
Research Programs: Collaborative Research

Period of Performance

6/1/1998 - 5/31/2000

Funding Totals (outright + matching)

$88,750.00 (approved)
$88,750.00 (awarded)

Records of Early English Drama

FAIN: RZ-20298-98

University of Mary Washington (Fredericksburg, VA 22401-5300)
Barbara D. Palmer (Project Director: September 1997 to December 2000)

To support the preparation of a multi-volume edition of the Records of Early English Drama.

The Records of Early English Drama (REED) project is an established, well-reputed international collaboration whose purpose is to identify, transcribe, and publish records of early entertainment in the British Isles. Over the past eighteen years REED has published sixteen collections of records in sixteen volumes, some 9,287 pages of original data on drama, secular music, dance, and other forms of entertainment from its beginnings to 1642, the close of the theatres. Currently eighty percent of the remaining records have been collected, the majority of them by United States' collection editors, and await in-house editorial support for publication. This application requests NEH funding to support the REED Editorial Office at the University of Toronto, primarily the staff salaries which will see United States' editors' research to reputable, accurate, published fruition.