
Research Programs: Collaborative Research

Period of Performance

5/1/2002 - 4/30/2003

Funding Totals

$80,000.00 (approved)
$80,000.00 (awarded)

A Tradition Discovered: Women Writers in Italy, France and Germany, 1400-1750

FAIN: RZ-20857-02

Albert Rabil, Jr
Unaffiliated independent scholar

To support the translation of fourteen volumes in the series "The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe."

Associated Products

Dialogues and Addresses (Book)
Title: Dialogues and Addresses
Author: Madame de Maintenon
Editor: John J. Conley, S.J.
Editor: Albert Rabil, Jr.
Editor: Margaret L. King
Abstract: Ttalks to girls by the founder of a school for girls in the latter half of the 17th century.
Year: 2004
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: WorldCat lsiting.
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Publisher's listing.
Type: Translation
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 0-226-50142-2
Translator: John J. Conley, S.J.

Complete Writings: Letterbook, Dialogue on Adam and Eve, Orations (Book)
Title: Complete Writings: Letterbook, Dialogue on Adam and Eve, Orations
Author: Isotta Nogarola
Editor: Margaret L. King
Editor: Diana Maury Robin
Abstract: Letters and orations by a female scholar in fifteenth-century Italy.
Year: 2004
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: WorldCat listing.
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Publisher's listing.
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Type: Translation
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 0-226-59007-0
Translator: Margaret L. King
Translator: Diana Maury Robin

Laura Battiferra and Her Literary Circle (Book)
Title: Laura Battiferra and Her Literary Circle
Author: Laura Battiferra
Editor: Victoria Kirkham
Abstract: Complete powms of a 16th-century woman in Renaissance Florence.
Year: 2006
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: WorldCat listing.
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Publisher's listing.
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Type: Translation
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 0-226-03923-4
Translator: Victoria Kirkham

Memoirs of the Life of Henriette Sylvie de Moliere: A Novel (Book)
Title: Memoirs of the Life of Henriette Sylvie de Moliere: A Novel
Author: Madame de Villedieu
Editor: Donna Kuizenga
Abstract: A semiautobiographical novel, important in the evolution of the early modern French novel.
Year: 2004
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: WorldCat listing.
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Other Voice Series website
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Type: Translation
ISBN: 0-226-14420-8
Translator: Donna Kuizenga

From Mother and Daughter (Book)
Title: From Mother and Daughter
Author: Madeleine and Catherine des Roches
Editor: Anne R. Larsen
Abstract: Selections from the celebrated oeuvre of a mother and daughter in 16th-century France. See series website at
Year: 2006
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: WorldCat listing.
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Publisher's listing
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Type: Translation
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 0-226-72338-0
Translator: Anne R. Larsen

Selected Poetry and Prose: A Bilingual Edition (Book)
Title: Selected Poetry and Prose: A Bilingual Edition
Author: Chiara Matraini
Editor: Introd. by Giovanna Rabitti
Editor: Elaine Maclachlan
Abstract: A sixtgeenth-century Italian poet who excelled in a number of genres: poetry, religious meditation, discourse, and dialogue. She shifted from her early erotic poetry to religious poetry. See series website at
Year: 2007
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: WorldCat listing.
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Publisher's listing
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Type: Translation
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 9780226510842
Translator: Elaine Maclachlan

Scanderbeide:The Heroic Deeds of George Scanderbeg, King of Epirus (Book)
Title: Scanderbeide:The Heroic Deeds of George Scanderbeg, King of Epirus
Author: Margherita Sarrocchi
Editor: Rinaldina Russell
Abstract: The first historical heroic epic authored by a woman, written in the 16th century about a man who lived in the fifteenth. To be found on series website at
Year: 2006
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: WorldCat listing
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Publisher's website
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Type: Translation
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 9780226735078
Translator: Rinaldina Russell

The Correspondence between Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia and Rene Descartes (Book)
Title: The Correspondence between Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia and Rene Descartes
Author: Rene Descartes
Author: Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia
Editor: Lisa Shapiro
Abstract: Fifty-eight letters exchanged between Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia and Rene Descadrtes between 1643 and 1649. These are the only known extant philosophical writings of Elisabeth of Bohemia. On Other Voice Series website at
Year: 2007
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: WorldCat listing
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Publisher's listing
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Type: Translation
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 9780226204413
Translator: Lisa Shapiro

Meditations on the Incarnation, Passion, and Death of Jesus Christ (Book)
Title: Meditations on the Incarnation, Passion, and Death of Jesus Christ
Author: Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg
Editor: Lynne Tatlock
Abstract: The work of the foremost German woman poet and writer in the l7th-c. German-speaking world. She published under her own name and was popular until the genre itself faded in popularity. On the Other Voice Series website at
Year: 2009
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: WorldCat listing
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Publisher's listing
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Type: Translation
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 9780226864877
Translator: Lynne Tatlock

Selected Philosophical and Scientific Writings (Book)
Title: Selected Philosophical and Scientific Writings
Author: Emilie Du Châtelet
Editor: Isabelle Bour
Editor: Judith P. Zinsser
Abstract: An accomplished scientist and writer (she translated Newton's "Principia Mathamatica" into French), she was a leading figure in Enlightenment France. Her writings have only recently been recovered by feminist scholars. Many of the texts translated in this volume had never been published before. See the Other Voice Series website at
Year: 2009
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: WorldCat listing
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Publisher's listing
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Type: Translation
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 9780226168067
Translator: Isabelle Bour
Translator: Judith P. Zinsser