City Life at Classic Maya Palenque, Mexico
FAIN: RZ-266160-19
University of California, Berkeley (Berkeley, CA 94704-5940)
Rosemary A. Joyce (Project Director: December 2018 to present)
Rodrigo Liendo Stuardo (Co Project Director: February 2019 to present)
Field research at the Maya site of Palenque in southwest Mexico, leading to a scholarly monograph and a publicly accessible website in both English and Spanish. (36 months)
This proposal seeks funding for archaeological research on Palenque, Mexico, a Classic Maya political center. Palenque, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, has been the focus of exploration since the 18th century. It was a key place in the decipherment of Maya writing. The well-studied visual and inscriptional record from the city center provides understanding of palace life and dynastic history. Less is known of city life in general. The proposed collaborative research will advance understanding of Palenque as a city. The project on which this proposal builds used contemporary methods to explore a residential compound of a family belonging to the city's elite, showing the potential to illuminate life in the city as a whole. The proposed project will systematically excavate a sample of residential compounds in neighborhoods defined using spatial analysis, to document the way that repeated everyday practices formed Palenque's way of life.