essays written as critical commentary on productions staged at the short-lived Hamburg National Theater, represents one of the first sustained critical engagements with the potential of theater as a vehicle for the advancement of humanistic discourse. A complete translation of this seminal work of the Enlightenment will open new areas of inquiry to scholarship across many disciplines, including philosophy, history, aesthetic theory, and the history of performance. Lessing's discussion of a broad array of topics in this text--including Shakespeare, Aristotle, religious tolerance, the role of compassion in human relations, and his own approach to criticism and argumentation--offers rich material that promises to broaden our understanding of his contribution to the humanities.

Media Coverage

CMU gains National Endowment for the Humanities Grant (Media Coverage)
Publication: Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Date: 10/12/2012

School of Drama wins its first NEH Grant (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Allison Cosby
Publication: The Tartan
Date: 11/5/2012

Associated Products

Hamburg Dramaturgy: A New and Complete Translation (Web Resource)
Title: Hamburg Dramaturgy: A New and Complete Translation
Author: Wendy Arons
Author: Sara Figal
Author: Natalya Baldyga
Abstract: While Lessing made numerous contributions to aesthetic theory in his lifetime, the text that most cogently and comprehensively documents his dramatic theory—and the text that has had the greatest historical and intellectual influence on the practice and theory of theater—is the Hamburg Dramaturgy (Hamburgische Dramaturgie, 1767-1769). This collection of 101 short essays represents one of the first sustained critical engagements with the potential of theater as a vehicle for the advancement of humanistic discourse. Our translation is the first complete and annotated translation into English of this key text in theater history.
Year: 2012
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: The Hamburg Dramaturgy: A New and Complete Translation: This website hosts the peer-to-peer review draft of the first complete, annotated English translation of G. E. Lessing's Hamburg Dramaturgy, translated by Wendy Arons and Sara Figal, and edited by Natalya Baldyga. The project is currently under contract with Routledge Press, which has allowed us to prepublish our work online for open review. The draft manuscript with comments will remain online even after the translation has been published. The published book will incorporate comments and suggestions made on the website into the final version of the annotated translation, and it will be enhanced by the addition of critical introductions contributed by Wendy Arons, Natalya Baldyga, and Michael Chemers.


Joint ATHE-ASTR Award for Excellence in Digital Theatre and Performance Scholarship
Date: 5/17/2018
Organization: Association for Theater in Higher Education (ATHE) & American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR)
Abstract: The Joint ATHE-ASTR Award for Excellence in Digital Theatre and Performance Scholarship is awarded each year to an individual or team that demonstrates innovation and rigor in the use of electronic/digital media for the purpose of producing or disseminating knowledge about theatre and performance. Eligible projects include but are not limited to interactive e-book and e-journal publications or online material with adaptable and “reflowable” content, such as websites, social media, and EPUBS. They can also include offline publications such as CDs and DVDs, MP4s, etc., as well as digital tools or software for teaching or research, encyclopedias, databases, and so forth. To be eligible, projects should be born digital, i.e., not intended for print media (although secondary print-based outcomes will not affect eligibility). The PI should be a member of either ATHE or ASTR, but co-PIs need not all be members for the project to be considered.

"The 'Open-Sourced' Hamburg Dramaturgy: A Twenty-first-Century Invitation to Interact with an Eighteenth-Century Work in Progress." (Article)
Title: "The 'Open-Sourced' Hamburg Dramaturgy: A Twenty-first-Century Invitation to Interact with an Eighteenth-Century Work in Progress."
Author: Wendy Arons
Author: Natalya Baldyga
Author: Michael Chemers
Author: Sara Figal
Abstract: Describes the new translation of the Hamburg Dramaturgy and suggests ways scholars can interface with the website and use it as a teaching/research resource.
Year: 2014
Primary URL: Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/tt.2014.0026
Access Model: Subscription
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Theatre Topics 24.2 (2014): 145-148. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/tt.2014.0026

"The Hamburg Dramaturgy in the Digital Age […]." (Book Section)
Title: "The Hamburg Dramaturgy in the Digital Age […]."
Author: Wendy Arons
Author: Natalya Baldyga
Editor: Monika Fick
Abstract: Describes translation project and use of digital platform to publish the work.
Year: 2014
Access Model: subscription
Publisher: Wallstein
Book Title: Lessing Yearbook/Jahrbuch 41 , p. 303-6

“Crowdsourcing a New Hamburg Dramaturgy.” (Article)
Title: “Crowdsourcing a New Hamburg Dramaturgy.”
Author: Wendy Arons
Author: Natalya Baldyga
Author: Michael Chemers
Abstract: Describes the open peer review digital publication of the new translation of the Hamburg Dramaturgy and invites readers to comment & interact with the project.
Year: 2014
Primary URL:
Access Model: Open access
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Review: The Journal of Dramaturgy 23.2 (Summer 2014): 24-26.
Publisher: LMDA

Hamburg Dramaturgy Facebook Page (Web Resource)
Title: Hamburg Dramaturgy Facebook Page
Author: Wendy Arons
Author: Natalya Baldyga
Abstract: Facebook page for the project, to announce updates and progress.
Year: 2106
Primary URL:

"Lessing's Hamburg Dramaturgy in the Digital Age." (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: "Lessing's Hamburg Dramaturgy in the Digital Age."
Author: Wendy Arons
Author: Natalya Baldyga
Abstract: Presented project's aims and goals to experts in the field.
Date: 11/05/2012
Conference Name: : "Lessings Hamburgische Dramaturgie im Kontext des europäischen Theaters." Sponsored by the Lessing-Akademie. Wolfenbüttel Germany.

