
Research Programs: Collaborative Research

Period of Performance

7/1/2010 - 6/30/2011

Funding Totals (outright + matching)

$37,800.00 (approved)
$37,800.00 (awarded)

Excavation of Early and Middle Minoan Mochlos, Crete

FAIN: RZ-51142-10

University of North Carolina, Greensboro (Greensboro, NC 27412-5068)
Jeffrey Scott Soles (Project Director: November 2009 to August 2011)

Excavation of the 5,000 year-old Minoan trading center at Mochlos in eastern Crete. (12 months)

The project involves the excavation of earlier levels beneath the Late Minoan town of Mochlos in eastern Crete. Excavation of these levels will uncover an extensive Prepalatial town of the 3rd millennium B.C. as well as some remains of the Middle Minoan period.

Associated Products

Mochlos IIC, Period IV, The Mycenaean Settlement and Cemetery: The Human Remains and Other Finds (Book)
Title: Mochlos IIC, Period IV, The Mycenaean Settlement and Cemetery: The Human Remains and Other Finds
Author: Polly Westlake
Author: Jeffrey S. Soles
Author: Joanna Bending
Author: Thomas M. Brogan
Author: Kelly Caldwell
Author: Tristan Carter
Author: Alessandra Giumlia-Mair
Author: Katerina Kopaka
Author: Dimitra Mylona
Author: Ann Nicgorski
Author: Maria Ntinou
Author: David S. Reece
Author: George ReThemiotakis
Author: R. Angus K. Smith
Author: Sarah L. Smith
Author: Mary Ellen Soles
Author: Sevi Triantaphyllou
Editor: Costis Davaras
Editor: Jeffrey S. Soles
Abstract: Excavations carried out at the Late Minoan III settlement and cemetery at Mochlos in eastern Crete yielded domestic artifacts, human remains, grave goods, and ecofactual material from 31 tombs and 11 houses. These objects are cataloged, discussed, and illustrated. Radiocarbon dates for the site are also presented. The cemetery remains mirror the settlement remains, and the conclusions discuss how the two sites reflect each other. Rarely in Crete are a settlement and its cemetery both preserved, and it is extremely fortunate to be able to document both in a series of scientific excavation reports (Mochlos IIA–IIC).
Year: 2011
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: WorldCat listing
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Publisher's listing
Publisher: INSTAP Academic Press
Type: Multi-author monograph
ISBN: 97819315346