
Research Programs: Scholarly Editions and Translations

Period of Performance

10/1/2012 - 9/30/2013

Funding Totals

$225,000.00 (approved)
$224,999.99 (awarded)

The Papers of George Washington

FAIN: RQ-50688-12

University of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA 22903-4833)
Edward George Lengel (Project Director: January 2012 to May 2016)

The preparation for publication of volumes 17, 21, and 22 of the papers of George Washington (1732-1799), Revolutionary War general and first president of the United States, and begin work on a digital edition of Washington's financial papers. (12 months)

The Papers of George Washington is a historical documentary editing project that is engaged in publishing a modern comprehensive edition of George Washington's public and private papers. The project has, to date, published sixty-four of a projected eighty-seven volumes and issues two new volumes, on average, each year. The project also has a Digital Edition, and has begun work on a digital-only Financial Papers project. The project's scholarly value and sustained productivity won it the National Humanities Medal in 2005. This request is for a supplement grant for one year with expansion of scope, covering our production of three new letterpress volumes and development of the Financial Papers project to the point of completion of the content management database; entry of Washington's three main ledger books; and production of a basic prototype web interface.

Media Coverage

Book Review (Review)
Author(s): Charles W. Royster
Publication: Journal of Southern History 78 (February 2012): 150-51
Date: 2/1/2012
Abstract: Summary review of the most recent volumes of the Papers of George Washington, Revolutionary War Series. High praise for content and editorial effort: the editors "have served well both Washington and those who study his career."

Book Review (Review)
Author(s): Van Beck Hall
Publication: Journal of Southern History, 78, 4 (November 2012): 958-60
Date: 11/1/2012
Abstract: A highly favorable review of this volume: "The editors of The Papers of George Washington have continued their exceptional work . . . . The great value of this work to scholars includes not only the editing of the material but also the careful editorial notes that identify all those mentioned in the correspondence and detail the events narrated in the letters. The editors also provided four excellent maps . . . . This volume continues the editors' fine work in previous volumes and should be on the shelf of any reputable research library and of any serious scholar of the early republic"

Charlottesville Right Now Daily Radio Show on WINA 1070 (Media Coverage)
Date: 2/22/2013
Abstract: A twenty-minute interview with William M. Ferraro, volume editor of Revolutionary War 21 of The Papers of George Washington, on highlights of the volume. Emphasis given to GW's leadership in response to the "terrorist" raids on Connecticut, planning of the surprise night attack on Stony Point, N.Y., and humanity in giving his artillery commander Henry Knox leave to attend to his ailing wife upon the sickness and death of an infant daughter.

Book Review (Review)
Author(s): Caroline Cox
Publication: Journal of American History, 99 (Dec. 2012): 892-93
Date: 12/1/2012
Abstract: A highly favorable review that gives primary attention to prisoners of war, the planning of Sullivan's expedition, and the Culper spy ring. "The issue of the prisoners of war," wrote Cox, "is one that shows the depth and breadth of the editing in this series that has won it widespread acclaim." She concludes: "The editors of these papers continue to serve scholars, teachers, and general readers in an exemplary way. Washington would be pleased."

Review of The Papers of George Washington. Revolutionary War Series, Vol. 21 (1 June-31 July 1779) (Review)
Author(s): Harold E. Selesky
Publication: The Journal of Military History, Vol. 77, No. 3, pp. 1108-10
Date: 7/1/2013
Abstract: Selesky favorably reviews the content and editing of this scholarly edition, observing, "we learn as much as we will likely ever know about Washington's management of his army at this point in the war." Selesky concludes: "I admire and respect the monumental task the Washington editors have accomplished in making the man come alive."

Associated Products

The Papers of George Washington: Revolutionary War Series, volume 20, 8 April-31 May 1779 (Book)
Title: The Papers of George Washington: Revolutionary War Series, volume 20, 8 April-31 May 1779
Editor: Edward G. Lengel
Abstract: Fully annotated documents to and from George Washington, comprehensive for the covered period, with scholarly annotations and an analytical index. Major subjects include preparations for the summer offensive against the Indians of the Six Nations ultimately known as Sullivan's expedition, Washington's development of an espionage network, and responses to British attacks on southern states.
Year: 2010
Primary URL:
Publisher: University of Virginia Press
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 9780813930244

