Cannery History Project
FAIN: ZR-256751-18
Alaska Association for Historic Preservation (Anchorage, AK 99510-2205)
Katherine Jean Ringsmuth (Project Director: February 2017 to present)
Development of a traveling exhibition and
companion book on the lifeways and history of the people associated with the
Bristol Bay salmon fishery.
Tundra Vision, a public history consulting business representing Alaska historians, curators and filmmakers, will work in collaboration with the Alaska State Museum, Trident Seafoods, and the local communities of Bristol Bay to collect, preserve and share the stories of the interconnected web of "cannery people"—the company personnel, local residents, Native groups, sailboat fishermen, and chiefly, the cannery workers whose activities are reflected by and embedded in the industrial landscape contained within the historic NN Cannery property at South Naknek, Alaska. The NEH grant will help the collaborators produce a traveling exhibition and companion book that will present to the public an introspective, unique, and colorful depiction of cannery peoples’ lifeways and history.
Media Coverage
How the Epidemic Changed Bristol Bay (Media Coverage)
Publication: KTUU TV News
Date: 12/4/2019
Abstract: New coverage of the exhibit Bristol Bay Remembers, which showed in three different locations in 2019: Naknek Museum, the Alaska Humanities Forum, and Bristol Bay Native Corporation.
Remembering 1919 (Media Coverage)
Author(s): KDLG
Publication: KDLG Radio
Date: 7/29/2019
Abstract: Story covering the opening of the exhibit, Bristol Bay Remembers in Naknek, Alaska.
The Places that Escaped the Spanish Flu (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Richard Grey, BBC
Publication: BCC.Com
Date: 10/24/2018
Abstract: BBC article looking at communities that escaped the Spanish Flu pandemic, one of which was Egegik River, where APA had another salmon cannery.
Saving Stories from Bristol Bay Naknek Cannery (Media Coverage)
Publication: Hometown Alaska, KSKA Radio
Date: 9/6/2018
Abstract: Host of the radio program Hometown Alaska, Kathleen McCoy, interviewed Katie Ringsmuth, Tim Troll and Andrew Abyo about the NN Cannery History Project and why stories of cannery workers matters today.
1919: A Year of Death and Survival. KTVA’s Frontiers. (Media Coverage)
Publication: Frontiers on KTVA TV
Date: 12/5/2019
Abstract: Longtime television host of the serial Frontiers, Rhonda McBride, interviews Tim Troll Troll and Katie Ringsmuth about 1919: The year of death and survival in Bristol Bay.
The Spanish Flu (Media Coverage)
Publication: Korean Broadcasting System
Date: 5/9/2020
Abstract: Contributed information for a story on Covid-19 and the Spanish Flu pandemic for the Korean Broadcasting System.
Naknek Highschooler compete at International Film Festival (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Avery Lill, reporter
Publication: KDLG Radio
Date: 12/7/2018
Abstract: In their film, “Cannery Art,” Kaeli Pulice and Ashylnn Young explore the music, graffiti and poetry of processors at the NN Cannery in South Naknek.
Major Projects Planned for Historic Diamond NN Cannery (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Fisherman's News Online
Publication: Native News
Date: 6/12/2019
Associated Products
NN Cannery History Project website (Web Resource)Title: NN Cannery History Project website
Author: Katherine Ringsmuth
Author: LaRece Egli
Abstract: Project website, updated as needed.
Year: 2017
Primary URL:
http://nncanneryproject.comPrimary URL Description: NN Cannery Project facebook page.
Secondary URL:
http:// Up exhibition planning documents (Exhibition)Title: Mug Up exhibition planning documents
Curator: Aaron Elmore (Alaska State Museum)
Curator: Katherine Ringsmuth,
Curator: Jackie Manning (Alaska State Museum)
Abstract: Included is a link to the project goggle drive that contains exhibit renderings, map, and walkthrough narrative.
Year: 2020
Primary URL:
http:// Bay and the Spanish Flu (Film/TV/Video Broadcast or Recording)Title: Bristol Bay and the Spanish Flu
Writer: Katherine Ringsmuth
Director: Jensen Hall Creative
Producer: Katherine Ringsmuth
Abstract: Short video created to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the Spanish Influenza pandemic in Bristol Bay, Alaska. The story is meant to remember those who died tragically, the unlikely heroes who provide healthcare, and those who would survive to give birth to today's Bristol Bay generation.
Year: 2019
Primary URL: Video
Bristol Bay High School Digital Storytelling (Film/TV/Video Broadcast or Recording)Title: Bristol Bay High School Digital Storytelling
Writer: Katie Ringsmuth (historical content)
Director: Bristol Bay High School Students
Producer: NN Cannery History Project
Abstract: In October 2017 the NN Cannery History Project collaborated with filmmaker Marie Achema, owner of See Stories, who offered a two week digital storytelling workshop for 19 Bristol Bay high school students. Seventeen films were produced and one film on Cannery Art was selected for the International Film Festival for Youth in Anchorage, Alaska.
