Humanities at Large
FAIN: ZA-250731-16
University of Rhode Island (Kingston, RI 02881-1967)
Kathleen T. Davis (Project Director: February 2016 to December 2017)
Planning at the
University of Rhode Island (URI) around four topics: 1) potential approaches to stimulate collaboration between programs,
departments, and schools; 2) methods for initiating partnerships with non-academic
institutions; 3) exploration of altered formats or requirements for the PhD dissertation;
and 4) identification of humanities PhD alumni in various fields to advise or
mentor graduate students.
The University of
Rhode Island aims to develop cross-disciplinary and
experiential learning for humanities doctoral students in five key areas. As the state's flagship
research university and a land and sea grant institution, URI has strong historical commitments to the coastal environment and recently extended to the health
fields. The
committee aims to secure partnerships, internships, new collaborations, and
innovative curricular changes that will prepare doctoral students to expand
their career aspirations and to bring the fruits of humanities learning to all
aspects of civic life.
Associated Products
Careers in the Public Humanities (Radio/Audio Broadcast or Recording)Title: Careers in the Public Humanities
Director: Michele Meek, Rachel Boccio
Producer: Catherine Winters, Ryan Engley
Abstract: Careers in the Public Humanities” is a podcast exploring the broad range of positions and prospects open to humanities PhDs beyond the tenure track.
Date: 11/10/2016
Primary URL:
http:// URL Description: Soundcloud
Access Model: Open access
Format: Web