
Public Programs: America's Media Makers: Development Grants

Period of Performance

2/1/2010 - 8/31/2010

Funding Totals

$65,000.00 (approved)
$65,000.00 (awarded)

Mysticism and Monotheism

FAIN: TD-50102-10

Center for Independent Documentary, Inc. (Newton, MA 02458-1341)
Christine Herbes-Sommers (Project Director: February 2009 to January 2011)

Scripting for a two-hour television broadcast and companion website on mystical practice and its contemporary role in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

We are requesting a $70,000 scripting grant for Mysticism and Monotheism, a major two hour PBS project that brings to viewers -- some, for the first time -- an understanding of the mystical traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Mysticism is a topic rich in historical and intellectual influences. The film will unfold through encounters with contemporary practitioners, with "ordinary" men and women of faith, and dialogue with prominent scholars. The project explores the historical origins of mystical practice and connections with contemporary religion; examines mystical interpretations of scripture in the three Abrahamic traditions; offers insight into the theological substrate of mysticism; and delves into the nature of human consciousness. The Bible, Torah, Quran, music and poetry will offer insight into how mysticism developed and is expressed today. Advising scholars include Arthur Green (Hebrew Univ), Bernard McGinn (Univ of Chicago), James Morris (Boston College)...