
Research Programs: Collaborative Research

Period of Performance

3/1/2008 - 4/30/2008

Funding Totals

$17,235.00 (approved)
$17,235.00 (awarded)

Medici Archive Project at the Renaissance Society of America

FAIN: RZ-50967-08

Medici Archive Project Inc. (New York, NY 10018-0983)
Ippolita Morgese (Project Director: March 2008 to January 2009)

The Medici Archive Project will sponsor three panels at the Renaissance Society of America (Chicago, April 3-5, 2008). This annual event constitutes the most important crossroads for the Renaissance academic community in America and abroad. Six Medici Archive Project Fellows will present original papers dealing with the history of diplomacy, religion, gender, medicine, and art in the Early Modern period. These studies, based on research from the Medici Archives, are entirely unpublished, and represent important new contributions to their respective disciplines. Fellows will benefit from discussing the state of their work in a forum of world-wide experts from all different disciplines. On a more international level, the Medici Archive Project and its Fellows will also promote their studies and activities throughout the course of the conference.