The Papers of George Washington: Presidential Series, volume 16, 1 May-30 September 1794 (Book)
Title: The Papers of George Washington: Presidential Series, volume 16, 1 May-30 September 1794
Editor: Carol S. Ebel
Editor: David R. Hoth
Abstract: Fully edited documents to and from George Washington, comprehensive for the covered period, with scholarly annotations and an analytical index. Major subjects include foreign policy related to Europe, unrest on the frontiers, and most significantly, the rebellion in western Pennsylvania to the excise tax on whiskey, generally known as the Whiskey Insurrection.
Year: 2011
Primary URL:
Publisher: University of Virginia Press
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 9780813930992

The Papers of George Washington Digital Edition (PGWDE) (Database/Archive/Digital Edition)
Title: The Papers of George Washington Digital Edition (PGWDE)
Author: Jennifer Stertzer
Abstract: The Papers of George Washington Digital Edition (PGWDE) adds volumes from the letterpress edition on a regular basis. Added in September 2010 were Revolutionary War volumes 17 and 18 and Presidential 14 and 15, bringing the total volumes in PGWDE to 59. Addition includes complete integration of the new material into the table of contents and consolidated index. In early 2011, PGWDE uploaded a corrected and revised Short Title Bibliography after a comprehensive review of more than 2,700 titles that involved letterpress editors as well as the PGWDE team. During this grant period, PGWDE continued its ongoing effort to create and maintain a consolidated index, standardize all author and recipient names in metadata, update the repository list to conform with MARC standards, enter corrections as discovered, and link cross references.
Year: 2011
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Rotunda is the digital imprint of the University of Virginia Press
Access Model: Graduated Subscriptions (The University of Virginia Press is working on an agreement with the Library of Congress to offer free access.)

The Papers of George Washington: Revolutionary War Series, Volume 21, 1 June-31 July 1779 (Book)
Title: The Papers of George Washington: Revolutionary War Series, Volume 21, 1 June-31 July 1779
Author: George Washington
Editor: Benjamin L. Huggins, Assistant Editor
Editor: Edward G. Lengel, Editor in Chief
Editor: William M. Ferraro, Associate Editor
Editor: David R. Hoth, Associate Editor
Editor: Jennifer E. Stertzer, Associate Editor
Editor: Thomas E. Dulan, Assistant Editor
Editor: Carol S. Ebel, Assistant Editor
Abstract: This volume covers two months of General George Washington's active campaigning against the British. Particularly important subjects are the the construction of defensive works at West Point, the American capture of the British garrison at Stony Point, and the complex response to the British raids on Connecticut coastal towns that terminated these terrorist attacks. The documents and editorial apparatus, including three original maps created for this volume, fully illuminate Washington's central role in each of these accomplishments.
Year: 2012
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: World Cat Entry
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Publisher's Listing
Access Model: Book
Publisher: University of Virginia Press
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 978-0-139-3322

The Papers of George Washington, Revolutionary War Series, Volume 22: 1 August-21 October 1779 (Book)
Title: The Papers of George Washington, Revolutionary War Series, Volume 22: 1 August-21 October 1779
Author: George Washington
Editor: Carol S. Ebel, Assistant Editor
Editor: Edward G. Lengel, Editor-in-Chief
Editor: William M. Ferraro, Associate Editor
Editor: David R. Hoth, Associate Editor
Editor: Jennifer E. Stertzer, Associate Editor
Editor: Benjamin L. Huggins, Volume Editor and Assistant Editor
Editor: Thomas E. Dulan, Assistant Editor
Abstract: In Volume 22, Washington is focused on defending West Point, N.Y., and launching whatever strikes he could against the British forts on the Hudson River and bring his operations on the western frontier to a successful conclusion. Though not in tactical command of the devastating successful expedition against the hostile tribes of the Six Nations, Washington, particularly in August, had to dedicate a substantial portion of his time to supervising logistical support for the expedition and defending himself charges of failing to properly support the campaign. Washington's overriding concern in August, other than strengthening the defenses of West Point, was the long anticipated arrival of British army reinforcements that would enable the enemy to renew their attack up the Hudson. After Washington pushed his defensive preparations into high gear, intelligence reports convinced him that the British reinforcements were too few to enable the enemy to launch an offensive. The prospect of the arrival of the powerful French fleet of Vice Admiral d'Estaing on the American coast promised an opportunity to overcome British naval superiority. Washington first designed a limited attack on the British outposts surrounding New York City. Then, after receiving official confirmation from Congress of the arrival of the French admiral on the American coast, Washington planned a major attack on New York itself; an attack, as the letters in this volume show, which Washington designed to be decisive, to drive the British from North America, and potentially end the war.
Year: 2013
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Worldcat lisitng
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Publisher's listing
Access Model: Book
Publisher: University of Virginia Press
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 9780813933665
Copy sent to NEH?: Yes