
Research Programs: Collaborative Research

Period of Performance

10/1/2023 - 9/30/2026

Funding Totals

$249,995.00 (approved)
$249,995.00 (awarded)

Notre Dame in Color: Interpreting the Layers of Polychromy on the Sculptures of the Cathedral of Paris Using 3D Modeling

FAIN: RZ-292864-23

University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0001)
Jennifer M. Feltman (Project Director: November 2022 to present)

Research, writing, and data analysis for a website on the polychromy of Gothic sculptures at the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris. (36 months) 

Traces of polychromy that remain on the sculptures of the west facade of Notre Dame reveal that paint was applied in many layers, perhaps over centuries. Because the chemical composition of polychromy was consistent from Antiquity to the 18th century, it has been difficult to determine the dates of the layers and, thus, to establish the original or subsequent colors of the sculptures. Some upper layers suggest repainting, while others seem related to methods for preparing the stone surface and modeling the sculptures using areas of highlight and shadow. We will develop a 3D model showing layers of paint on the exterior sculptures of Notre-Dame. Data on the stones and paint layers (stone type, chemical composition of paint, and data from historical archives) will be associated with a 3D digitally painted model made using laser T-scanner and photogrammetry (AgiSoft Metashape).

Media Coverage

UA professors recreate sights and sounds of Notre Dame Cathedral (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Gary Crosby, Jr.
Publication: Tuscaloosa News
Date: 9/19/2023
Abstract: Interview with UA project director and team members at the UA Visual Documentation lab. Each team member's expertise and contribution is discussed as well as the overall aims and significance of the Notre Dame in Color project.

University of Alabama Professors Awarded Multi-Year NEH Collaborative Research Grant (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Rachel Dobson
Publication: UA Department of Art and Art History website
Date: 8/15/2023
Abstract: Press release about receipt of the NEH Collaborative Research Grant

Notre Dame in Color: Unveiling Cathedral’s History in Hues (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Adam Jones
Publication: UA News
Date: 9/19/2023
Abstract: Overview of the NEH funded project, Notre Dame in Color

Associated Products

Notre Dame in Color website (Web Resource)
Title: Notre Dame in Color website
Author: Jennifer M. Feltman
Abstract: This website describes the four research threads of the Notre Dame in Color project (1) Documenting (2) Analyzing (3) Visualizing (4) Interpreting I will be updated while the project is underway so that the public can follow along. Public lectures and events are announce here as well.
Year: 2023
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: A web resource on the multi-chromatic environment of the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris