
Challenge Programs: Next Generation Humanities PhD (Planning)

Period of Performance

8/1/2018 - 7/31/2019

Funding Totals (matching)

$24,797.00 (approved)
$24,797.00 (offered)
$24,797.00 (awarded)

Humanities Careers: Re-Imagining Doctoral Training

FAIN: ZA-260710-18

University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA 15260-6133)
Holger Hoock (Project Director: November 2017 to present)

The redesign of the doctoral program in the School of Arts and Sciences to optimize preparation for diverse careers.

Humanities Careers will engage graduate faculty and students across fourteen Humanities programs at the University of Pittsburgh, as well as administrators, alumni, and other stakeholders, in a planning process to rethink humanities doctoral education so as to optimize every student’s preparation for diverse careers. Embracing multiple definitions of student and program success, we will focus on student and alumni data; curricular change; partnerships across and beyond campus, including alumni relations; and experiential learning. We will thus foster a cultural transformation in how faculty, students, and the University envisage the broader importance of Humanities PhDs and the societal impacts of humanistic training. Studying current culture and resources across programs, and investigating best practices nationally, we will create an initial suite of new resources and make actionable recommendations to the University, School of Arts and Sciences, and doctoral programs.