
Public Programs: Media Projects Development

Period of Performance

6/1/2022 - 12/31/2022

Funding Totals

$74,261.00 (approved)
$74,261.00 (awarded)

Coming Round: The Kashia-Pomo Struggle for Homeland

FAIN: TD-285378-22

Fort Ross Conservancy (Jenner, CA 95450-9742)
Sarah Sweedler (Project Director: August 2021 to March 2024)

Development of a documentary film on the history of a Native American tribe’s displacement and eventual return to their ancestral homeland.

Coming Round: The Kashia-Pomo Struggle for Homeland (Coming Round) is the story of a Native California tribe’s remarkably successful effort to recover sacred land and their quest for reunification with descendants of family members brought to Russia at the end of that country’s brief colonial venture on the California coast.