Hidden Kitchens World
FAIN: TR-50388-12
Kitchen Sisters Productions (San Francisco, CA 94133-5107)
Nikki Silva (Project Director: January 2012 to September 2024)
Production of eight, seven-minute radio stories to air on NPR's "Morning Edition," an hour-long public radio broadcast special distributed to stations, a multimedia website, and a blog featuring scholars each exploring the complex relationships among food, culture, and society.
The Kitchen Sisters are seeking support to produce "Hidden Kitchens World," a new multimedia series that explores life and culture through food across the globe. Inspired by the original NEH-funded NPR Hidden Kitchens series, this new on-air and online collaboration will feature stories exploring what people eat and grow, how food marks our sameness and differences, and how food culture adapts in the face of globalization, socioeconomic conditions and environmental changes. Each story will include perspectives from scholars, as well as video, music, photographs, curriculum and links to a curated library of resources relating to the themes raised within the stories. Funding from the NEH will help produce a multi-faced project featuring 8 stories on NPR, 1 hour-long radio specials distributed nationwide, 8 podcasts, research and development of a smart phone app, and a collaborative, humanities-rich website with audio, video, recipes, images and writings from around the world.