
Agency-wide Projects: ARP-Organizations (Research-related)

Period of Performance

12/1/2021 - 6/30/2023

Funding Totals

$460,260.00 (approved)
$460,260.00 (awarded)

University Press of Florida: Exploring Diverse Stories of America through Humanities Publishing

FAIN: ZRE-283552-22

University of Florida (Gainesville, FL 32611-0001)
Romina Gutierrez (Project Director: May 2021 to present)

Development of the University Press of Florida’s work on African American and Latin American Studies topics, including acquisitions and promotions; retaining four jobs and creating seven new positions.

Exploring Diverse Stories of America through Humanities Publishing will help UPF's publications in African American Studies (AAS) and Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS), while hiring for key staff positions lost during the pandemic. The project has the following objectives: 1) support UPF’s capacity to acquire, produce, and promote titles in these two mission-critical areas by hiring new staff and partially covering salaries for staff working on AAS and LACS publications; 2) increase availability of AAS and LACS backlist titles in accessible formats to help disseminate scholarly research broadly and diversify UPF revenue streams; 3) organize and promote a virtual event series that explores and critically discusses topics at the intersection of AAS, LACS, and publishing in the humanities in partnership with several centers at the University of Florida (UF); and 4) provide professional development through paid internships for students interested in publishing.

Associated Products

African Diasporic Arts and Social Change Webinar Recording (Web Resource)
Title: African Diasporic Arts and Social Change Webinar Recording
Author: Jane Alberdeston Coralín
Author: Thomas DeFrantz
Author: Marquese L. McFerguson
Author: Erica Moiah James
Author: David A. Canton
Abstract: This panel explores aspects of African Diasporic culture, gendered activism, and the arts as a tool for social change. Moderator: Dr. David A. Canton, Director of African American Studies, University of Florida Panelists: Dr. Jane Alberbeston Coralín Department of English, University of Puerto Rico-Arecibo "Adjacent and Transitional Spaces in the Poetry of Raina Leon, Racquel Salas Rivera, and Peggy Robles Alvarado" Dr. Thomas F. DeFrantz Department of Theater and Performance Studies, Northwestern University "Performative Scholarship and Social Change" Dr. Marquese L. McFerguson School of Communication and Multimedia Studies, Florida Atlantic University "Remixing Tha Ivory: A Visual Autoethnographic Album Examining How Black Academics Experience & (Re)imagine Academia" Dr. Erica Moiah James Department of Art and Art History, University of Miami "The Geoffrey Holder Project: Accessing Private Black Archives, Reimagining the Print Publication, and Rendering Multi-Modal African Diasporic Art and Artists in the Academy"
Year: 2022
Primary URL:

Race, Environment, Culture, and Political Ecology across the Americas Webinar Recording (Web Resource)
Title: Race, Environment, Culture, and Political Ecology across the Americas Webinar Recording
Author: Sophie Sapp Moore
Author: Alex A. Moulton
Author: Miguel Rojas-Sotelo
Author: Willie J. Wright
Author: Joel E. Correia
Abstract: This panel explores various aspects of race, environment, culture, and political ecology across the Americas. Moderator: Joel Correia Center for Latin American Studies, University of Florida Panelists: Sophie Sapp Moore Center for Environmental Studies, Rice University “Plantation Afterlives: Agrarian Justice in the Afro-Americas” Alex Moulton Department of Sociology, University of Tennessee “In Defense of the Heartland: Maroon Resurgence, Environmentalism and Contested Development in Jamaica” Miguel Rojas-Sotelo Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Duke University “Transversalities: Thinking, Doing, Communicating Environmental Humanities” Willie Wright Department of Geography, University of Florida “Life’s a Beach”
Year: 2022
Primary URL:

Getting Published (Web Resource)
Title: Getting Published
Author: University Press of Florida
Author: Jorge Duany
Author: Sian Hunter
Author: Stephanye Hunter
Author: Darius Young
Abstract: This panel is a nuts-and-bolts discussion of book publishing from the perspective of both authors and editors. It includes a presentation on the publication process as well as a conversation on topics such as expectations, practical advice for working with a publisher, and useful tips for the various steps from submitting a manuscript to a press to helping your finished book find its audience. This presentation is helpful for faculty or graduate students who are or may soon be interested in publishing their work with a university press. Panelists: *Jorge Duany, director, Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University * Sian Hunter, senior editor, University Press of Florida * Stephanye Hunter, editor in chief, University Press of Florida * Darius Young, associate professor, Department of History, Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University
Year: 2023
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: YouTube link.

Career Paths in Humanities, Public Engagement, and Publishing (Web Resource)
Title: Career Paths in Humanities, Public Engagement, and Publishing
Author: University Press of Florida
Author: Dr. Barbara Mennel
Author: Timothy Barber
Author: Jenna Kolesari
Author: Ana Menéndez
Author: Pamela Schwartz
Author: Kiara Thompson
Abstract: From student internships to post-graduation opportunities, this panel focuses on career paths at the intersection of the humanities, public engagement, and scholarly publishing. Panelists discuss their varied experiences working in the humanities in ways that engage the public through archives, museum exhibits, publications, and more. This presentation is helpful for anyone looking to explore alternative career tracks to academia and students interested in internship and career opportunities. Moderator: Barbara Mennel, Rothman Chair and director, Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere, University of Florida Panelists: * Timothy Barber, director, Meek-Eaton Black Archives Research Center and Museum, Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University *Jenna Kolesari, academic promotions manager, University Press of Florida * Ana Menéndez, associate professor, Wolfsonian Public Humanities Lab and Department of English, Florida International University * Pamela Schwartz, executive director, Orange County Regional History Center and Historical Society of Central Florida * Kiara Thompson, assistant director, Sankofa African American Arts & Digital Humanities Initiative (SAAADHI); graduate of University of Florida’s African American Studies Program; and former NEH SHARP intern at University Press of Florida
Year: 2023
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: YouTube link.

Selected Title List (Web Resource)
Title: Selected Title List
Author: University Press of Florida
Abstract: Selected list of titles included in the NEH SHARP project: Exploring Diverse Stories of America through Humanities Publishing.
Year: 2023
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Website link.

Introducing Our NEH SHARP Student Assistants for Spring 2022 (Blog Post)
Title: Introducing Our NEH SHARP Student Assistants for Spring 2022
Author: University Press of Florida
Abstract: Introducing 3 NEH SHARP student assistants: Kiara Thompson - senior - University of Florida, African American Studies Program Murielle LeMaire - graduate student - University of Florida, Latin American Studies program Prajakta Gupte - PhD student - University of Florida, Political Science, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Date: 01/20/2022
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Link to blog post.
Blog Title: Introducing Our NEH SHARP Student Assistants
Website: The Florida Bookshelf

Intern Guest Post: A Look Inside Book Acquisitions (Blog Post)
Title: Intern Guest Post: A Look Inside Book Acquisitions
Author: Murielle LeMaire
Abstract: Murielle LeMaire, an NEH SHARP student assistant, details her experience working in the Acquisitions department of the University Press of Florida.
Date: 05/11/2022
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Website link.
Website: The Florida Bookshelf

Intern Guest Post: Shifting Academia through Scholarship (Blog Post)
Title: Intern Guest Post: Shifting Academia through Scholarship
Author: Kiara Thompson
Abstract: Kiara Thompson, an NEH SHARP student assistant, details her experience working in the Acquisitions department of the University Press of Florida.
Date: 05/16/2022
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Website link.
Website: The Florida Bookshelf

Introducing Our New NEH SHARP Student Assistant for Summer 2022 (Blog Post)
Title: Introducing Our New NEH SHARP Student Assistant for Summer 2022
Author: University Press of Florida
Abstract: Introducing the NEH SHARP student assistant for Summer 2022: Maricarmen Torres Medina - graduate student - University of Florida, Latin American Studies
Date: 6/7/2022
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Website link.
Blog Title: Introducing Our New NEH SHARP Student Assistant
Website: The Florida Bookshelf

Intern Guest Post: The Importance of Marketing and Promotion (Blog Post)
Title: Intern Guest Post: The Importance of Marketing and Promotion
Author: Prajakta Gupte
Abstract: Prajakta Gupte, an NEH SHARP student assistant, details her experience working in the Marketing department of the University Press of Florida.
Date: 08/11/2022
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Website link.
Blog Title: Intern Guest Post: The Importance of Marketing and Promotion
Website: The Florida Bookshelf

Introducing Our New NEH SHARP Student Assistants for Fall 2022 (Blog Post)
Title: Introducing Our New NEH SHARP Student Assistants for Fall 2022
Author: University Press of Florida
Abstract: Introducing 2 NEH SHARP student assistants for Fall 2022: Ivette Rodriguez - PhD student - University of Florida, English department, Caribbean literature Chad Lobo Munteanu - undergraduate - University of Florida, English, African American Studies program
Date: 09/14/2022
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Website link.
Blog Title: Introducing Our New NEH SHARP Student Assistants
Website: The Florida Bookshelf

