
Challenge Programs: Next Generation Humanities PhD (Planning)

Period of Performance

9/1/2016 - 9/30/2017

Funding Totals (matching)

$24,957.00 (approved)
$24,957.00 (offered)
$24,956.97 (awarded)

The "Living Humanities" Ph.D. for the 21st Century

FAIN: ZA-250723-16

Fordham University (Bronx, NY 10458-9993)
Eva Badowska (Project Director: February 2016 to present)

Planning at Fordham University around six topics to prepare the university to institute wide-ranging changes in its humanities doctoral programs. These have a Jesuit focus and include new curriculum, advising and mentorship structures, and a focus on community engagement.

Fordham University seeks a Next Generation Humanities PhD Planning Grant to develop a Humanities PhD model that aims to make doctoral education in this area forward-looking for future scholars and provides “living” links between doctoral education, community engagement, and multiple careers. We will focus on six planning themes identified through extensive discussions among faculty and students: Revitalize Learning Outcomes; Inhabit the New Learning Ecosystem; Mentor the Whole Person: Career-wise Counsel, Promising Partnerships; Incorporate Service and Community Engagement; Ensure Access and Inclusion; and Cultivate and Curate a “Living Humanities” PhD model.