“Lessing’s Hamburg Dramaturgy –a new translation for the digital age.” (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: “Lessing’s Hamburg Dramaturgy –a new translation for the digital age.”
Author: Wendy Arons
Author: Natalya Baldyga
Abstract: Presented aims and updates on the project.
Date: 04/01/2013
Conference Name: American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies annual conference, Cleveland OH

“Translating Lessing’s (Mis)Translations in the Hamburg Dramaturgy.” (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: “Translating Lessing’s (Mis)Translations in the Hamburg Dramaturgy.”
Author: Wendy Arons
Author: Natalya Baldyga
Abstract: This paper presented methodological challenges we faced in translating the HD (for example: translating Lessing's translations), and and invited feedback/suggestions/questions from the audience, in the spirit of the 'open peer review' we aimed to stimulate on our mediacommons website.
Date: 4/1/2014
Conference Name: American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies Conference, Williamsburg VA.

The Hamburg Dramaturgy – An Experiment in Online Digital Peer Review (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: The Hamburg Dramaturgy – An Experiment in Online Digital Peer Review
Author: Wendy Arons
Author: Natalya Baldyga
Author: Michael Chemers
Author: Sara Figal
Abstract: The fact that the essays that make up the Hamburg Dramaturgy originally appeared in serial form has inspired us to consider how our project of translating and annotating the work might engage a 21st-century Anglophone readership in an analogous way. We have negotiated an arrangement with Routledge Press that allows us to make use of an innovative, web-based "blog" process of public peer-review and commentary on the translation and annotations, and that grants us rights to a persistent online version of the project in that form. Beginning in fall 2012, we began publishing the individual essays online as they were finalized. We had two primary purposes for using digital methodologies for this project: 1) we wanted to make the translation widely available to students and scholars as quickly as possible, and 2) we wished to engage the worldwide community of Lessing scholars and theatre historians in "crowdsourcing" the most up-to-date research and understanding of the work while the translation is in progress. The response to our invitation to the world of scholars and Lessing enthusiasts to weigh in on our work-in-progress has, however, not been particularly robust, and we seek to share this experiment in open, online peer review with other members of the Working Group so that we can reflect on both the advantages and challenges posed by the use of digital methodologies.
Date: 11/8/2013
Conference Name: American Society for Theatre Research Dallas TX

Hamburg Dramaturgy (Wikipedia Page) (Web Resource)
Title: Hamburg Dramaturgy (Wikipedia Page)
Author: Wendy Arons
Abstract: Added information about new translation to Wikipedia page.
Year: 2017
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Wikipedia entry for the HAMBURG DRAMATURGY.

The Hamburg Dramaturgy by G. E. Lessing: a New and Complete Annotated English Translation (Book)
Title: The Hamburg Dramaturgy by G. E. Lessing: a New and Complete Annotated English Translation
Author: G.E. Lessing
Author: Wendy Arons (trans)
Author: Sara Figal (trans)
Editor: Natalya Baldyga
Abstract: While 18th-century playwright and critic Gotthold Ephraim Lessing made numerous contributions in his lifetime to the theater, the text that best documents his dynamic and shifting views on dramatic theory is also that which continues to resonate with later generations – the Hamburg Dramaturgy (1767–69). This collection of 104 short essays represents one of the eighteenth-century’s most important critical engagements with the theater and its potential to promote humanistic discourse. Originally intended to serve as a “critical index” to the repertory of plays produced at the Hamburg National Theater, the essays in the Hamburg Dramaturgy became, in Lessing’s words, “not exactly what I promised to make them: something else, but yet, I think, nothing worse.” Lessing’s essays are an immensely erudite, deeply engaged, witty, ironic, and occasionally scathing investigation of European theatrical culture, bolstered by deep investigations into Aristotelian dramatic theory and utopian visions of theater as a vehicle for human connection. Lessing’s reflections range far beyond merely literary concerns: he explores, among other topics, acting theory and technique, French cultural hegemony, the character of the German people, theatrical illusion, audience reception, the potential reform of the German theater, and the role of the arts within a framework of sentimental philosophy. The Hamburg Dramaturgy thus maintains an extraordinary relevance for dramaturgs, directors, and humanities scholars who see theater as a medium for philosophical and political debate as well as for entertainment. This is the first complete English translation of this text, with extensive annotations that place the work in its historical context. This volume also includes three introductory essays that situate Lessing’s work both within his historical time period and in terms of his influence on Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment theater and criticism.
Year: 2019
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Link to publisher website
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Link to online version of book
Publisher: Routledge
Type: Translation
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 978-0-415-6624
Translator: Wendy Arons
Translator: Sara Figal
Copy sent to NEH?: Yes