Reflections from Our NEH SHARP Student Assistants (Blog Post)
Title: Reflections from Our NEH SHARP Student Assistants
Author: Ivette Rodriguez
Author: Chad Lobo Munteanu
Author: Murielle LeMaire
Abstract: NEH SHARP student assistants, Ivette Rodriguez, Chad Lobo Munteanu, and Murielle LeMaire reflect on their experiences working at the University Press of Florida.
Date: 12/12/2022
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Website link.
Blog Title: Reflections from Our NEH SHARP Student Assistants
Website: The Florida Bookshelf

Humanities grant supports expanded press acquisitions in Latin American Studies (Article)
Title: Humanities grant supports expanded press acquisitions in Latin American Studies
Author: Maricarmen Torres Medina
Abstract: NEH SHARP student assistant Maricarmen Torres Medina reflects on her experience working in the Acquisitions department at the University Press of Florida and the work done by university presses. This article appeared in the Fall 2022 issue of The Latinamericanist, the newsletter of the UF Center for Latin American Studies.
Year: 2022
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Issuu link to publication.
Access Model: Open
Format: Other
Periodical Title: The Latinamericanist
Publisher: UF Center for Latin American Studies

Caribbean Crossroad Series (Web Resource)
Title: Caribbean Crossroad Series
Author: University Press of Florida
Author: Lillian Guerra
Author: Devyn Spence Benson
Author: April Mayes
Author: Solsiree del Moral
Abstract: Editors for the new series Caribbean Crossroads: Race, Identity, and Freedom Struggles discuss their perspectives, goals, experiences, and recommendations for prospective authors interested in creating new opportunities and new narratives in the study of Caribbean history. The series editors are joined by Stephanye Hunter, editor-in-chief. Series Editors: *Lillian Guerra is professor of history at the University of Florida. *Devyn Spence Benson is associate professor of history and African American and Africana studies at the University of Kentucky. *April Mayes is professor of history at Pomona college. *Solsiree del Moral is professor of American studies and Black studies and chair of the American Studies Department at Amherst College.
Year: 2022
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: YouTube link

Authors in Conversation: Elizabeth S. Manley and Heather Hennes (Web Resource)
Title: Authors in Conversation: Elizabeth S. Manley and Heather Hennes
Author: University Press of Florida
Author: Elizabeth S. Manley
Author: Heather Hennes
Abstract: Stephanye Hunter, UF Press editor-in-chief and acquiring editor for Latin American and Caribbean studies, hosts a conversation between Elizabeth S. Manley, author of THE PARADOX OF PATERNALISM: WOMEN AND THE POLITICS OF AUTHORITARIANISM IN THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, and Heather Hennes, translator of Minou Tavárez Mirabal's THE LETTERS OF MINERVA MIRABAL AND MANOLO TAVÁREZ: LOVE AND RESISTANCE IN THE TIME OF TRUJILLO.
Year: 2022
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: YouTube link.

Meet the Authors: Angela L. Willis and Rafael Ocasio, The Dissidence of Reinaldo Arenas (Web Resource)
Title: Meet the Authors: Angela L. Willis and Rafael Ocasio, The Dissidence of Reinaldo Arenas
Author: University Press of Florida
Author: Angela L. Willis
Author: Rafael Ocasio
Abstract: Meet Angela L. Willis and Rafael Ocasio, coauthors (with Sandro R. Barros) of THE DISSIDENCE OF REINALDO ARENAS. This book demonstrates Reinaldo Arenas’s influence as public pedagogue, mentor, and social activist whose teaching on resistance to normative ideologies resonates in societies past, present, and future. This book presents the Cuban writer’s poetry, novels, and plays as a curriculum of dissidence that provides models for socially engaged intellectual activism.
Year: 2022
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: YouTube link.

Book Trailer: It's Our Movement Now (Web Resource)
Title: Book Trailer: It's Our Movement Now
Author: University Press of Florida
Abstract: A book trailer for IT'S OUR MOVEMENT NOW. This book offers a panoramic view of Black feminist politics through the stories of Black women who attended the 1977 National Women’s Conference, placing the diversity of Black women’s experiences and their leadership at the center of the history of the women’s movement.
Year: 2023
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: YouTube link.