
Challenge Programs: Cooperative Agreements and Special Projects (Challenge Grants)

Period of Performance

9/1/2017 - 11/30/2020

Funding Totals (matching)

$448,100.00 (approved)
$448,100.00 (offered)
$448,100.00 (awarded)

START (Serving, Thriving, And Reading Together)

FAIN: ZZ-258542-18

Blue Star Families (Encinitas, CA 92023-0637)
Suzi Guardia (Project Director: May 2017 to present)

The expansion of Blue Star Families' Books on Bases literacy program into the humanities-based Serving, Thriving, and Reading Together (START) program.

With the support and collaboration of the National Endowment for the Humanities, Blue Star Families will create an expanded version of Books on Bases. START (Serving, Thriving, and Reading Together) will research and tailor models of “wraparound” family reading programs that NEH has previously funded through state humanities councils - including Primetime Family Reading, Family Adventures in Reading, Motheread/Fatheread, Talking Service, and Great Books - to the needs of Blue Star Families. Under the guidance and assistance of trained scholars and educators, Blue Star Families will create two programs: Family START for children and parents, and Neighbor START for adults. Both programs will foster meaningful discussion and dialogue using literature that explores four main themes: community, service, diversity, and resiliency. START will extend the profound and transformative impact that reading together can have across the military and civilian worlds.

Associated Products

Family Book Clubs (Web Resource)
Title: Family Book Clubs
Author: Various
Abstract: Through this cooperative agreement with the NEH, Blue Start Families expanded their signature program, Books on Bases, to create two new programs, Family START and Neighbor START. These programs brought together military personnel and their families with civilians to explore literature and build community. Due to the pandemic and the inability to meet in person, the Family program, now called the Family Book Club, has been temporarily suspended.
Year: 2017
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: This page on the Blue Star Families website offers information on the program, including a video with interviews from participants.

BSF Adult Book Club (Web Resource)
Title: BSF Adult Book Club
Author: Various
Abstract: Through this cooperative agreement with the NEH, Blue Start Families expanded their signature program, Books on Bases, to create two new programs, Family START and Neighbor START. These programs brought together military personnel and their families with civilians to explore literature and build community. Due to the pandemic and the inability to meet in person, Neighbor START, now called the BSF Adult Book Club, is hosted virtually through Zoom.
Year: 2017
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: This page on their website offers information on their upcoming virtual book club meetings.