Year: 2017
Primary URL: Video
The Role of the Diamond NN Cannery in Interpreting the History of the Naknek River Fishery (Article)Title: The Role of the Diamond NN Cannery in Interpreting the History of the Naknek River Fishery
Author: Katherine Ringsmuth
Abstract: Article was included in the NPS Online Series: Alaska Park Science - Volume 19, Issue 1 - Below the Surface: Fish and Our Changing Underwater World.
Year: 2020
Primary URL: Model: Access
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Alaska Park Science - Volume 19, Issue 1 - Below the Surface: Fish and Our Changing Underwater World.
Publisher: National Park Service
“Cannery Caretakers: The Entwined Histories of the Diamond NN Cannery, South Naknek Village, and the Spanish Flu of 1919 (Article)Title: “Cannery Caretakers: The Entwined Histories of the Diamond NN Cannery, South Naknek Village, and the Spanish Flu of 1919
Author: Katherine Ringsmuth
Abstract: This is the lead article in the current issue of the Alaska History journal, which tells the entwined history of the commercial cannery and Native village at South Naknek, Alaska.
Year: 2020
Primary URL: Journal
Periodical Title: Alaska History Journal Volume 35 / Number 2/ Fall 2020
Publisher: Alaska Historical Society
The Language of Work: The NN Cannery History Project Celebrates Bristol Bay's diverse, invisible workforces (Article)Title: The Language of Work: The NN Cannery History Project Celebrates Bristol Bay's diverse, invisible workforces
Author: Debra McKinney
Abstract: Magazine article covers the story of the NN Cannery, the public history endeavor to preserve its history, and the personal connections tie the two together.
Year: 2019
Primary URL: Model: open
Format: Magazine
Publisher: The Forum Magazine
Preserving the History of Alaska’s Canning Industry. (Blog Post)Title: Preserving the History of Alaska’s Canning Industry.
Author: National Humanities Alliance
Abstract: Highlights the NN Cannery History Project's effort to create a 'humanities community' around a 130 year old, historic salmon cannery.
Date: 6/01/2019
Primary URL: Title: NEH For All
Preserving the History of Alaska's Canning Industry
Website: of Alaska (Blog Post)Title: Canneries of Alaska
Author: National Park Service
Abstract: Canneries were built in response to the environment. This series is a summary of some of Alaska's canneries and the landscape features that defined where and how they developed. The overall period of significance for canneries in Alaska begins in 1878, when the first two canneries opened, and ends in 1936, when salmon production peaked. While some of these canneries no longer exist, the landscapes continue to tell of the history and importance of that period in the commercial fishing industry.
Date: 2/02/2019
Primary URL:
Between Two Bookshelves: Humanities Organizations and COVID 19 (Conference/Institute/Seminar)Title: Between Two Bookshelves: Humanities Organizations and COVID 19
Author: National Humanities Alliance
Abstract: Our short film on the Flu caught the attention of the National Humanities Alliance, who called the NN Cannery Project “important, necessary and timely.” In April, the organization reached out to Project Director Katie Ringsmuth, and invited the NN Cannery History Project, along with the Celmente Institution, to participate in a briefing with congressional staffers that took place on June 24, at a time when Congress was considering funds for a COVID-19 relief package. As the recipient of a National Endowment for the Humanities grant, Ringsmuth emphasized to staff the crucial and unique roles that humanities organizations—here in Alaska and across the country—serve local communities, and yet, are under immense financial pressures themselves to carry on those services. As NHA put it, “the NN Cannery History Project is emblematic of such efforts.”
is a quarterly conference call hosted by NHA that offers our members a brief deep dive into Washington, D.C.-based humanities policy.
Date Range: July 2020
Location: Washington DC
Primary URL: Caretakers (clip) (Film/TV/Video Broadcast or Recording)Title: Cannery Caretakers (clip)
Writer: Katherine Ringsmuth
Director: Jensen Hall Creative
Producer: NN Cannery History Project
Abstract: These are outtakes from a larger 45 minute documentary entitled "Cannery Caretakers," which tells the story of the Diamond NN Cannery through the experience of the Native cannery workers. The film will be included in the Mug Up exhibition and is expected to be completed by 2021.
Year: 2019
Primary URL: Video
NN Cannery Project Jukebox Oral History (Acquisitions/Materials Collection)Name: NN Cannery Project Jukebox Oral History
Abstract: Elmer E. Rasmuson Library, Alaska Polar Regions Collections and Archives houses Project Jukebox, which is the Digital Branch of the University of Alaska Fairbanks. UAF collaborated with the NN Cannery History Project to create the NN Cannery Project Jukebox which highlights stories of people associated with the 131-year-old NN Cannery in South Naknek, Alaska. It incudes maps, historic photos, recorded interviews, searchable topics, and full transcriptions.
Director: University of Alaska Fairbanks
Year: 2018
Address: University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fairbanks, Alaska
Primary URL: Cannery Story Map (in progress) (Game/Simulation)Title: NN Cannery Story Map (in progress)
Author: National Park Service
Abstract: Through its underrepresented history program, the National Park Service is developing an interactive story map which will be made available to the public. The map is currently in process.
Year: 2021
Primary URL: Model: In process
Source Available?: No
Cook Inlet Historical Society - The 1919 Spanish Flu In Southwest Alaska: Bristol Bay And Unalaska (Public Lecture or Presentation)Title: Cook Inlet Historical Society - The 1919 Spanish Flu In Southwest Alaska: Bristol Bay And Unalaska
Abstract: We’re proud to have a duo of historians discuss the flu pandemic of 1919. Tim Troll will first share a brief film, Bristol Bay Remembers: The Great Flu of 1919, and photographs from the U.S. Revenue Cutter Unalga that responded first in Unalaska and later in Bristol Bay. From there, Katie Ringsmuth will discuss how Bristol Bay was the last manifestation of the Spanish influenza outbreak in Alaska. Her presentation will share the story of how salmon canneries on the Naknek River responded to the pandemic while local communities, hit hard by the disease, survived to give birth to Bristol Bay’s future generations. She will also share a sneak peek of the Mug Up exhibition, slated to open at the Alaska State Museum in 2002. This is the first talk in the Cook Inlet Historical Society’s 2020-2021 Speaker Series, “Disasters.” All presentations will be free and open to the public; advance registration is required to receive the link via Zoom.
In addition to teaching US and Alaska History at the University of Alaska Anchorage, Dr. Katie Ringsmuth is the founder of Tundra Vision and the director of the NN Cannery History Project, which, in collaboration with the Alaska State Museum, is developing the exhibition Mug Up: The Language of Work, the first museum exhibition to tell the story of Alaska’s salmon canneries through the perspective of the diverse cannery community.
Tim Troll came to Alaska as a VISTA volunteer lawyer in 1978. He is currently executive director of the Bristol Bay Heritage Land Trust, an organization he helped found in 2000. The Trust has conserved 36,000 acres of salmon habitat in Bristol Bay. The Trust is also a sponsor of the NN Cannery History Project.
Author: Tim Troll
Author: Katie Ringsmuth
Date: 10/15/2020
Location: Cook Inlet Historical Society, Anchorage AK, via zoom
Primary URL: URL: and Commemoration: Remembering The Flu of 1919 (Public Lecture or Presentation)Title: Conversation and Commemoration: Remembering The Flu of 1919
Abstract: Executive Director of NN Cannery History Project Katie Ringsmuth, Executive Director of the Bristol Bay Heritage Land Trust Tim Troll, and artist Andrew Abyo will present about the history of the 1919 Flu pandemic in Bristol Bay, followed by Q&As and open discussion with the group. Throughout the duration of the event it will be possible to get a free flu shot by staff of the Regional Hospital.
Author: Katherine Ringsmuth
Date: 12/3/2019
Location: Alaska Humanities Forum, Anchorage Alaska
Primary URL: URL: Cannery History Project (Building)Name: NN Cannery History Project
Abstract: Received from the Alaska Association for Historic Preservation's award for excellence in historic preservation for sharing the history with the larger public and being a good steward of the NN Cannery, one Alaska's top ten most endangered historic properties.
Director: Katherine Ringsmuth
Year: 2019
Primary URL: Up in the Mat-Su (Radio/Audio Broadcast or Recording)Title: Mug Up in the Mat-Su
Director: Katherine Ringsmuth
Abstract: Radiofreepalmer streamed a portion of the event held at the downtown Palmer Depot. Moderated by former KDLG news director Bob King, the event included a conversation with former NN Superintendent Gary Johnson, Alaska Native resident and cannery caretaker, Carvel Zimin.
Date: 10-7-2018
Primary URL: Radio
Mug Up: The NN Cannery History Project (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: Mug Up: The NN Cannery History Project
Author: Katherine Ringsmuth
Abstract: Join Historian Katie Ringsmuth and the NN Cannery History Project Team to learn more about their mission to preserve the history of one of Alaska's longest running salmon canneries and the stories of the people who worked there. The Alaska State Museum is collaborating with the NN Cannery team to produce the exhibit, 'Mug Up,' which aims to tell the stories of the vital, albeit, little-known, cannery crew. Join us and learn how you can be a part of the NN Cannery crew's humanities community.
Date: 2/23/2018
Primary URL: URL Description: Alaska State Library and Historical Collection
Conference Name: Alaska State Museum